It’s simple.

To My Fellow White Americans,

To the confused, the scared, the misinformed, and the intentionally ignorant, the purpose of the African Americans protesting, is simple. They are not wanting to take over America, take your jobs, your neighborhoods, or your place in society. They want to stand side by side as equals. They want to be treated as the citizens they are. They want to be treated as good as tourists from other countries are treated.

You want to say there are violent people on TV every day on the news that validate the need for harsh policing. You want to say they have the same chance to climb up and out of whatever situation they are born in to as we are.

How can someone pull out of a place when they aren’t given the rungs of the ladder, or better yet, when they don’t have a foundation to put the ladder on in the first place?

This is not a lie. Facts are facts. I’ve worked in the system. Even in good school systems I’ve seen children falling short, not always because of the school, but because of their lives at home. Their lives at home? Lives that are the way they are due to lack of good jobs due to either education, or the perceived lack of African American’s ability to handle certain jobs.

Systemic? Yes. We may not realize it, but it is there if you start reverse engineering it. If you do not see it, then you are blind or do not have life’s engineering degree.



Writing from Georgia, the Deep South.

Some recent poetry related to Black Lives Matter: or click here for the category for all of them to scroll through.

Still Not Satisfied

Onward ever Onward

The Darker the Skin

The Illusion

The Future


The DC Men



Is it the end of the USA? After the recent Presidential election a lot of people were devastated with the results. I think if you base opinions on things said during the election period there would be some reason for concern. I for one am not worried. Why? Because I realize how campaigns are carried out in America and that Donald Trump is a salesman first. He knew how to play on what people most wanted to hear, mostly about jobs and ignored his idiotic rants. Were the rants the right things to say? No.

I’m hoping to see the person I’ve seen during one on one interviews as opposed to the campaign trail speeches where he veered away from his script and went off on a tangent. He’s not a great ad-libber. I’m also considering how politics works. Presidents get into office in America and not a whole lot actually happens. A few policies are worked on but over all not much really takes place and a great deal doesn’t change, especially when it comes to relations with other nations.

In addition, I’m hoping Trump’s ego keeps him focused. He will want to end up with a presidency better than Obama’s. So I hope he puts the right people in the real Cabinet positions that do things. So far all he’s chosen are advisory people, not actual Cabinet Secretaries. There is hope. Or so I hope.

My friends around the world don’t need to worry. My friends within the US don’t need to worry. Donald Trump has been a Democrat his whole life until recently. Not sure why he changed other than in reaction to how Obama made fun of him at a White House Press Diner a few years ago. Maybe he decided at that point to show the President and everyone there that he would have the last laugh.

As a Christian I am praying that common sense rules and I know that no matter what that God has control of my life and my ultimate reward. I’m here only for a brief moment in time as a visitor.

Again to my friends, don’t fear Trump or take seriously his rants he went off on during the campaign, they were just that, rants. Some of you won’t like what I’ve said, but I’ve been pretty quiet about all of this and everything else. Donald Trump wasn’t my choice for President. My choice wasn’t on the ballot. I put up with Obama for 8 years, I guess I can put up with Trump for the next 4.

If you’re still reading, note the great use of hope and pray in this post. That’s all we can ever do with anyone elected to anything.

A New Life Awaits

Life is all about having your moments. Moments that sweeps you off your feet. Moments that take you by surprise. Moments that make you feel proud as an individual. One of my life changing moments happened some months ago when I was offered an opportunity to move abroad. I took my time, made an informed decision and took the opportunity. Now, a new chapter of my life will commence.

As a child, the United States fascinated me as a nation. There was a prepossessing quality about it. Right from the landscape to the people to the culture to the expansion and advancement, I just loved it all. When I grew into a young woman, I loved the sitcoms. In fact I’m a diehard fan of a lot of shows broadcasted on networks like CBS, ABC, and NBC etc.  My current favorite is Louie. However, I never knew working with these networks and making it big would be in my future. Writing about it today makes me so happy.

Moving to a new place is always exciting. When the relocation takes place across hundreds of miles in not only a new country but also on a new continent, it becomes even more thrilling. I am someone who is a lover of travelling. More than travelling, I’m a lover of solo travel. I, my bag pack and my travel journal make an excellent combo. Exploring new places and wayfaring through different cultures is magical. Travel transforms a person. Travel offers an individual endless opportunity. It adds a new perspective in one’s life. It makes a person responsible. Most importantly, travelling makes a person a little more of who he/she really is.

Moving to United States will be an experience of a life time. I can vouch for it. Every experience counts – the good and the bad.  Each experience will be a bit of a teaching moment. Every time I think of landing there, an innocent but subtle smile shows on my face. I do have some friends and folks there but there is a huge difference between listening to people’s experiences and having experiences of your own. There is just so much to learn, so much to sink in. Moving out to another country is moving right out of your comfort zone and into a world that is strange but inviting.

My job profile demands me to spend the majority of my time in California. That is where I will be based. California is one of my favourite states in the USA. The others being New York, Florida, and Massachusetts. I am sure I will keep adding more places to this list. California allures me, and not just now but always. Cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose , San Diego etc. make it such a happening place. Top notch universities like Stanford, UCB and Caltech make it one of the finest hubs of education too. Not only is California the hub of the entertainment industry in the world but also the home to ‘Silicon Valley’.’ Not to forget, it is one of the most liberal states

Can’t wait to catch a plane and land there. I guess, my first weekend will be spent taking a tour of the city I’ll live in – San Diego. Oh the lovely city of San Diego along the coast of the majestic and beautiful Pacific Ocean with its delightful beaches.  I have been reading some journals on the place and am extremely happy to know that it has one of the best climates in United States. San Diego remains pleasant throughout the year. I come from a place in India that shares this feature so I feel comfortable. A combination of good weather and good landscape is pure bliss. As a kid I always wanted to be a part of the crowd watching dolphins performing some impressive aerial acts at Sea World. Back then I had no idea that one day I will be in that crowd.

After San Diego, Tinsel Town  – Hollywood is what I’d love to visit.  My first step in Los Angeles might give me goose bumps. That is my level of excitement. Walking on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, visiting all the studios which are world famous, taking a tour of the eclectic Hollywood Museum , all of these activities are on my ’To-do-list.’ Just writing about all this right now makes me so elated. Only God knows what will happen when I am  there in person.

Living on your own is a profound learning experience. Managing the smallest chore at your house to making last minute arrangements for a board meeting is all a part of that experience. Meeting new people every day with diverse ethnicities is exciting. Getting to know the most professional people and seeing them work is inspiring. They say, “If you’re the smartest person in a room, you’re in the wrong room.” I believe this is to be true. Seeing people much more established than you makes you want to move up in life too. Performance is the only key to step up that ladder of life. The more the challenges, the more is the growth in an individual. It does get difficult at times but I’ve always held the view that difficulties are like training camps. Every difficulty, every struggle makes you stronger and a little cut above the rest.

Being away from home, away from the people I love, away from my food, away from everything comforting is scary. But taking a giant leap of faith and trying something out of your comfort zone is always worth it. It refines you. It really does. My people will be missed but I know they are comforted to see me making it on my own. They are proud I am pursuing what I wanted to. I feel grateful that I have parents that have supported me like a solid rock all this while. I come from a family where empowering daughters is a priority. Growing up I didn’t really realize the importance of having a liberal family. But today, I can’t thank them enough.

Not everything will be perfect but I will hang in there getting exposed to new facets of life every single day. I will grow. I will evolve and I will adapt. I have always ‘Lived it real.’ I will continue to be this way even in a foreign land. This is my moment and I’ve waited for it for a very long time. Now it’s time to step out from one home to another.


