‘The Future’ a Haibun

I am looking to the future and am staying positive we will be a better place. There are many outcomes, but with a continued and determined effort the goal is in reach and the winning score is taken. Continued effort. Continued education of the masses, and not only for the Whites. Continued inspection of all contributions to racism and the influences ever how nuanced they are. I stay not hopeful, but positive that it will happen.

the future is bright

after the dark times have past

we all overcome


This is related Haibun to the NEXT Décima Poem Challenge that will Be out tomorrow.

HERE is some of my recent poetry related to Black Lives Matter to scroll through.

Tuesday Poetry. Standard Image.

© 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.


21 thoughts on “‘The Future’ a Haibun

    • Thank you for the encouragement in the writing and messages I’ve been delivering since my return to activity. I was so soured on writing of any kind for over four years, ever since my book process experience (it’s more difficult and emotionally taxing than people think). So it’s been good to be back and have a positive response.


      • Oh, you’re welcome–I’m sorry the book project was so taxing…were there ultimately good results? I’ve not yet had courage to try publishing a book–or even completing the unfinished drafts… Maybe I’m lazy (or just old and tired), but it’s so much easier, more quickly gratifying, to write poems for the blog 🙂 God bless you hugely, Ron ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • I think the results were good, the reviews are, including from authors in the genre. As for the lazy, old, and tired. You’re never too much of any of those. One page a day gets you a book in a year. My experiene was due to be a co-author. Not because of the other author, but because of it being my first novel and having put so much into being the one writing the first draft as well as putting so much of mysellf into the characters. It can be emotionally exhausting. But it’s well worth it to have that book out there and be able to say “I am an author with a book for sale available for the world to read.” You could also start with a book of poetry. Pick a number, have some images to insert here and there. Photos you can do yourself and not pay someone for.


            • Yeah. It’s Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling. The cover is on the sidebar of my blog. I believe it takes you to the page on Amazon. Historical Fiction. A Royal Navy Captain, House of Lords member, is railroaded and flees to clear his name and take revenge on those responsible, and takes on the role of a pirate to do so, along with his original crew. Set in 1705, part of a series, but somewhat a standalone, and occurs before any of the others.


                • Yeah. The initial writing kind of went quick, but the research took a bit of time. Then the next few drafts were a bit of a pain. One piece of advice when you go back through a rough draft, or a draft you are reasonably satisfied with is to listen to it. Use the text to speech in word or even convert your doc to a mobi and load it to kindle. You catch a lot of things there. Things that just sound wrong. Missing words. Lots of things.


          • PS: I totally get what you say about the emotional investment, particularly in your characters. I’m very protective of one novel manuscript that goes back years–maybe 2014. People have warned me I need to relax my grip…but I’m just not ready. I’ve lived the story too long in my head 🙂

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              • Well I have a better one that I started during NaNoWriMo this past November–a Christian mystery. So if I’m going to put my energy into a project, it will probably be that one. I appreciate your encouragement, Ron–thank you 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                  • Should I wait till I’m ready–or could you provide the info about her now? No rush, just filing info away–I really appreciate your generous willingness to assist, Brother ❤ Stay safe and well ❤

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • email me at [edit…the email address that was here] and I will connect you. I spoke to her and she says sure, she will be happy to talk to you.


                    • Okay. She was just going to read it. 🙂 To see how you were doing with it. It was not a commitment. This was just an email for you to send the MS to. Whenever you’re ready, jump. Or have someone push you. 😛


                    • Hi Ron–thanks for your interest, and willingness to help. The manuscript isn’t complete yet–so how ’bout if I just hang on to your email, for the future? 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • You’re such a blessing–love the humor, it’s a life savor. Part of the problem is that I’m addicted/invested in blogging–it literally take all of my day. If I could disengage from that, I’d have hours to spend on finishing the novel, editing, etc etc 🙂

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