#Croatia brings us Chess and Comics. Who knew that first one? #AtoZChallenge

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We’re in CrImage of the Letter C for the A to Z Blogging Challengeoatia today. Was I surprised at what I found? You betcha. I had no idea the talent that and that I had actually seen and read the work of some of these men.


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Andrija Maurović

Andrija-maurovicAndrija Maurović, the father of Croatian comic books. A writer and artist born in the village of Muo, part of Kotor, in 1901. He attended the Academy of Arts in Zagreb. But as creatives are known to do, he wasn’t exactly a model student. Although there were conflicts, he was the best illustrator and his work appeared in media everywhere.

I chose the below as the one image to show of his illustrating talent. Do you even need to understand the language of the text to know the story? There is a reason some are called the classics and the father’s of something. A talent unappreciated these days. But I believe slowly coming back into fashion. A master storyteller.


His work was mostly based on classic book by authors such as Alex Tolstoy, Zane Grey, August Šenoa, Jack London, B. Traven, Max Brand, and H. G. Wells. But today I wanted to point to something that shows how influential a creative person in comics can be.

Perhaps Maurović’s greatest contribution was his Dubrovnik chess set commissioned by the 9th Chess Olympiad for the following years tournament. You may recognize it. The below is not an original, as they are difficult to find. Bobby Fischer’s original set was stolen. This is how the pieces look and this is how my set look. At least one of them. I have several. Even my son plays chess.

1950-Dubrovnik-Chess-SetMaurović’s passed away in 1981 at the age of 80 in Zagreb and is buried in the Mirogoj cemetery one of the landmarks of Zagreb. A place established in 1876 that is the resting place of all faiths.


Edvin Biuković

Edvin-BiukovićEdvin Biuković was born in Zagreb in 1969. He was an artist who made his first appearance in the pages of the Croatian magazine Patak with his strip Dokaz. But what puts this man on the radar for me is his work on Grendel created by Matt Wagner for Dark Horse. You have to understand that Dark grendelHorse in the comics industry is the place to go to write and create work that is pure and true to the vision of the creator. Dark Horse is who brought us Sin City and Hell Boy. Both turned into successful movie franchises.

To have worked on Grendel says a lot for Edvin’s talent. Grendel was one of the hottest selling books and cult star-warsfavorites of it’s time. Not as in cult cult but as in pop culture cult. Edvin also worked on Star Wars comics for Dark Horse and Human Target for Vertigo. Sadly he passed away in 1999 only two weeks after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fellow Croatian artist Goran Sudžuka sites Edvin as an influence.

Edvin’s creative partner was Darko Macan.

Darko Macan

Darko-MacanDarko Macan is a writer and artist born in Zagreb in 1966. He’s a man after my own hear with degrees in History and Archaeology. As mentioned above he gained fame in the American comics industry along with Edvin Biuković on Grendel created by Matt Wagner for Dark Horse. He also worked on Star Wars, Hellblazer, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Cable (Marvel Comics)  Macan still lives in Zagreb where he has also received awards for children’s books. He’s the perfect example of it’s not what you do it’s that you love doing and just do it.

Stjepan Šejić

stjepan-sejicStjepan Šejić is an artist born in Vinkovci in 1981. Oddly a man starting out to be a lawyer who turned found what he really wanted to do and what he loved. He chose great examples to be inspired by in Marc Silvestri and Michael Turner. Were we lucky he found a copy of Witchblade from Top Cow or what? Amazingly he ended up being twitchbladehe longest running artist on Witchblade, the very book that influenced his own art style.

The man can go big and powerful, small and quiet and then he can draw women that make men wish they were comic book characters as well. His style is not stagnant.

Another Top Cow book he is noted for is The Darkness. I mention it for two Darknessreasons, it has a relationship to Witchblade but I also wanted to share an image and see if you might wonder who Šejić might use as a model. Makes me wonder if they chose him for the fact he looks like the character.

To list this young man’s accomplishments would take way too long. Battlestar Galactica, Red Sonja, Terminator, X-Men, as well as work for the companies Image, Arcana, and Dynamite Comics.

That’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed and be back tomorrow for D day. Check out my article on creators from Belgium by clicking the B image below.






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CMi smo danas u Hrvatskoj. Bio sam iznenađen što sam našao? Vi betcha. Nisam imao pojma da je talent da i da sam zapravo vidio i pročitao rad neke od tih ljudi.


Map of the World

Andrija Maurović

Andrija-maurovicAndrija Maurović, otac hrvatske stripova.Pisac i umjetnik rođen u selu MUO, dio Kotora, u 1901. Pohađao je Akademiju umjetnosti u Zagrebu. No, kao što su oglasi poznat učiniti, on nije bio baš uzoran student. Iako je bilo sukoba, on je bio najbolji ilustrator i pojavio se njegov rad u medijima svugdje.