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The secret to a positive day.

I wanted to do a Throwback Thursday Post, but I have so many I found it difficult to sort through them all to find one to share again. I did find this one in my folders on my computer. I didn’t find it in my posts and thought why not share it now. This is a favorite topic of mine.

How do you start your day? Yeah, I know, we all hit the bathroom first usually, but let’s say everything is set and good to go, what do you do?

More than likely you are beginning your day the wrong way. The way you start your day has an impact on the way you live your day.

“Bull, Ronovan. Other people dictate my day!”

I don’t want to hear it. When I wake up in the morning, I am the one in control of my thoughts and actions. I am actually in control of my reactions the entire day. If I begin with a positive and centered self, a truly focused self, then I can be positive in my interactions for the day and stay positive throughout the day.

If you don’t start out focused then you are simply reacting the rest of the day and often times with negative emotions attached.

“So how do we do this, oh great and wise Ronovan?”

Yes I hear the sarcasm in the voice.

It’s different for everyone.

What get’s you calm and focused?

Here are examples:


Prayer or Reading the Bible


A cup of coffee and:

  • watching the sun rise
  • reading the newspaper
  • listening to music
  • looking at the birds in the bird feeder
  • reading the next chapter in a book

Listening to podcasts, music, or talk radio

Mentally going through a checklist of your day

Just knowing what you have planned for the day, even if a routine day, makes it easier on you.

Beginning your preparation for the day the night before can help

I like having my clothes ready, and an idea of what my breakfast will be and if I am needing to prepare a lunch or not. I like to think about people I will come into contact with, that I know about, and if I have an appointment and be mentally ready for that.

There are little things we can do to take care of the parts of life that are in our control, so why not do it? If I can start my day off calmly then I am not beginning it running around already hectic and in a bad mood then that’s a great start.

There are numerous ways to become calm and centered for the beginning of your day. The point is to do it.

I have had to take control of my life more lately. Even being in the physical and mental state I am in, my life is hectic with two blogs running and basically life in general. I have felt life crashing lately, with the crashing even seeping into my writing, so I have taken control of it to the extreme for the moment. Do you know what happens to your life if you are not in control of it? If you don’t start yourself off focused? You lose it, and you could lose your friends. Before that happens I decided to refocus, like I once did, every day. I am prioritizing and organizing.

Some people may not understand it, as it’s difficult to explain, but I am fine with that. This is me, the most important person in my life. I am the most important me in the life of the people I know. I want to be here for both them and me for a long time.

Here is a quote from an ancestor of mine.


Looking at this post I wrote back in September of last year, it seems I need to once again refocus. I’ve lost a lot lately. And I lose more every single day. I received an email, an understanding email from someone, then they stopped following me on Twitter. Not certain I understand that, but I am coming to terms with something. I don’t have to understand everything. The best thing I can do is try to understand me and what I am about to do, whatever that may be at the time.

Preparation. Starting my day off the right way. It’s not only the secret to a positive day, it’s the secret to a positive life, a successful life. A successful life? That’s for another post.

Much Respect



2015 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovan

”Not Every Man is Threatened by the Rise of Sassy Women’ : A Young Woman’s Perspective

akriti-mattuWelcome a new author here on Ronovan Writes. Hope you enjoy these looks into the world by a highly intelligent, business minded young woman from India who is striking out to make a name for herself in a new country. Her’s the first article here on Ronovan Writes by Akriti Mattu. For her personal blog, click here.

Diverse Creations

An Indian woman is one of the most diverse creations of God. Endowed richly with diversity and culture, the 29 states of India have women that vary greatly from one. However, one thing that is common to women across cultures, religions, and ethnicities is the shifting power dynamics of the man – woman relationship in contemporary India.

In the last two decades, India has witnessed a massive leap in science and technology. As with many societies with such advancements, people have become more aware of themselves as individuals and of their rights. With this new awareness has come a gradual change in Indian society itself. This gradual remodeling and restructuring is having a huge impact on the average Indian citizen, especially young women and men from my generation.

The Modern Woman

A modern Indian woman can be liberal and sassy. She’s not afraid of being herself anymore. Being aware of her identity as an individual, she does not want that identity to be masked by roles of a mother, a daughter and a wife alone. She wants to be known in the world for who she is. Her true self is what matters now. Good thing is many Indian men are not lagging behind the times.

Parents are becoming increasingly supportive of educating their daughters and making them at par with their sons. They are realizing the importance of education and financial independence of women. The literacy rate in India has shot up to 74.04 % from 64.84 %. For women it is 65.46 %, as compared to 53.67% previously.

The Fear

However, as women are becoming increasingly independent and conscious of their rights, there are some people who are not responding well to this transformation. There is a section of men who feel threatened by successful, educated and well aware women. They even go to the extreme extent of claiming they feel emasculated in the presence of powerful women. A powerful woman by their definition is any woman who is independent, educated and hence successful. They are conservative in the context of not liking women to be given any freedom or liberty. I call such men threatened.

For hundreds of years when women were subjugated and denied even basic rights, men like these were in their comfort zone. They were at the top of an imaginary pyramid with the excellent support system provided by the woman at the base.

But now? The pyramid has inverted with the base at the top and the peak, with the man, at the bottom. Therefore this reversal is seen by some as a dangerous trend. Not only do they feel vulnerable, they don’t like other men endorsing this change.

At one hand where we see a rise of a new India with women earning well and advancing in their careers, topping entrance examinations, making it to top positions of private companies, public sector units, bureaucracy, defense services, aviation, technology etc., at the other hand we see a dark reality that cannot be ignored; the reality of trepidation and fear is still being instilled across quarters.

I’d like to point out this gap in India does not really lie between the rural and urban India but with the mentality – Archaic versus Modern. While there are people in rural India who are well aware of the gradual change, there are literate people in cities which shame us. No wonder it is said that literacy and education are different concepts. They are not mutually inclusive.


A short but powerful documentary was recently made by a British film maker – Leslee Udwin, and was aired on the BBC. It is a re-enactment of the brutal gang rape of a 23 year old girl whom India calls ‘Nirbhaya’ (It is the Hindi word for fearless). This brutal gang rape happened on the 16th December, 2012 in the heart of the Indian Capital – New Delhi. This young girl, Nirbhaya is representative of the contemporary Indian woman. In fact she epitomizes the changing ‘power dynamic’, I wrote about before.

As a young girl of 23, like many other young women, Nirbhaya had high hopes and aspirations. She wanted to make an impact on the world around her. She wanted to contribute her bit to society and be a part of the ‘changing India’. She did make an impact and she did contribute to change – After her death.

The innocent young woman was so brutally gang raped she succumbed to internal injuries and died. The perpetrators were such predators they even took out her intestines. This incident shocked the nation and men and women across India came to the streets. Candle light marches were held. Protests were made. Pain was felt. Empathy was spread. People across castes, class, creed, age groups, professions and gender came as one. Nirbhaya united India.

Men across quarters fought for the spirit of the brave woman who died and for the women across the country. Nobody asked these men to fight for women’s safety. They did it on their own. This is one of the biggest signs of seeing an evolved male mentality. It was a proud moment. Not only did men become a part of the protests, they took a vow to not even eve-tease women for the sake of fun.

