Add your website/blog site to your site . . . PLEASE!

This is just a quick reminder to those who might not have given it a thought.

When I am wandering the blogs and see great comments I click on who left those comments. I don’t do that just to see a larger version of a pretty face, or to read a bio, I do it to find the website, their blog. I rarely find a blog and thus miss out on following that person.


  • go to your,
  • your profile, then web sites
  • and add your blog site
  • You can even add your facebook and Twitter or whatever, but PLEASE add your blog site.

Thank you!


41 thoughts on “Add your website/blog site to your site . . . PLEASE!

  1. I’ve done it now Ronovan – I never realised that it was only connected to my Google account. I see that all the gravatars in my comments have totally disappeared since yesterday though – no idea what’s happening with that.


      • I have that too. If you click the pictures and the Gravatar does not have your blog link, it is useless. And you’re right, it is easy to find their blogs when their gravatars are updated.

        Liked by 1 person

        • And the first thing I see when I visit your site are evil delicious foods?!?! And I still followed you? A man and his stomach. It’s out in front and he must follow where it leads.


            • It’s amazing what blogs include. Mine is about writing as a therapy for dealing with Fibromyalgia and Amnesia. I write so I won’t forget or I can at least come back to it. Retro and Short term Amnesia can be a bummer, especially combined with the Chronic Pain and Fatigue of Fibro.

              And awesome about the survivor! (Now that I finished talking about me.)
              Much Respect


  2. And here I thought it was just to like at my pretty face! Oh well…I am slowly weaning my Cher Shares to a blogspot at Tournesol dans un jardin. This is a good reminder to add that blog to my Gravatar profile. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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