Indignant Nature – a poem


gulf storms and sea swells

waves ravage innocent sands

calm beauty returns


Indignant Nature Haiku poem on image.

My poem for my Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge.

 © 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

9 thoughts on “Indignant Nature – a poem

    • I live in Georgia so we get a lot of hurricane activity, been without power for days, even as much as a week before. Better than a lot. I lived in Florida for a while, on the beach, and would watch as the storms would start to come and the waves would get bigger. That’s when I would get in the water, well it had to be a loooong way away for me to do that. Then I’d watch the power of the storm when it finally hit. Afterwards you would find all sorts of things, especially great seashells that normally don’t make it tto the beaches.


  1. I hadn’t picked up that you lived in Georgia. I have a friend there (big place I know) but now thinking she might love your poetry challenges. Going to share with her now!!! 😊

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