The brutality of the sexual assault on Nirbhaya made men cringe and bow down their heads in shame as men. They wanted to prove that, “all men are not the same” and they did. This is just one recent incident but there are many others. Every time a case of sexual violence, female foeticide, dowry death, honour killing comes to the fore, the modern Indian man extends full support to their female counterparts. It makes them feel sick that society treats women unjustly. Men like these are secure men. They don’t feel emasculated in the presence of powerful, liberated women. Instead, they take pride of having such women around as role models.

The Hurdles

However in spite of men like these, the ‘dark reality’ will do whatever it takes to hold back the women in their lives. They have an outmoded mentality, where the mere thought of a free woman is seen as a threat, a danger.

These are the kinds of men which take resorts like throwing acids on women when they turn down their proposals or indulging in sexual crimes to shame a woman, as a way of revenge for being free. They are the kinds of men who force their spouses to abort female fetuses in the womb itself. The mere existence of a girl child is undesirable to them. It is because of men like these that some places in India are now facing skewed sex ratios. Saddest part is that these men are ‘educated’ men. They consist of lawyers, bureaucrats, technocrats, even teachers and doctors. This is the section of society I personally despise.

I have always been a free spirit, therefore when I see people with such dogmatic attitudes; it comes across as an alien concept. Women must stand up against such rigid attitudes. They must start the process of empowerment within and most importantly, make ties in solidarity with other women who suffer. Only then can India rise and shine, and live up to the dream of being a progressive nation in the true sense.








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Peer Pressure: The Bully in Disguise

As always with a post, I wrote one out and it was long and rambling and ended up with a thought nowhere near the place it began. And I finally ended up with this piece. Maybe it isn’t perfect but it is my contribution.

Red hair, freckles, chubby, and new in school; what do you think those things equal to? Yep, bullied. I survived. But that’s not the bullying I want to talk about today. This is the one type of bullying every person on the planet faces and at one time or other fails at fending off.

Peer Pressure: The Bully in Disguise

bullyingWe have all faced this. Some of us don’t even realize it. If you have been coerced into doing something you didn’t want to do by a friend or group of friends who knew you didn’t want to do that thing, that’s bullying. How many teens have died from that first drug taken? How many girls have ended up pregnant from having sex just one time? How many guys and girls for that matter, have ended up hurt for life because they played a sport they didn’t want to?

What is some obvious ways Peer Pressure looks like?

I was bullied in the traditional way until I got a little older, and figured things out. One thing I rarely fell in to was peer pressure. I saw it happen to friends. That guy in history class who couldn’t lift his head up as he vomited all over his desk because he had drank a whole bottle of vodka or at least most of one before school, the sex behind the concession stand, the sex in the school bus, smoking in the bathrooms. The shoplifting just that once. You name it and someone you know has likely been bullied with the threat of being an outcast because they weren’t cool enough to be adult enough.

But what other types of Peer Pressure Bullying are there?

But it doesn’t stop with those behaviors. My son has let his grades slip. He’s still getting top marks but he’s just doing it at the bottom of that. He didn’t like being called one of the two nerdiest kids in his grade. I told him Bill Gates is a nerd. Nerds make those fancy electronics that all those kids play on rather than focus on studying.

Peer pressure is even present in how we eat.

“You’re eating a fruit cup, yogurt, and a salad at McDonalds?”

“You want water instead of a Coke?”

Even TV.

“You watch Educational TV instead of ESPN?

The traditional type of bullying is bad but Peer Pressure is bullying people haven’t thought about. It’s the kind that kills more teens, likely causes more suicides, and does more damage to our society, cultures, and nations than anything.

The United States government tries to force a certain required system of teaching in place. Any teacher knows you can’t do that. The US worries about dropping further behind nations in education. It’s not that teaching has been wrong; we learned the old ways and are doing fine, and so are the teachers trying to teach this new way.

The problem is countries don’t focus on supporting an environment where each child is to flourish in the area they are best suited for without being made to feel better than others or lesser than others. Each person has a skill, a talent. To change peer pressure it will take decades, decades of first our generation then the next, and then the next to stop it. Once you can give a student self worth and have them understand other students’ self worth, a lot of the other type of bullying will stop.

Building for Bullying Part One.

As I grew older and realized who I was and what I was I saw the problems with peer pressure around me. Some reputations were destroyed of some great young people I knew and they never recovered. Maybe that’s why I am less of a joiner and a late joiner when I do. I sit back and watch and listen and learn. When I am ready, if I am ready, I will take the  next step. But the step has to be for me because I want to.

You can look at my blog and tell I’m not exactly a conformist. I don’t write content that is focused on one thing or in one style. My reading selections are all over the place. I have every type of  friend you can have. I’ve gone my own way. I’ve learned from other peoples’ mistakes. And what I’ve learned I’ve passed on to my son, many students, and youth group members as well as adults that have worked for me over the years.

I could have become a bully. I am a big guy. Temper back then. I was being bullied, and taunted when I snapped. I grabbed the guy by the jacket, spun him around onto the stands in the gym and informed him I was sick of it in a very vocally forceful way. No foul words. Then I sat back down. He was scared. People wanted me to fight him all day. I never did. His bullying reputation was ruined. I didn’t want to start my own.

Building From Bullying Part Two

When my son comes home and talks about a bully, we talk about bullying. We discuss it, who the kid is, what they are like. We discuss why bullies are the way they are. We talk about how fortunate he is to have parents that raise him in a way that doesn’t promote bullying and that is loving and respectful of him and what he likes.

Don’t get me wrong, the word ‘NO’ exists in the house. Usually he knows it’s coming, but he still has to try. A lot of times he’ll be smiling knowing what an answer will be. I’ve discusses in posts before of his intelligence and his heart. He doesn’t hold grudges against kid bullies. Adults though? He holds them more responsible. Yes, he knows adults bully kids. Told you, he’s smart. But he moves on and he treats everyone the same, bully or friend alike. To him, just about everyone is a friend until they do something that is just really dumb.

How much does my son stand up to bullies? He’s the hero of his grand. An older kid had four of them pinned to the wall by the neck with his arms.  My son got away and distracted him so the others got away. Then he told a teacher, in spite of the other boys saying not to. Smart, a heart, and brave. He has a sense of right and wrong that is so ingrained that it shocks me at times. Bullies beware.

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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. Do you have Six Days Seven Nights? One will do.

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I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:

Six Days Seven Nights


Harrison Ford (Quinn Harris)

  Anne Heche (Robin Monroe)

IMDB 5.7/10 over 55,000 users.


Cromedy this week.

I look at this somewhat as a send off of Father Goose with Cary Grant and Leslie Caron, but a very sad excuse for one as far as that goes. Being that is a thinly veiled one that was afraid to come out and be said to be one. On its own merits Six Days is a pretty decent movie. I don’t know what the score is yet as I write this. You have a middle aged Quinn Harris who is living the quiet life in the South Pacific islands until fashion journalist Robin Monroe shows up with her boyfriend for a vacation and ends up hiring Quinn for a plane ride to a fashion even her boss talks her into. A storm hits. Pirates. Dancers. Too much to drink. You get the picture? Well if you have got the picture already then watch it again.

Now time for the BroJo to get going.

Men, why you need to watch this movie.

You’ve got Harrison Ford doing some comedy, some action, and being a sarcastic, straight speaking sort of guy we all want to be like. Plus the island dancing girl for the cheap sex appeal thing. It’s a gimmick but funny for its over the top cheapness.

Now to the ranking of the movie:

Good acting: With Ford you know you’re going to get good acting. Heche? She does fairly well although I don’t think she quite holds her own with Ford. But do they make me believe? Yes.

