RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge #44 Charge&Lovers

All links on this page will open in this window. If you see or hear the words click here that means the word here has a link in it you may click or select and go to another page with information. If you do this, then simply click the back arrow in your browser to return to this post page.

Challenge 44


Welcome to Haiku Fu.

Last week for the Haiku Badge/Image I used the Chinese character for Love. It also can be used for Lovers. Afterwards I found I had actually made the calligraphy character. I wish I had known that at the beginning, it wouldn’t have taken so long to make. However I don’t like to repeat ,use;f when I create thus for Lovers this week I created my own character of sorts.

Who will be fast as lightning and be the first to post and be reblogged here on RonovanWrites?

Want to know How to write a Haiku Poem in English Form? Click here for the article.

Welcome everyone to the Weekly Haiku Prompt Challenge. You may have found your way here through The Daily Post pages, the WordPress Reader, Twitter, Google+, or however you found us, we’re glad you came. I’m not just saying that. After you have been with us for a time you will realize we aren’t just a place to share a three line poem. We are a community of friends here. That doesn’t mean you have to talk to us. Just visit the various Haiku and click Like if you actually like something.

I created this challenge to have a place for people to share and gain a little exposure to other readers they might not have otherwise AND of course to enjoy Haiku. We all have different people who visit our blogs.

Provide your Twitter Handle IF you have one. I usually can get it from sharing your Haiku through your Twitter sharing button. If you have a Twitter and don’t  have it linked to your account don’t worry you can still have the share option work with the handle. Click here to find out how to have your Twitter Handle show up in your share option. You know. I have a how-to article for just about everything. If not? Ask and I’ll write one. Also it is helpful if you have Google+ to follow me there by clicking here so I can include you on the Weekly Review when I post it there. I try to post it there but illness has been taking its toll lately, but hopefully you will see it there soon.

About commenting with your link to your post. I advise it. I think more people click the comment links. Yes, do a ping back, but do a comment link if you think about it. Go ahead and put your twitter handle in there. I think it’s a good idea for readers to follow you that are passing through.

Charge & Lovers

My Example

Ardent nights give charge,

In ways morals fear admit,

Lovers freely give.

Ardent nights give charge in ways morals fear admit.

In ways morals fear admit lovers freely give.

You do not have to include the sentences within your post, but it does help others understand how Haiku works if you do.

So you’ve written the  Haiku and you’ve created the post. Now what?

  1. You can put a the link of this post in your post and it should, I say should, do a ping back to this post and I and others should see it.
  2. I recommend as well for you to copy the link of your post once it has been published in the comments of this post. That’s a guarantee for it to be seen and I will be certain to include it in the Weekly Review.
  3. Visit other people’s Haiku.
  4. The deadline is Sunday by Noon EST. That’s New York City time.
  5. Shortly after Noon EST the Weekly Review with the names of each blogger, their site names, the name of their Haiku and a link to that Haiku will be published, along with my thoughts, and the Twitter Handle of each person.
  6. The Weekly Review is then Tweeted. The ‘Choices’ are tweeted with the first Tweet. I then continue to tweet the post until every person’s twitter handle has been mentioned.
  7. I also Post the Weekly Review on Google+ with the Twitter Handles and if I am your friend on Google+ I include you there as well.

What’s a Ping Back?

A ping back is when you place the URL from the address bar of this post into the post you write your Haiku on. It will look something like this,

You also have to make certain the link is actually in there by clicking on the add link button which is next to the right alignment button for WordPress. To me the add link button kind of looks like a diagonal paper clip. It’s the fifth from the right in the WordPress post editor. Click here to find out how.

For a full refresher or How to write Haiku in English click here. But you can use whatever Haiku style you want to. As long as you, do a Haiku.

For Tips and Guidelines refreshers click here.

 DEADLINE: Noon on Sunday New York Time.


There are TWO “CHOICE!” recipients each week. One for Humor and one for something more Serious. The Haiku are quite good each week and I am having to turn to the structure guidelines of a Haiku at times to help determine my selection.

Really each Haiku is a choice of mine, and I’m not just saying that, so I feel a bit odd even having something called A RONOVAN’S CHOICE, but hey, it’s a thing, right? And it does make it kind of fun.

ronovan writes humor haiku badgeronovan-writes-serious-haiku-badgeserious haiku badge






Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by 2015

71 thoughts on “RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge #44 Charge&Lovers

    • Aren’t you proud of me? I actually created a title fro this one AND gave you a link back to it… YES sir, I am learning something new. How cool is this.

      Liked by 5 people

      • On seeing the word ‘charged’ I immediately thought of my phone because mine needed charging. After dinner, while doing other chores I drafted my post casually then went off to sleep. Woken up by my son who came home late, I decided to finish it. This time I didn’t want to explain too much so I published it as it is.
        So after I had pinged my post to you, I had put my link in your comments too. That’s when I noticed this similarity of idea as it was only two steps above mine. Well, we all think alike 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Ron, I love this challenge, and read all the posts, but there are so many people joining now (it’s a good thing!) but I’m getting confused, we are adding the link and the pingback, most of the time I click on both and them I realize I’ve just read that one. Maybe you should suggest if we add the pingback we shouldn’t add link . I love to read all of them, but I get tired of clicking and going to the page I’ve just visited. Some challenges use the linkedlink? the frog one! The challenge is growing and if could be easier to check all the posts would be great. It’s only a suggestion, please don’t be mad with me! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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