Women are NOT to be Silent in the Church.

I read my computer. That may seem like an odd way to start an article and an even odder thing to actually do. But I read the things I have written before. One note mentions an Arizona preacher who used scripture to say women are to be silent in the church and that meant not even to say Amen. This was from back in March of this year, 2014.


Let’s just say things inside of me went–

Boom Gif And that’s now. Just imagine what I must have felt to make a note of it!



“34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.”-1 Corinthians 14:34-35



Women are NOT to be Silent in the Church

by: Ronovan

To read the scripture that . . . preacher . . . points to you would say, well he’s just doing what the Bible says. This is the problem with many preachers today. They read but do not know.  First I have to explain something to you. There are preachers and their are pastors. Preachers just get up and preach at you. Screaming Man


Pastors take time and make the effort to tend to the church members.

Shepherd and his Flock painting


1Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.”-Romans 13:1-5


Some may wonder about why certain leaders are in power, but then again look at how the Jews were put under the yolk of others. There is a reason. Often times it is to make us stronger with God. But I digress. Perhaps that will be a point for another article another day. But I don’t put scripture out there in part, I like to put parts that pertain to the scripture I want to discuss so you see the context of it. I don’t pick and choose.



What this passage says, from Paul who also wrote Corinthians is that we are to follow the laws of the land in order that no one may say anything against us that we are rebellious or anything and thus we may continue to live and believe as we like.

What the Arizona pastor apparently does not do when he reads the Bible is look at historical context. In the times in which the scriptures were written it was illegal for women to speak in public gatherings. That is why the scripture says what it does. Paul and scripture were not against women speaking or even being leaders in the church as Paul mentions Phoebe as a deacon of the church which means she worked with the elders of the church in an important role. Even if some question exactly what her role was, they cannot deny her importance in the church.

Paul also, in the same chapter, refers to Priscilla as a co-worker in Christ Jesus.

I listen to preachers preach and I have this alarm that goes off when something doesn’t sound right. I also do a lot of studying on my own. I actually take out the chapter and scripture number references/divisions of the books of the Bible and read them as originally written in order to not read them in a way that man has decided they should be divided up, instead of how God had his handpicked scribes put them to parchment.

Romans, one of the more controversial books and actually one of the most misquoted and misused books, has a very different message than some realize when read as a letter or essay and not with chapter breaks that make you stop and dwell on things where God did not mean for you to, but a man wanted you to because that’s how he thought. The actual real messages are more obvious than you would ever imagine.


Much Respect



© Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites.wordpress.com-July 05, 2014.

9 thoughts on “Women are NOT to be Silent in the Church.

  1. By your logic whatever is written in the Bible only does attend to certain moments in certain times, and cease to be of any value or binding afterwards.

    Although many a past and present-day action by so-called Christians could be easily understood by that stratagem. 🙂

    Best regards,


    • The way I look at the Bible is this, the Old Testament is included in the Christian Bible to show us history and why Jesus had to come. There are good things and bad things in the Old Testament, and that’s one reason I believe them to be true.

      In the New Testament we have the way Christians are to live. The example of women being silent is not just specific and only useful for a moment, what it shows is for Christians to be law abiding citizens and thus not have anyone to have cause to say ill against us as being law breakers or rebellious against the governments.

      A lot of people that use the Bible to justify their actions that are not Christ like do so by taking things out of context, such as this passage today.

      Much Respect and thank you for commenting. 🙂 I like a good discussion at times.


  2. I am not religious in that context but saying women shouldn’t speak in church would definitely bother me too.


  3. It’s the same thing with Islam. Like we have a law that says that you’re not to fast if you’re travelling. In those times, travelling was hard. People used to ride on camels, in the scorching heat of the desert. So yeah in those times it was okay if you left a fast. It didn’t mean you could t fast if you had a two hour flight on an aeroplane.


    • Far from alone. I’ve done much studying. I’ve been a Sunday School Director, Chairman of Deacons, and Director of Student Ministries at my church as well as being into Apologetics which is Defending Your Faith. I only say all of that to perhaps show that I do take things seriously and study before speaking on a subject.

      Much Respect


  4. I like how you’ve explained this. I, too, have studied Scripture, though don’t have a degree. As I read the Bible, however, I read different commentaries, look at margin notes and reference verses, and do my best to understand historical meaning and original language.

    It drives me crazy when anyone – particularly “preachers,” take Scripture out of context to use for their own agendas. Thank you.


  5. You are doing your exegetical work — which is what a GOOD preacher/pastor will do. I love to preach, but I was trained as a pastor. In order to be a good preacher, you have to be a good pastor and be willing to do your leg-work. You have to approach the text with an exegetical lens, not an eisegetical approach. That is, drawing OUT OF the material, rather than pouring your own agenda into it.
    Each and every piece in the bible, as you say, was written within a particular context. These are not things that fell from the sky onto the page (in English) as you see them today. They were written over time, often in reaction to the world around them (especially the letters of Paul! Those were all aimed at particular churches, with particular problems). They were selected by church councils as being the tests that were deemed to be canonical.
    To understand what the passage is saying, you have to know something about the time that it is speaking to. You have to learn something about the context in which it was written, and be willing to look at the original language (or as close as possible). I don’t read Greek or Hebrew (Sadly) but I can look at the texts, use commentaries to understand some of the different ways in which a particular word can (and has or has not) been translated. I will dig into the passage to understand it in its original context.
    And then, then I look to my congregation and community. Because these texts DO speak beyond their time and place of origin, and what helps to inform HOW they speak is the issues that are still relevant. I did a sermon once about Wisdom and Knowledge, drawing on Proverbs 8. There are oh so many ways that Proverb could be read and understood, and so many ways that it could speak to a modern group of worshipers, but what I ended up focusing on, what was drawn out of the text was specific to that congregation, in that moment and the ways that the text could help illuminate the issues they were facing.
    Ahem, yeah… sorry for the ramble — thanks for directing me to this post — a good one, and certainly touching on a topic near and dear to me 🙂


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