Attractive Female Lead: Not a Anne Heche fan. And not because of the psychological problems she’s had and things like that. Just not a big fan of hers in general. She does do well in the role here as far as acting and a convincing job, her first real big time role. No.

Insane Characters: Angelica, the local island girl is a bit nuts I think. Well she’s not so much. She knows what she is doing when going after Robin Monroe’s fiancé Ross, I mean David Schwimmer. Yes.

Humor: Definitely some humor here. Yes.

Bodily Harm: Fights, guns, pirates, plane crashes. Yes.

Food Humor: Don’t think so. No.

Action: Yes. See Bodily Harm. Yes.

Good Message: Age ain’t a thing when your heart’s feels that zing. Yes.

Tear Moment: Nah, two weeks wid out da teards. Show me some love guys. I mean fist bump, power five, germaphobe handshake. No.

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: Other than falling for Heche, Ford’s character is cool. Angelica of Heche? Okay, okay, overall he’s smart. Yes.

Cuddle Taco Bonus: I’ll say no this week. I mean it could be if late enough and tired enough, bt that ain’t the CTB we be talkin’ about here.

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 7 out of 10 Tacos.

I would get the bean dip and the guac this week, guys

I think 7 Tacos is about right. A couple of categories were a close yes so this was a very weak 7 with more like a mid to strong 6 Tacos.

That’s my Cromedy Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements? I already have future movies in a list so don’t be surprised if you end up seeing your idea in a future post. Leave a comment and let me know your pick.

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend, well, if you leave out the bean dip.








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The Importance of Being You.

We are all different. A bit of an obvious statement but in parts of the world being different isn’t accepted, expected, or tolerated in the slightest. If we were all meant to be the same it would be a very boring and no-point-in-free-will world. improtance-being-you

Each of us is meant to give something to the world as a whole. No, that doesn’t mean I am going to go and invent something that will save the universe from the attack of the space amoebas. (Do I get nerd points for spelling that right the first time?)

However, I may be the person that influences the person that does invent that something. We look at ourselves at times and since we are different from the norm we sometimes turn ourselves into the ultimate anti-norm we can, feeling that is what we are supposed to be. It is our badge of honor somehow. It pushes us away from society and love and friends and happiness. Perhaps being alone is your happiness, perhaps it’s your norm. But I don’t think complete and total alone-ness is anyone’s norm.

Yes, society is part of the problem of our lack of acceptance of who we are. You may be a lover of punk rock with Goth influences and love watching Harry Potter while eating cotton candy. And you read Fifty Shades to discover how not to write a book for quality but for sensationalist salesmanship of secret desires you would like to explore but are ashamed to admit. If you admit all of that, people will look at you strangely and that look influences you without you even realizing at times.

But there is something you are missing. You are important as you. If you like to wear Polo shirts and khaki pants plus do all those things above then do it. Why, because that’s you. You are your norm. The only norm in the universe is what people are meant to be. Not what a society expects people to be.

The importance of being you is that you are meant to influence something in this world for something good. This isn’t to say you are to intentionally go about seeking out what that is. Just. Be. You. As a teacher I know of what I speak. There may be something I said that made an impact in a student’s life that then brought about something in them that then led to something in another and so on.

The power of positivity in life is an expanding phenomenon. It’s a building block on top of another and another and another leading to something. One harsh word, one sarcastic barb, one insensitive comment at the wrong time and you, yes you, may push a person over a line. What is that line? Perhaps it is not going to college, not getting a job, committing suicide . . . not asking for help . . . not asking for help again.

Whatever you are, that’s the line you should take without embarrassment or shame or feeling awkward. The ultimate expression of love—to me—would be to be you and not an imitator or fake. Truth is love. Therefore, you being who you are is love and that is so important in this world. Once you realize it’s okay to be you, it’s the norm to be you, then you recognize and accept it’s okay and the norm for other people to be themselves is okay as well.

The norm is in each form.

 For my first post in my BeWoW series click Get Positive: Sorting Your Life’s Junk.

I thought I would add a little mention after a reader thought of the above article. Do not think that if your norm is to be a murderer or child molester is something that would be considered positive on the world. The I idea someone might consider those lines of behavior as norms of positivity that I would think of never occurred to me and thus never entered the original article above.

As a follow up to this post I wrote Encouragement as a Norm not an Exception the very next day.

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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. You Down With Love?

ronovan writes

I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:

Down With Love


Ewan McGregor (Catcher Block)

  Renee Zellweger (Barbara Novak)

David Hyde Pierce (Peter McMannus)

Tony Randall (Theodore Banner)

IMDB 6.3/10 over 30,000 users.


Cromedy this week.

A homage to the Rock Hudson, Doris Day, and Tony Randall movies. Catcher Block is the”ladies’ man, man’s man, man about town’ magazine writer who always gets the scoop but then he is called out in front of all of America by Barbara Novak on national television while discussing her book Down With Love, about how women don’t need men. She names him as the perfect example of ‘The Worst Kind of Man’.

Of course the humor begins when Catcher Block pretends to be an astronaut, Zip Martin to expose her as a fraud when it comes to love and men.


Now time for the BroJo to get going.

Men, why you need to watch this movie.

Comedy. This week it’s comedy and some good old throw back dumb sexist overtones that are so over the top they are funny. By this I mean even women laugh at how dumb the jokes are. Okay, dumb in a good way.

Now to the ranking of the movie:

Good acting: To pull of that old feel of the 1960s and get away with it is great. McGregor and Hyde Pierce nail it. Zellwegger? Well she does okay but she’s no Doris Day. She just doesn’t quite pull it off in my opinion. But I give it an overall Yes.

Attractive Female Lead: Well, As you know personality is a big part of attractiveness to me and Zellwegger doesn’t have it. No.

Insane Characters: I think the basic premise of the movie lends itself to insanity with some antics of McGregor and supporting cast members. Yes.

Humor: I’ll just say Yes.

Bodily Harm: I guess you would say there is that mild bodily harm you might expect from a bit of slapstick comedy send off of those old 1960s movies. Yes.

Food Humor: I don’t think so. No.

Action: There is a little throwing of some things. Yes.

Good Message: I think so. Again, this is about love. So there is a love message here. Yes.

Tear Moment: Nah, dude, not gonna do that to you this week. No.

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: I think McGregor looks pretty smart here. Yes.

Cuddle Taco Bonus: Not this week. Not even a nacho chip.

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 7 out of 10 Tacos.

Not the Feast but grab some bean dip and you’ll be fine and with no Cuddle Taco Bonus eat all the dip you want.

That’s my Cromedy Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements? I already have future movies in a list so don’t be surprised if you end up seeing your idea in a future post. Leave a comment and let me know your pick.

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend, well, if you leave out the bean dip.








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Being Positive to See the Positive

Last week in Sorting Your Life’s Junk I talked about how the way to being a positive and wonderful me, well a better me, was how I like to place events and thoughts into  Mental Folders. I called them:

  • Awesome
  • Needs Work
  • So Not Worth It

By doing this, I am able to sort through things quickly and move on. It’s a habit. A reflex, if you want to look at it that way. Just like driving a car. You see  something brake in front of you, you don’t have to think about it, you hit your brakes to stop something bad from happening. This is the same thing. By sorting those events or interactions into folders, those emotional/mental energy vampires/leeches/parasites don’t have a chance to latch on.

But you are probably thinking to yourself there are still things in the folders and you are likely to thumb through those files at some point. Ignoring the negative things doesn’t work. I like the adage or phrase “You got to own it.”

