Creating a Positive Environment

Listing negatives and living in the here and now, in the moment without looking to the past for what we’ve missed and regretted and to the future for what we wished we could have. That pretty much sums up the past three weeks of thoughts about becoming more Positive.

Positivity doesn’t just happen. As I’ve mentioned before, you need to take baby steps to create a lasting mindset of positivity. A qToday I want to discuss a little about creating a positive environment to grow in. Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to move rearranged your furniture, at least not yet. Hmm, maybe I will. Let’s see what happens.

First you need to decide how serious you are about wanting a better life. Some decisions might seem drastic to you. Some will be seriously life changing. But if you are wanting not only a better and more positive you but also a better and more positive around you, then tough needs to happen.

The Definition

Second you need to learn what your environment is. Many people only think of the physical state of what I mentioned earlier, furniture or paint or curtains or a garden. But environment is many things.

“1:  the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded

2a :  the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival

b :  the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community”~Merriam-Webster’s

By looking at the definition of environment you may see where we are headed. You may not be able to rid yourself of all things negative in your life but you can be rid of what you can be rid of. One way to do this is to realize what is and is not important to your life.

Getting Started

Once again, a difficult/tough process, but one that is required. As always, start with the easy things first. For me it was things like music and other medium that gave me negative messages. Just because a song had a good beat I might have liked it but the lyrics were actually derogatory and very negative. I was hearing them but not really using my brain to say, this stuff is not worth it.

As for media, such as news articles and the like, I look at headlines and decide if I want to read or not. Do I need to know about certain celebrities and their fights with each other? Do I need to know about every single incident of any type of crime in existence?

Family and Friends?

The difficult things? Family? Friends? That’s where it gets a bit tricky. And it’s why you start with what you can control with a little more ease.

I know some people who are horrible to certain people but nice to me. Why? Maybe because I am positive and not negative to them all the time? I don’t know. But I do think it helps.

How you look at things can determine how you handle things, interpret things and how people look at you as well. You influence others by how you act and thus you change your environment. Does it always work that way? No, but it does work a lot of times.

Much Love, Success, and Respect


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