Flash Fiction: A Writer’s Friend

If you’ve never written Flash Fiction then you are missing a great opportunity to learn what Literary Agents and Editors are looking for, ‘Show Don’t Tell’.

As writers we make a major mistake when we first begin writing, we look at word count and page numbers. I advise you to either turn off the word count on your program, or put something over it so you can’t see it. Also don’t format for page numbers to show. Just write.

Let the story tell the story. Your first draft is just that, a first draft, a blueprint to build upon.

Sure, the industry looks at word count often but it’s the story that sells. Writing Flash Fiction does something great for your skills. Write a scene as you normally would, then strip it down to under 600 words or 300 words. If you can do this and still convey everything the reader needs to know and feel, then you have accomplished your mission and saved your Agent/Editor and yourself a lot of work later on.

We think more is better but in reality, it’s what you say and not how much you say that matters. Choose your words wisely. Close your eyes and just begin to type what you see of the scene and then come back and work it.

9 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: A Writer’s Friend

  1. This is such a useful article in so many ways. As a writer I try my best to be extremely selective in the words that I use in my novel and especially in my poetry. If you’re using the right words, less is always more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes. Exactly. Words convey emotions, so you can cut out a lot of the explanation. I have done a series of flash fiction called Bus Stop Stories of 300 words or less. It’s been a great practice.
      Thank you comment and compliment.
      Much Appreciation and Respect


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