RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #53 Guide&Mad

ronovan-writes-haiku-challenge-shadowChallenge #53

The rules are simple.

  • Take the two words and write a Haiku. I use Haiku in English as my style, but you can use what you like.
  • The two words can be used as you like. Words have different definitions and you can use the definitions you like. You can even use a synonym word as long as it does not change the meaning.
  • Copy a link to your finished haiku  in a comment so we can all go and visit your site to see what you have done. I will comment on your site. You can do a pink back, put a link back to the prompt page, if you like within your post, as long as it does not take away from your haiku. I would do it at the very bottom near where one normally puts the copyright. But I am not encouraging anyone to do that. This is just permission to do so. This is simply a prompt and challenge to encourage people to try Haiku and give some a prompt and a place to share in comments so we can find each other.
  • Ping back Link
  • Non Pingback Link
  • You may copy the badge/image appearing in this post and place it on your site if you wish. I am not saying you need to, but if you would like to do so then go ahead. It is simply my way of saying thank you for participating.


The Challenge Words! Finally!

Guide & Mad

My example:

This mad world’s without,

A light Shining In darkness,

To guide me in need.

As you can see I changed the words but kept their meanings. Enjoy the challenge and I look forward to seeing your Haiku.

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights

49 thoughts on “RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #53 Guide&Mad

    • Very interesting. I wonder if it’s because of it being from the same page as the rest? I need to do some testing. But this is something very cool to figure out. 🙂 Thank you for checking. It’s getting more and more difficult tracking down our poets who have ping backs that aren’t working so they can be included.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hmmm. You’re probably right, although you’d think it would be okay to ping to a different location each time. Strange. Maybe because it’s a “page” itself and not a “post” could be another reason. Who knows. That’s why I always go back to make sure it linked to the challenge.

        Liked by 1 person

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