The Spunky & The Pumpkin Meet.

For those of you who have never met My Pal Spunky, let me introduce you to him.

My little white tiger.Spunky, the little white tiger was the first of his siblings to do everything and without a fear in his snowy pure heart. And thus was born a name.

He learned many things along the way, one of which was taught him by his mother Kitty.

Gray cat with glow in the dark green eyes.You know what you taught him Kitty. Kitty helped me during my early months after my fall in my home. I assure you, she is much more intelligent than this picture would imply.

What did she teach Spunky?

Kat-fuThe art of Cat-Fu.

Kitty In ReposeMomma did not say knock her out, Spunky. but Spunky was trained to face any challenge or surprise encounter that came before him.

Then one day Spunky was roused from his resting slumber.

Spunky_In_Chair.jpgSpunky had never seen the inside of a pumpkin before, let alone one with a light emitting from it. And Spunky, having earned his name decided to investigate.

spunky_pumpkin1 A simple touch and glimpse did not suffice his cattious curiosity. Therefore, he decided to investigate further.

spunky_pumpkin2Exactly what he saw or heard that day no one knows, but from the expression on his face, it must have been something eye opening.

spunky_pumpkin3Not long afterwards, later that evening a mysterious image appeared on the carved tree of the pumpkin, looking oddly enough like a cat with a wizards hat. Striped tail and all.


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9 thoughts on “The Spunky & The Pumpkin Meet.

  1. Spunky is precious! I love love love cats but I’m horribly allergic. Thanks for sharing this- it’s my only way of getting my cat fix! 🙂


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