Accept it and Deal With it

Eventually whatever it is must be taken care of. Due to a concussion I’m not allowed to drive at the moment. I’ve driven 7 minutes in the past 18 months. And that was an emergency. Am I happy?

I guess you need to take a look at happy first. Everything that needs to get done in my life gets done. So in the grand scheme of things, not driving is not a major problem for me. I have filed it and dealt with it. I’m okay with it.

Does being okay with it mean I don’t miss the ability to get up and go whenever I want to? No, of course not. But I own the situation, I understand it, and I handle it. It does not get me down.

But what about REAL problems?

I knew you were thinking that. I’ll use my Fibromyalgia. It was discovered that the debilitating pain that I had been having for more than a decade was Fibromyalgia, which runs in my family. Walking is difficult. Sleeping is difficult. Sitting is difficult. Lying down is difficult. Maybe you see where this is headed. Combine that with migraines that are 24/7 and things are bad. By 24/7 I mean they never stop, just vary be intensity.

So what do I do about that? What do I do because I miss ball games and school events of my son? I deal with it. I have a son and one to be proud of. So I can’t do everything I would like, I am still proud of him and tell him that and show him every chance I get. And he knows it. Does it get me down at times? For a moment, then I shake it off.

It’s Not All Sunshine and Peanut Butter Cups

That’s one thing we have to remember, positive doesn’t happen 100% of the time. It’s just like anything else, it’s what you do with it. I had an old pastor friend say to me once that you can look at a woman and see she’s beautiful, just don’t turn around and watch her walk away, that is where the bad part comes in.

What’s in your folders is the same way. You see it, and you deal with it. Sure, it will hit you and you might have a moment of problem but then move on and don’t look back. It’s done. It’s over.

As time goes by and perhaps the problem comes up again, you will eventually have developed the habit. File, deal, and begone. The most positive people are the ones usually who have gone through the most junk.

The Positive Results of Being Positive

Being positive has its advantages. You begin to see the positive in many situations you never saw before. You see beauty where you only saw ugliness before. And you give words of encouragement when you at one time yelled or ignored.

I’m positive positivity will bring positive things to your life.

For the next in my Positivity Day series, it’s not really a series but just me focusing on being positive, you may want to read The Importance of Being You. It’s kind of neat to see how someone grows and where their thoughts carry them on a subject in order. Do they grow or not?

Join me and several other blogger friends as we start #BeWoW Bloggers. BeWoW means Be Wonderful on Wednesday. Be Positive, Encouraging, Inspiration, and Uplifiting. If you like something positive you read somewhere, or you write something yourself, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW on Wednesday and we see it and ReTweet it and visit it ourselves to be encouraged. If you don’t like to Tweet, then share the link to that article you have or you found in a comment here so people can find it that might not normally do so.

Much Respect and Much Love to You,


Ronovan Writes





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Living the Rhythm of Life

Florence 2This month’s guest is Florence Thum of Meanings and Musings. Lawyer, Therapist, College Professor, Writer, Blogger, Mother, and more. And no, those are not in any particular order. A lady from Down Under with a lot to say and lot of ways to say it.

As I venture here as a guest still wondering what I could possibly offer on RonovanWrites, I am reminded ‘write what you love’. At the moment, what I love is TIME because I have so little of it. It is what I covet most.

Time poor

Time cannot be bought, it is beyond my control. If I do nothing, if no one does anything, time will still pass in its own rhythm, in its own time.

Time is.

Of course my perception of how time passes, the judgment I bring to its passing and to my being in it as it passes, is my own. That is my reality, no one else’s.

It took a long time for me to understand the old adage ‘time flies when you are having fun’. It is not about forgetting time when I am having fun. It is about not measuring it, not watching it go by but instead just being in it. When I am in the flow, I am deeply engrossed within that which I am passionate, that which I love, that which I am focused upon. And I stop measuring time. It is of no significance in that moment. In that moment, I am fulfilled.

We human beings created the measurement for time – the days, the hours, the minutes and seconds that ticked by. Yes, time ticking by because we invented the clock, and other technologies like the sun dial  :-). You get what I mean. We privilege accuracy, consistency, being definite. But that is not how the rhythm of life is.

My day rarely ever goes to plan – the writing that took longer than I had imagined, the unexpected injury I am needed to attend to, the conversations that I am drawn into sometimes kicking and screaming because they are not what I had planned, but alas, life is sometimes erratic but always rhythmic if we can hear it.

Time in flight

What happened before we were obsessed or governed by the measurement of time? We watched the ebb and flow of the tides, the wane and wax of the moon, the height of the sun in the sky, we felt the heat or chill on our skin, the smell of the rain in the air. We listened to nature tapping out its rhythm, we followed its call and we responded. We then set to our tasks of living as time passed. Sometimes winter arrived later and harsher, sometimes summer arrived sooner and brought the rain. Whatever it might have been, we adapted. In our adapting, we tapped into our creativity, we harnessed our knowledge and we set out to overcome, to accomplish. Yes times were hard by our present standards. Yet the human species has survived by our ingenuity, our creativity.

Much of our present day lived experience is dictated by our measure of time. We adhere to order and structure, much of which is measured by when, at what time, we ought to do things, how much stuff we do within a duration of time, how often we must do a certain thing and for how long for it to be counted, to be valid as our expertise. Do we not question this? I do, sometimes. Sometimes when I am reminded to adhere to a deadline, an inner voice shouts, “says who?”

It occurs to me we have let some ‘muscles’ go slack – muscles to tap into our creativity, to take things within our stride, to respond with equanimity, to trust in our own resilience. Instead we mock and undermine those who push back against competing with time – those we labelled eccentric, dreamer, disordered, purposeless…just because the dictates of time have little hold on them, as they follow the rhythm of their own life.

We are guided by time, we do not control it.  Rigid control of what we do with time will not make us masters of time.

So here I was trying to fit writing this post into a time frame, as other ‘things’ queue for attention. Well, it is not to be so. This post comes to me because of the significance of time to my daily living, it comes to me because there is a lesson to be learnt, it comes to me because it wants to be written. In the middle of writing I was tempted to stop because the time I had allocated to writing had expired. It took but a few seconds for me to notice the irony. Will I learn? Yes. I will write as long as I am inspired.

rhythm of life

Time is. I cannot possess it, I cannot demand more of it. What I can do is change my perception of it. To experience time differently. To step out from the paradigm that time (to be precise, our measure of time) controls my life.

I will bask in the warmth of my children’s company for as long as we wish. I will read for as long as the book holds my attention. I will sit in my anger for as long as it requires processing. I will listen to reasons until they become excuses. I will BE IN the rhythm of my life, tapping out the beats of my heart.

So time aside, what is the rhythm of your life? Are you living it?

In love,
– FlorenceT


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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. You need to be The Quiet Man.

ronovan writes

I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:

The Quiet Man

john wayne

John Wayne (Sean Thornton)

Maureen O’Hara (Mary Kate Danaher)

Barry Fitzgerald (Michaleen Oge Flynn)

Victor McLaglen (Squire “Red” Will Danaher)

IMDB 8/10 over 23,000 users.


Another Cromedy this week. Starring

John Wayne being, well somewhat un-John Wayne. And Maureen O’Hara being very much Maureen O’Hara. I imagine it’s possible the ladies saw John Wayne’s name and instantly turned away. Well they are missing out. This is not your typical John Wayne fare.

Sean Thornton, from America, has decided to return home to the place of his birth in Ireland and retire to a quiet, peaceful life. Do you hear the birds singing and the Irish music now? No? That’s because if it were that perfect it wouldn’t make much of a movie.

