Acceptance to A Better Future.

Yesterday in my article Peacemaker to Positivity I mentioned accepting the events of your life in order to be at peace with yourself and to use those events to help others who experience similar things. That’s a lot to ask of someone.

There are events in this world that are difficult to accept. But you are either accept them or ALLOW them to run and ruin your life. And events are events. They are moments in time. Moments that have already happened and cannot be changed.

We all go through the “If only I had…” moments. Those are the “I am holding myself back” moments. If you are a parent you try and do things through you child you wish you had done. As a spouse you want to be more perfect than whatever your parents were.

We are going to fail in both of those. Our children are not us, so whatever they do is for them, not us. And our parents were them and not us. No matter what others do, it is them that do it. By accepting and moving on we can become a success at something on our own, for our own. We can help other people.

I know there are those moments that are truly horrible, but what can you do about them? Don’t ALLOW them to turn you into something you aren’t. Don’t ALLOW anyone to win over your life but you.


Much Love, Success, and Respect


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