Izabrao sam dolje kao jednu sliku iz pokazati svoje ilustriraju talenta. Imate li još morate razumjeti jezik teksta da znaju priču? Tu je razlog neki nazivaju klasicima i oca nečega.Talent nepriznatoj ovih dana. Ali ja vjerujem polako vraćaju u modu.Majstor pripovjedač.

maurovicNjegov rad se uglavnom temeljio na klasične knjige autora kao što su Alex Tolstoja, Zane Grey, Augusta Šenoe, Jack London, B. Traven, Max Brand, i HG Wellsa. No, danas sam htjela ukazati na nešto što pokazuje koliko je utjecajan kreativna osoba u stripu može biti.

Možda Maurović najveći doprinos bio je njegov Dubrovnik šah naručila 9. šahovske olimpijade za sljedeće godine turnir. Možete ga prepoznati.U nastavku nije izvorna, jer je teško naći. Bobby Fischer je izvorni skup bio ukraden. To je kako su komadi izgledaju i to je, kako mi je set izgleda. Barem jedan od njih. Imam nekoliko. Čak i moj sin igra šah.


1950-Dubrovnik-Chess-SetMaurović je preminuo 1981. u dobi od 80 u Zagrebu, a pokopan je u groblju Mirogoj jedno od znamenitosti grada Zagreba.Mjesto osnovana je 1876. godine da je odmorište svih vjera.


Edvin Biuković

Edvin-BiukovićEdvin Biuković rođen je u Zagrebu 1969. Bio je umjetnik koji je napravio svoj prvi nastup na stranicama Hrvatskog časopisa Patak s njegove trake Dokaz. No, ono što stavlja ovog čovjeka na radar za mene je njegov rad na Grendel stvorio Matt Wagner za tamno konj.

grendelMorate shvatiti da je tamno konj u strip industrije je mjesto za izlazak za pisanje i stvoriti djelo koje je čista i vjerna viziji tvorca. Tamna Konj je tko nam je donio Grad Grijeha i pakla Boy. Oba pretvorio u uspješne filmske franšize.

Da su radili na Grendel govori puno za Edvin talent. Grendel je bio jedan od najtoplijeg prodaja knjiga i kultustar-warsfavoriti to vrijeme. Ne kao u kultnoj kult, ali kako je u pop kulturi kulta. Edvin je također radio na Star Wars stripova za tamno konj i Human Target zbog vrtoglavice. Nažalost on je preminuo 1999. godine samo dva tjedna nakon što je s dijagnozom tumora na mozgu. Fellow hrvatski umjetnik Goran Sudžuka stranice Edvin kao utjecaj.

Edvin kreativni partner bio je Darko Macan.

Darko Macan

Darko-MacanDarko Macan je pisac i umjetnik rođen je u Zagrebu 1966. Bio je čovjek po svom čuju stupnjeva u povijesti i arheologije. Kao što je već spomenuto je stekao slavu u američkoj industriji stripa uz Edvin Biuković na Grendel stvorio Matt Wagner za tamno konj. On je također radio na Star Wars, Hellblazer, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, kabel (Marvel Comics) Macan i dalje živi u Zagrebu, gdje je također dobio nagradu za dječju knjigu. On je savršen primjer za to nije ono što vam je činiti je da volimo raditi i samo to učiniti.

Stjepan Šejić


Stjepan Šejić je umjetnica rođena u Vinkovcima 1981. Neobično čovjek počinje da se odvjetnik koji je okrenuo pronašao ono što je stvarno želio učiniti, a što je on volio. On je izabrao velike primjere da se po uzoru na Marcwitchblade Silvestri i Michael Turner. Bili smo sretni što je pronašao kopiju Witchblade iz Top Cow ili što? Nevjerojatno je završio kao najdulji trčanje umjetnik na Witchblade, samoj knjizi koja je utjecala na njegov vlastiti umjetnički stil.
Čovjek može ići velik i moćan, mirno i onda on može privući žene koje čine muškarci žele da su strip likovi kao dobro. Njegov stil nije stagnira.

Još Top Cow Knjiga je poznata po je mrak. I to spominjem iz dva razloga, to je odnos prema Witchblade ali i ja sam htjela podijeliti sliku i vidjeti ako se zapitati tko Šejić mogao koristiti kao model. Pitam, ako su ga izabrali za činjenici da izgleda kao lik.


To je to za danas. Nadam se da ste uživali i vratiti se sutra za D dan. Pogledajte moj članak o stvarateljima iz Belgije klikom na sliku ispod B.

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10 thoughts on “#Croatia brings us Chess and Comics. Who knew that first one? #AtoZChallenge

  1. Wow, another fantastic post for the challenge, these are excellent! Not familiar with illustrators but fascinating stuff, really well-thought through and so nicely presented. Very much enjoying your posts 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Who knew? Mind you they all like the dark side, these youngsters? Does that speak to the history they all lived through in the 1990s I wonder? I shouldn’t try cod psychology should I?

    Liked by 2 people

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