Enter Mary Kate Danaher, the sister of Squire “Red” Will Danaher. The two are more alike than either care to admit. Strong minded, opinionated, and independent. When Mary Kate and Sean meet we set off on a tale of clashes in personalities, emotions, and traditions.

You get to see Ireland in all it’s beauty. I tell you the movie is worth watching just for those scenes.

There is one scene where some might have a problem with Sean dragging Mary Kate over the land but it’s at times humorous and done for a good reason. So no one get mad at the movie. Keep going.

You have it all here from Cromedy to Action, but modestly so. It’s a build up and worth every moment of the wait.

Now time for the BroJo to get going.

Men, why you need to watch this movie.

Guys, you’ve got fights, comedy, and those stare down moments we all like. You know John Wayne can kick anyone’s um, behind, and you just wait for it. Of course then the pitch fork gets involved and things change a little.

Now to the ranking of the movie:

Good acting: I’ll tell you the honest truth here and no exaggerating. John Ford really brought out the best in Wayne and not the over the top “Duke” we all know. The title The Quiet Man means something for real. He brings out the chemistry that unites Wayne and O’Hara in a number of movies. Fitzgerald’s comedy, McLaglen being McLaglen, Ward Bond showing up as a fishing loving Father Loneran bring all of this movie together for about as perfect of a movie as you will find. I say that without having only just started the rating. Click here for some Google photos of John Wayne in The Quiet Man, not a website. Yes.

Attractive Female Lead: Maureen O’Hara has always been one of those classic beauties that you just can’t help but say wow when the camera catches those certain moments. I don’t think the movie does her as much justice in this aspect but then she is playing a woman in a small place in Ireland. If you can’t quite place her, she played John Candy’s mother in the movie Only the Lonely. Click here  to see some photos of her on Google, not a website. Yes.

Insane Characters: Michaleen is a crazy match making Irishman whose horse knows to stop at the pub even when not prompted to. Will Danaher is entertaining in his over the top insanity of being an overbearing big brother whose jealous of Thornton. Then you have the gambling leader of the local ministry. Yes.

Humor: See the Insane Characters. There is humor everwhere, even during the final moment everyone is waiting for. Yes.

Bodily Harm: It’s John Wayne and McLaglen. There has to be some damage. And I won’t mention the poor bed during the honeymoon. Yes.

Food Humor: There are uses of some liquids at times that are humorous and exasperating in their predictability but that makes them even funnier because you see it on the face of the actors. No.

Action: It’s John Wayne. You have to give the audience at least a taste of what they expect. But in this case it’s not just what you expect. There is a pivotal horse racing scene as well that makes things happen to set off the course of events. Yes.

Good Message: I’ve talked about Wayne so far. Love is the overall message here. But there is a lot that leads up to the realization that love is the important thing. A woman’s rights and wants are show and her not backing down in regards to them. O’Hara was the perfect woman for this part. This may not have been the first women’s rights movie but it did deliver a message. Yes.

Tear Moment: Hmm. I think Sean’s and Mary Kate’s troubles when they finally come to a head do make one well up a touch. There is also that moment when Thornton has finally had enough. You’ve been waiting for it for so long you get those tears of joy. Yes.

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: Wayne is not stupid in this movie. He is obviously intelligent. He invested in his past and was able to retire to Ireland at a youngish age. Plus he does not play the games that are against his beliefs. Not religious beliefs but his beliefs in life. Yes.

Cuddle Taco Bonus (CTB): You know I wish I could give this a Bonus Taco but in truth, I don’t see it happening. I mean there might be a chance, but I don’t see it.

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome  and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 10 out of 10 Tacos.

All You Can Eat.

 That’s my Cromedy Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements? I already have future movies in a list so don’t be surprised if you end up seeing your idea in a future post. Leave a comment and let me know your pick.

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend,








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Confession Revealed.

On Valentine’s Day I wrote something titled Lasting. (A Confession of Want.)  There were a couple of comments left and the reaction was fairly nice for a Saturday post. I thought those who enjoyed reading that confession of tongue exhausting pleasure would like to know the inspiration for said Confession. Admittedly chocolate might not have come to mind when reading my post and I will further admit that I now understand why chocolate is a substitute for some regarding other delightful pleasures. There is a feeling that spreads through every part of your body as the chocolate melts slowly in your mouth, coats your tongue and then travels down. If one lets their mind and imagination run away and closes their eyes other thoughts do come to mind. I greatly enjoy chocolate, the real kind or the kind it replaces. Both are delightful tastes and satisfying.




I do hope you share if you like.

And I enjoy people following me here and wherever else you may find me. May your thoughts be filled with pleasure of every kind as mine are of you.


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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. Moulin Rouge.

ronovan writes

I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:

Moulin Rouge

nicole kidman ewan mcgregor

Nicole Kidman (Satine)

Ewan McGregor (Christian)

John Leguizamo (Toulouse-Lautrec)

IMDB 7.7/10 over 202,000 users.


Dramancical (Drama/Romance/Musical)

Obi Wan isn’t feeling the Force in this movie. No, nor does Norma Jean got any Happy Feet. We gots us a shocker here folks. Who knew a Jedi could sing and a Top Gun Ex could either?

McGregor as Christian shows up in Paris around the year 1900. He’s a writer wanting to write and has come to the artsy place of the world to do it in. Being Paris it of course doesn’t take him long to find a woman to fall for.

Enter Kidman as Satine, cabaret star and all around gorgeous woman. A case of mistaken identity throws the two together and it’s love and fireworks. But problems arise with a rich nobleman wants Satine for himself or he wants fund a musical that could make Satine a star or worse yet he’ll have Christian killed.

Of course there is a final twist on the whole thing that I won’t mention.

What did it for me? Guys, these two can full on sing. There is some serious performances here that should have won Oscars. McGregor wasn’t even nominated for an Oscar, and Denzel Washington won it for Training Day while Kidman was nominated but lost to Halle Berry for Monster’s Ball.

The acting, the set designs, the atmosphere, everything was perfect with this film. How will it hold up to the Taco Rating? I’m not sure but it is one dang good movie, guys.



Now time for the BroJo to get going.

Men, why you need to watch this movie.

Nicole Kidman. Girls in cabaret costumes. Some seriously awesome looking sets make this whole film look cool. It’s almost like another world.

Now to the ranking of the movie:

Good acting – No doubt here guys. Seriously some of the best.Yes.

Attractive Female Lead – Nicole Kidman. Duh. Yes.

Insane Characters – Toulouse. Kinda weird. Just saying. Plus the Baron is a little nuts. Yes.

Humor – There is humor built in but I’m not really seeing it as much of a thing here. I’m going with a No.

Bodily Harm – There is some murder attempts. Threats. Yes.

Food Humor – Not that I remember. No.

Action – The whole attempted murder thing. Yes.

Good Message – Love is for real and it conquers all. You believe in it and put it before materialistic things and even your own life. Yes.

Tear Moment – A serious Yes.

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: – Correct. Christian is a smart guy. Yes.

Cuddle Taco Bonus (CTB) – Oh yeah. Musical. Romance. You got it, Dudes. Yes.

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome  and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 9 out of 10 Tacos.

Feast is on. Eat up, Dudes. You gonna need your strength with that CTB this week.


9 out of 10? How did that happen? I seriously was not expecting that at all. You might would even take 1 Taco away for it being a Musical and it still would be an 8. Wow.

That’s my Dramancical Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements?

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend.








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Maniacal Egos are So Full of it.

