Success will follow happiness. #BeWoW

be-wow-bloggerBeing positive is a difficult thing to do at times. Even with a lot of practice, you still have to practice some more. A week or so ago I was in the hospital and I will be honest, blogging wasn’t on my mind. Now, I’ve added a blog.

Writing is my life. I can’t sit around feeling sorry for myself even when dealing with Fibromyalgia or a white cell count double the normal. While in the hospital I was thinking of how to do a new beginning to my novel. I wasn’t happy the previous 3 or 4 versions.

Sitting and dwelling in misery only increases the misery. Now I have been back a week and am busier than before. Three websites, four if you count one I don’t post on unless I am moved to do so. It’s that kind of site. I don’t force it. I am also posting daily, Monday-Friday, writing tips on my Facebook page.

Why? I have lots of reasons.

  • The more I write the better I get.
  • Leaving a paper trail of memories.
  • Supporting authors.
  • Making friends.
  • Supporting bloggers.
  • Inspiring people to try new writing styles.
  • Hosting a Challenge where people have met and become friends.
  • Writing to leave something for my son to be proud of some day.

I noticed as I finished I never mentioned wanting to be famous. Even as an author I don’t really want the fame associated with the success. I just want to be a success as a writer, an author.

I look at writing the way I look at blogging. Do your best, ignore statistics. Get the job done. Be happy doing it. Success will follow.
Let’s connect.






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24 thoughts on “Success will follow happiness. #BeWoW

  1. Beautiful post! I am glad for the inspiration on this Wednesday morning. Of course, you also reminded me how I can’t wait to start writing my next short story. I have something else to take care of prior to this, but hopefully the 8th story for the collection will get written soon! Have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I think that’s such an important message, Ronovan, ‘be happy at what you do’. Its not quite the same as ‘do what makes you happy’, which could lead to all kinds of problems depending on the individual concerned! But life is just too short to waste on sadness and regret. Its a wonderful, crazy world we live in, lets make the most of it! Glad your writing is helping with your recovery from last week.


  3. You are quite an inspiration! I have only been following your blog a short time, but I can see how much you help and support other bloggers, as well as find time to write yourself! All this whilst being in considerable pain. I really admire you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I finally actually remembered to participate this week! The combination of an email from the Gospel Daily and this email post prompted me to think on the good and set aside the “yuck” for a while, something I (probably we all) need to do more! Blessings my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s a great philosophy, and one I agree with wholeheartedly. Hope you’re feeling better. Not many know this, but I suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis and nothing gets my mind off the pain like writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is a great post, Ron. Misery loves company. If you wallow in it you keep yourself down and bring everyone else around you down. But when you do things you love – as much as you do – you lift up everyone around you. To me, sometimes fame is false…people ooh and ahh but they don’t know you. Those of us who have come to know YOU thing you’re the bomb dot com. And for us, you are famous!

    “Writing to leave something for my son to be proud of some day.” Is the best reason out of everything you listed. Do things with love and you will surround yourself with love. I think for your son, “some day” is today. Everyday. You are amazing and we all know that and I’m sure he does too!

    Yes, be happy and success is sure to follow. However, success is fleeting. Just be happy.

    Liked by 1 person

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