A Change for Now.

I guess some of you may have noticed I am everywhere lately. I have posts across other blogs promoting my book. I am here promoting my book but trying not to because I don’t want to seem like I am forcing it on anyone. Then I am trying to do my normal blogging.

To be honest, it’s taking its toll. I’m having to wear compression gloves now to type and wow are they taking a lot to get accustomed to typing with. I guess you realize if I am wearing the gloves then the hands have gotten worse.

I love writing. I love blogging. Lately, really for months now, I don’t blog. I host challenges and put out reviews, both of which I like.

The problem is . . . I never knew the Haiku Challenge would ever get as big as it has. Would any of you have thought it that’s been around the whole time?

For the time being, I’m going to change the Haiku Review to include the Authors, because I know every extra mention helps, and choose 10 other Entries to feature along with the blog names. I am working on a way to maybe include all the links of all the entries just not in the format we have now. I’m going to work on the easiest way I can get it done so as many people can benefit. This may be temporary.

Other than my hands and overall health issues, I also want to get back to being creative again.

I loved writing poetry for so long, but now I don’t get into that space long enough to write. It’s time I created the chances to write again. I’ll be sharing the next phase of that journey with you. Keep an eye out for excerpts of that Southern Romance I’ve been working on for so long.

Much Respect


20 thoughts on “A Change for Now.

  1. You need to look out for yourself lovely Ron. I know that’s how Hugh does the photo challenge. Pick a few each week to showcase and leave the link to the prompt post. All the entries should be in the comments. We can work through those links and ping backs.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I have it and am training it. 🙂 And it does help with blogging and book writing, but with things like my Haiku Challenge Review, I haven’t trained it for that yet. I’ve turned the review into a monster with categories and the within page jumps you can click on to go to them.
      I have to tell you, Dragon has an issue at time with some words. Or maybe it’s my Southern Accent. O,O

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I can identify with you here, my friend. As hard as it can be, sometimes we have to step back, reevaluate, and prioritize so we are enjoying what we do and not letting it run us or take a toll on our health. Have a blessed weekend, Brother.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay for the excerpts for the southern Romance. I love reading your poetry too so I’ll be happy to see more of it return. And I think most will understand with the Haiku. We all need to prioritize our time and energy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. While I am new to your writing world, Ron, I am impressed with those who present opportunities for others to share their work. Take care and caretake yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Here with you no matter if all you can do is your own creative writing. You have already done so much for so many of us. No pressure, just do what you need to in order to take good care of you. I understand your position as I have chronic illnesses that render my hands unable to even type some days. As an over responsible helper personality since I was a child, I know it can feel like you are letting someone or many folks down. You so are not doing that by putting your well being first. Hoping your hands feel better soon, Ronovan, sending lots of healing light your way 😊💗


  6. I so understand! My two features are a ton of work also. Writing time is at a premium. I am changing things up too. My husband is a 100% disabled vet. I totally understand. Do what is good for you! I am going to start addinga link to the past week’s post for folks to backtrack to find the other blogger’s posts. I don’t think many do anyway. We are all so busy. ❤️❤️❤️

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  7. Take a tip from me (and Ritu) and choose a few haiku’s each week, otherwise, you’ll be spending a whole day just writing the review. What did you say to me recently? “Only do your photo challenge if you really do enjoy doing it. If it becomes too much then call it a day so that you can concentrate on your writing and creativity.”

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