I like to wait before I move to make a rather in depth statement about an issue. My mind needs time to process AND to calm a bit. I like to find peace before I write. That way when I do write I can stand by what I write and not need to defend a rash tantrum.

The Grammy Awards show.

I am certain there has been quite a bit of griping around Blog Life regarding the behavior of one Kanye West who will be referred to as KW moving forward. No, that is not short for Kid Wino, or Kook Whiner, or Kid Weenie.

I did write a Haiku yesterday about his behavior, Dweebzus. Some of you may recall KW had an album called Yeezus. “Nuff said ’bout dat.

I will just say it plain. I have no respect for KW in any aspect whatsoever. KW decided he would take the stage when Beck won album of the year instead of Beyonce. Well he didn’t take the mic and complain this time. He did complain later to E! and even complained about E! having E! on their mics during the interview.

KW seems to think there is only one type of music that is worthy. Whoever he is friends with. No other artist is good. He looks at sales to determine if one album is better than another. I suppose if One Direction beats KW on the charts that means they are better than he is? What if Prince had won the award or Pharrell? Would he have reacted the same?

He complained about he’s never beat a white artist in all the Grammy awards he has won. So does that mean in the categories he won in there were no white people nominated? Perhaps there is something that should be said about that? Do I dare say that? Would I be deemed something I am not by even thinking that?

Just so you know, I’m good with myself. I know I’m not racist or a bigot or anything else negative like that. Just ask around. I may even think you’re an idiot but I am not going to hold that against you as far as if I like you or not. Although I do have a problem with stupidity. I really do. People that are just plain stupid get on my nerves.

You know, I don’t care what your skin tone is. If you are good you are good. And there is a difference between an album that is something that brings something to the table and something that simply hits the charts.

KW is a self important tick on the music world and gives those around him a bad name. Jay-Z actually was shaking his head no at KW as he went to the stage. Maybe that’s what stopped the guy. You may be Yeezus in your mind but Jay-Z is the head of the Hip Hop Illuminati, or so the honesty world of the internet would have you believe. Oh, I forgot, that’s the same internet that shows numbers of sales that said Beyonce should have beat Beck.

You ever notice how Jay-Z doesn’t seem to care about awards? His bank account rocks. He knows what really matters. By even reacting to the award outcomes you give them validation.

Sam Smith won because he ripped off Tom Petty. Ed Sheeran should have one. He has more talent than Smith ever will. No joke with this next part either, but does Sam Smith look like he could be Boy George’s son?

Here is why Ed should have won.


I rambled a bit today. I do at times.

Till next time,

I hope you like my new blue phase photo.





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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. Do you have The Game Plan for this weekend?

ronovan writes

I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:

The Game Plan

dwayne johnson

Dwayne Johnson (Joe Kingman)

Madison Pettis (Peyton Kelly)

Roselyn Sanchez (Monique Vasquez)

IMDB 6.2/10 over 37,000 users.


Another Cromedy this week. Starring

The Rock not being the Rock, not smelling what the Rock is cooking or kicking someone’s candy grass. Makes you wonder why in the world even bother. In all honesty, if you’ve seen him kick one guy’s grass you’ve pretty much seen him kick everyone else.

This movie has Johnson as Joe Kingman, the perfect quarterback with the ego to match trying to make it to the championship. That’s when he’s give a play that deflates balls quicker than a ball boy in a restroom. (An aside, not that I believe any of that nor do I care. That’s for those who got the joke.)

Enter little Peyton Kelly played by Madison Pettis. Kelly is the daughter that Kingman never knew about. Her mother has died and she has come in search of her dad. Kingman of course does the right thing and takes the kid in.

Of course you know what’s going to happen. Yep, he melts. They meet Monique Vasquez and all sorts of things start confusing the King and changes his world.

I won’t give away any more than that. Grabbed me was the father daughter relationship and realizations. There are moments that are nailed. Some people don’t like the Disney sentimentalism that runs through some of their movies, but they really had Kingman near the end of the movie showing the feelings, the thoughts, and the results of what being a father is. Even if it is for a daughter you never knew.


Now time for the BroJo to get going.

Men, why you need to watch this movie.

Guys, seriously, what makes you want to go the move in the first place? You want some action, you want something nice to look at, and you want to cheer. Dudes, I got ya wid dis one.

Now to the ranking of the movie:

Good acting – This is a tough one. There are some great acting moments where things are conveyed so well. Do I ever forget I am seeing the Rock? No. But that really isn’t possible. Actually it is but that’s a whole other movie. I think everyone plays their part right. Johnson progresses through the film. We see a little of the inside the life of a superstar quarterback. So in the long run I will give this a Yes.

Attractive Female Lead – Roselyn Sanchez is gorgeous. But little Madison Pettis is so adorable that she steals it. You would die for that little girl. Yes.
Insane Characters – Hmm. There is Spike the bulldog who is hilarious at times. And Kyra Sedgwick, who plays Kingman’s agent, does some crazy things. But insane characters? No.
Humor – Again we have Spike. There is also the bedazzled football scene and several scenes really. Not sure what it is about putting Johnson in a tutu directors seem to want to do. Makes me question the directors a little. Yes.

Bodily Harm – It’s football. You got it. Yes.

Food Humor – I can’t think of any food humor at the moment. Just the opposite actually. So giving this a No.

Action – You have football scenes and an emergency scene during the movie. Yes.

Good Message – Love will find a way. I think for the heart there is a good message, Yes. For a parent and life perspectives, Yes. For children and how Peyton ends up with Kingman, No. But this being about being a Mick Flick, I’ll give it a Yes.

Tear Moment – I’m crying now thinking about a couple of scenes. But don’t worry guys it’s not in a bad way. So that’s a Yes.

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: – Well, I want to say people try to make Kingman look stupid at times but overall he’s not. He pulls off the father thing slowly but surely and even along the way he might not do things like most parents do but he gets the job done. We have a Yes.

Cuddle Taco Bonus (CTB) – I don’t know that this is a cuddle movie. It might be an ‘aww, baby, it’s okay, it’s just a movie’ here and there, but cuddling? I say No. So no bonus Taco this week.

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome  and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 8 out of 10 Tacos. Fiesta Time. But without that CTB you still might end up with Siesta Time afterwards, if you know what I mean.


Honestly, 8 out of 10 is a surprise. But my rating is based on the appeal to a generalized male audience. So significant others out there reading this you’ve got the Rock in a unitard and your man happy to be there.

That’s my Cromedy Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements? I already have future movies in a list so don’t be surprised if you end up seeing your idea in a future post. Leave a comment and let me know your pick.

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend,








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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. Do you feel Serendipity this week?

ronovan writes

I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:



Another Cromedy this week. Starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.

Imagine a girl writing her name and phone number inside a book and you writing yours on a $5 bill and then hoping you both end up finding the other at some point and reunite, leaving your future to ‘fate’. Sounds like a movie just waiting to aggravate the popcorn out of you to me, but it isn’t. There are humorous moments and yeah, aggravating moments but in truth the fate part isn’t what makes this a must watch for men.
It’s the search that is what I fell for in this film. Years pass by but they both keep an eye out for the bill and the book until it comes to a point of now or never. That’s where this movie wins me. Do you leave your love to fate or do you want to have a hand in what happens?

So the significant one in the relationship is saying, “Ronovan, last week you had My Big Fat Greek Wedding and that was okay. At least there was an old man squirting Windex on everything. But now you are going serious Rom with a little less Com. No way is this happening.” Step and let me get the BroJo going.

Men, why you need to watch this movie.

