Medications and A Weekly Reader.

Have you noticed I don’t post much? If you’ve been around long enough you will know that at one time I would post as much as three times a day seven days a week. I was a fend. Then medications happened. With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue they give you all sorts of pills to try and help with pain and the side effects pain can cause, like depression. Let me tell you, all that does is curb your enthusiasm for pretty much anything creative. They are still working on the right combination for me.

I wanted to thank all of you who still visit me even though I am MIA so much. I also wanted to say that in the near feature I will begin a book for my blog. Each week will be a new chapter or scene. I’m not real sure how it will be done, but I do have the book idea in  mind. I am hoping this will force me into a creative mood again. I have the ideas, just no energy to do them. But if I start it I will feel obligated to keep doing it, much like my Haiku Challenge which is approaching three years of uninterrupted weekly challenges.

I hope you will enjoy what I have to offer and maybe this will do me some good. Looking forward to some creative juices flowing.

Much Respect


15 thoughts on “Medications and A Weekly Reader.

  1. Aw Ron I definitely miss you and I know how hard it was, but I soooooo miss your Friday Fiction challenge too! I tried to carry on with my story, but it was your prompts that carried it!!!
    But the most important thing is your health, and as long as we still have you here, for a couple of posts a week,or a day, we are grateful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It sounds like a good plan – writing is like a ‘muscle’ and if this helps you exercise it regularly, even if you begin with very short but regular posts, it will give you a helpful framework. Happy writing and we wish you well ☺🍀


  3. Good luck on your book and good idea to post a chapter (or so) at a time. I have only been doing the weekly haiku challenges for a few months, but I really enjoy it, so thank you.


  4. I didn’t realise you were unwell though I have been doing your Haiku challenges for a while now. I can appreciate the problems of balancing meds, though your issues are way more complicated than mine when I was dealing with my own depression (about 6 different pills and I felt like a tube of smarties). Looking forward to your book entries as well as your Haikus. My best wishes to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I share your struggle and understand. I’m so glad to see you here today! Take care Ronovan. Be well.


  6. I totally understand. Right there with you. If I may make a couple of suggestions; get a voice recorder so even if you’re too tired to write you can still put your thoughts down. Invest in Dragon software. It’s voice to screen. It takes a bit to get it working right but it has saved me numerous times when my hands said ‘no way’. Hang in there, better days are coming!!


  7. Wondered and pleased it’s just not MIA and not blog abandoned.
    You have to take care of yourself before anything else. Things- all thing will com back into balance just take the time to let them sort and resettle.
    Great plan. Now go find a nice spot and sit outdoors (grandmother’s cure for everything)… be gentle with yourself.


  8. I honestly miss the Friday Fiction prompts on here. I’ve been here long enough to see that posting has reduced, yes, but don’t feel pressured or obligated to create just for the sake of the blog. Putting yourself and your health first is very important. I wish you a speedy recovery and all the good health in the world! 🙂 Looking to the new book for the blog!


  9. I’m just starting out on a blog as I have been trying to deal with fibro and the balancing act as well. I’ve found it helps me so much just to basically journal about my feelings and wards off depression. I enjoy what I’ve seen of your blog and hope you feel well enough to pick up where you’ve been holding on! Good luck.


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