The results of Wordless Haiku #2 Decipher

Moon Shadow of a Woman Tango DancersHeartbeat Stumbling Sign Man Falling Men Going in a BuildingHands in Shape of Heart Two arms with infinity tattoos

I want to thank those who responded to the decipher challenge. To be honest I think theirs were better than mine. Certainly a lot more creative. And the final one that came in before putting this together just totally freaked me out and you will see why.

First here are the poems from those who commented to the wordless Haiku above.


From: The Laughable Cheese

under the moon, the shadows dance.
Heart beat trips and falls and lovers walk through the doorway.
Love forever.

From: Florence T.

Lovers dance
under the pale moon
hearts beating
waiting desiring
falling into eternity


From: Life’s Daily Dose

While dancing in the shadows of the moon,

my heart falls openly in love with you,

for always.


From: Meredith

Silvery orb lends light
To spy the sexy shadow
Come love let’s tango


My heart beats with love
To claim you for eternity
Come beside me now


Can you hear my heart
Love tripping falling crashing
Should we go or stay


From: Rachael

Moonlight shadows dance
A heartbeat trips, falling in
Love infinitely


Now for my original of of the Haiku.

Moon Shadow of a Woman Tango DancersHeartbeat Stumbling Sign Man Falling Men Going in a BuildingHands in Shape of Heart Two arms with infinity tattoos

Moon Shadow Dancers’,

Heartbeats stumble, falling in

Love infinity

Remember Rachael’s?

Moonlight shadows dance
A heartbeat trips, falling in
Love infinitely


As you can see there are a few above from that beat mine hands down. I was amazed.  We have some talent out there. You have to admit this was better the the first Wordless Haiku yesterday. Which was:

Cheetah jumps bridges,

Racing cyclists up mountain,

Bottoms clinch in fear.

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4 thoughts on “The results of Wordless Haiku #2 Decipher

  1. That is freaky awesome! 🙂 ok…I looked at the pictures and just couldn’t resist trying. Many different wordings swirled in my head but I remembered what you said about haiku form the other day. So my daughter (a tween who loves poetry and art) wasn’t asleep yet (summers can be a little lax) and she wanted me to tuck her in, but I asked for her to share her keen mind. She was my approval committee as we dechiphered the pics. Was so fun, esp. with her to help. She wasn’t satisfied with my take of line three, but hey! 😉 thanks, Ronovan! What a fun idea.

    Liked by 1 person

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