My Blogging from AtoZ Challenge Theme Reveal.

a to ze blogging challenge image

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The Annual Blogging from A to Z Challenge. What was I thinking? Me? Confined to a set schedule and theme? Me joining with over 1000 other Bloggers around the world, sharing our posts and blogs?

Would it be poetry, the most likely choice of all for RonovanWrites? Would I do a poetry theme where I had the titles all begin with a certain letter, or each line begin with that letter? Could I do something like that? Well of course I could.

Nah, too easy, right? Although, thinking about it, hmm. Maybe I could do two A to Z Challenges? Do you guys think I could handle two at one time?

For now my idea is to share creators of a type from around the world. We get so caught up in our own little worlds that we forget there are creators out there from places we may never have even heard of.

I wanted to do something different and completely fun for me but also informative and revealing. Something that would be just a joy to research, get into, and just geek out on. Imagine it, from A to Z of creators of Awesomeness. The most Super creators ever. Awesome. And then that poetry idea I have in mind. Hmm.

Not enough of a reveal? I think it’s all here. Hints, clues. I wonder if I need to draw a picture? Hmm.

Want to see all the Blogs involved? A list I mean. Click the link below.

Two at the same time? Can I do it?

We’ll see. ‘Nuff Said.

Connect with me at the following.

Image of Ronovan Writes





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33 thoughts on “My Blogging from AtoZ Challenge Theme Reveal.

  1. Ronovan, I did enter my link but as I only now see this (hangs head in shame) I will skip the theme announcement. I will mull over a theme the coming week or maybe decide to not have a theme at all. Hope you are doing well, Alice

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh you’ve just given me an idea to expand what I was planning on. Thanks! I daren’t do the A-Z challenge. Will be cheering you on and look forward to your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sigh, I’m doing poetry. 🙂 why don’t you hop on over to my blog and check out my own theme reveal. I’d love your thoughts. 🙂 But next year I’m doing something else, yea I came up with another theme this morning, I however won’t be able to manage two at the same time. Originally I wanted to do do A to Z for one of my other blogs as well, I realized it was a bit too much to handle. 🙂 So now when I get time I’ll pre-write my posts for 2016 for Serins Sphere, so I can write A to Z for the other blog next year, linked more closely to that blogs niche. So many ideas. So little time.


  4. I like your idea Ronovan. It should be interesting and is definitely different from what I am accustomed to reading here. I’ll admit I don’t quite have a complete understanding of ‘ creators of a type from around the world.’ Wondering will it be people, occupations, etc. Looking forward to discovering the answer to my wonderment in your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you planned, of course. 🙂 I on the other hand, never have a clue to what I am doing. Makes for some interesting things to read though. Definitely want to see what you do. 🙂 Thank you so much for commenting. It means a lot, I mean that.


      • Ooh I did the scary non planned version last year, which was easy at some points and awful in others haha.
        I’m definitely up for reading interesting things! (I’m wondering how interesting mine will be by the end of April – people will be sick of me talking about myself by then!)
        Happy to visit and say hi – am around having a look when I’m meant to be working (shhh) 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I couldn’t get it together to think of a theme in time…I was thinking about doing poetry as well, but I also thought of photography. I might do a combo. I seem to hate planning these days lol

    Liked by 1 person

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