First up you got Kate Beckinsale. British accent had has made a living out of playing a hot vampire warrior in the Underworld movies. I mean the accent alone got me. Let me recover for a moment.

Okay, so not enough? Add in Eugene Levy as the opportunistic salesclerk who takes Cusack’s character, Jonathan Trager for everything he’s got and then there is Jonathan’s best friend, the writer. Yeah, writes of obituaries! And they all go chasing around to find an address.

So what is the message here? I guess it depends on your take on it. Do you see it as fate will bring you together, or the two are working it so it all happens, or do you get the message of if it feels right then don’t screw it up by doing some stupid carp stuff like writing your name in things to see if on let me see, FATE will make it work out.

Okay, okay, oaky. I’m good now. I’ll leave it to you to pick what you think the answer is and I would give you which one I think it is. Oh, and I didn’t tell you how it ended. Bet you will be surprised.


Now to the ranking of the movie:

I like a movie with good acting, no matter the type, see, type, not genre, type. Yes, I like a lot of commas. Even commas that aren’t supposed to be there.

Good acting Yes

Attractive Female Lead – YEAH! This week we have the looks, the accent, and the personality. Sigh. Did I mention her eyes and her accent? No? Okay. She has eyes and an accent.

Insane Characters – Yes. Eugene Levy, I mean do I have to say more. Okay, so there is also John Corbett again this week. He plays Lars, Kate Beckinsale’s famous freaky musical instrument playing finace.

Humor – Eugene Levy really is the humor in the film. Molly Shannon plays Beckinsale’s character, Sara Thomas’ best friend and there is some fun there as well. But Levy nails it.

Bodily Harm No. Not really any.

Food Humor –  No. Don’t think this one has the food humor from what I can remember.


Good Message Yes. This week is a for sure yes. For one you can take whatever message you want from it.

Tear Moment No major tear moments here. Maybe just one but not like major..

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: – I’m torn here. He let Beckinsale’s character walk out on a $5 bet. I mean, really, dude, that’s stupid to me. But overall he’s not. He’s a pretty smart guy. I guess he is. Then again he get’s taken to the cleaners by a salesclerk. Hmm. Wow. Still in limbo on this one.

Cuddle Taco Bonus – OH YEAH!!! CTB BABY!

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome  and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 6 out of 10 Tacos. With CTB that make it a 7 Taco Meal, not a Feast but you won’t go hungry.

Honestly, this is one of my favorite movies. And when I originally gave it a personal score I gave it a 9. But I had to stick to the Mick Ticks, and there you have it.

That’s my Cromedy Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements? I already have future movies in a list so don’t be surprised if you end up seeing your idea in a future post.

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend,







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Character is Huge.

Football isn’t something I talk about much. I do have something to say about it in light of the current New England Patriots deflated balls controversy and quarterback Tom Brady. I’m not going to discuss the blames for and the who cares about it anyway of the whole thing. I’m not going to discuss the stats from the first half compared to the second half. That’s all for the uber fans to talk about. And in truth that’s not what people come here to check out.

What it did was remind me of something. Part of a chapter from a Romance I wrote. Yes, I wrote a Romance novel.

Bear with, there is a point to it.


Jennie fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “All these years you have all known and no one said anything and now you all know how I feel and–mother fix it.”

Laura laughed as she laid down next to her daughter. “I can’t. This one is all yours, dear.”

“If Gary would just have kept being a jerk it would have been easy,” Jennie said.

Laura sat up and hugged her knees with her cheek against them, looking down at her daughter. “Tonight ask your father about Peyton Manning and how he was drafted.”

“What?” Jennie asked. She sat up propping back on the palms of her hands.

“While you’re eating, ask him. We saved dessert so we could eat with you while you had your hotdogs. Trust me. Ask him, it might help.”

Chapter ##

Jennie had been able to get herself together enough to eat, thanks to her mother. Everyone else already knew about the love Corbin had for her and were handling things as usual. She went along with the conversations as they ate dessert, waiting for the right moment to ask her father the question.

Things turned to spring training at the university, which led to old games, and rivalries and then she jumped in. “Dad, Mother said you had a story about Peyton Manning and how he was drafted,” she said.


Mitch McElroy looked at his wife. The years of marriage telepathy passed between them and Jennie knew he could tell there was more to this than her wanting to know a football story. He laced his fingers together in his story mode and began. “First I have to say my least favorite color is orange,” he said, and everyone laughed. The locals’ rivalries all had orange in their uniforms.

“But Peyton was a class act and still is. The team with the number one pick in the NFL draft needed a quarterback and it came down to two men. With their having the first pick before any other pro team this was a big decision. Both men had great numbers and in fact the other guy had slightly better numbers than Peyton, but they picked Peyton and ended up with a Super Bowl ring.”

“Why didn’t they pick the other guy?” Jennie asked.


“Character,” her father said. “Both did well on the field but in the pros, the guys in the office were making an investment in a future and they wanted to make sure of a good return on that investment. So what it came down to was how the two were away from the field.”

He took a drink of coffee and kept thinking for a moment. Jennie had always noticed he had coffee or milk with dessert. He said iced tea didn’t work because the sweet of desserts killed the sweet of the tea. “They didn’t want the drama of the press and personal life. They wanted a solid go to guy that they could count on, who was the same all the time everywhere. That was Peyton.”


“And the other guy?”


“Out of football now, never had success and has pretty much hit rock bottom, although he was drafted.”


Jennie looked at her plate. She was a mustard girl for her hotdogs at home. She picked up a fry and scooped up a stray bit of mustard.   Her Dad’s voice made her even more comfortable and she found herself slowly returning to a normal calm, or maybe what was turning into her new normal, whatever that was going to be.

“If I had an opening right now at work,” her father began. “I would take a good long look at the person’s history and even at their friends. You can tell a lot about a person about who they pick as friends, how close they are to family. Even by what books they read,” he said, putting his hand over hers.

Jennie looked at his eyes. This was the first time he had actually given her an open clue to his feelings. She smiled back at him and then her eyes widened. “I almost forgot,” she said jumping up.

“What in the world?” Her father asked.


Jennie returned in seconds and glared at Benny. “Dad, this is for you,” she said sweetly as she sat the chocolate pie down in front of him.


Glee spread across his face and his shoulders shrugged up in little boy delight as he rubbed his hands together. “You do love me,” he said as he took a big bite. The whipped cream covered his lips.



“And this,” she said. “Belongs to you, dear brother.” And the empty second pie tin, with what was left of chocolate was placed satisfyingly down upon her brother’s head. “Thanks, Sis,” he said and burped. “You do love me.”

Everyone laughed including Jennie.

Character goes a long way in every aspect of life. For Jennie she had a decision to make. Her father was giving her some advice she needed to take. As for what this has to do with the New England Patriots? Well years ago they were busted in a scandal where the head coach was caught having the opposing teams’ defensive signals videoed so he would know what they were calling during the game and thus know what offensive play to call. His character took a big hit. If not for that this whole thing now would not be such a big deal.

Now the Patriots are often called the most hated team in the league. Opposing teams will look for things to point out against them. Every quarterback likes the football to feel a certain way to be comfortable to his hand. Every quarterback. But here we have a man who is arguably one of the best quarterbacks ever to play the game being questioned on his Character.

Because of this what could possibly happen is brand new footballs are opened on the side line and the quarterbacks are forced to use wax covered, slippery tools that will affect everyone and now the people who are cheering for the demise and questioning of Tom Brady will be hit with the results of it. Because your own Character of being a malicious and sad individual it is possible it will come back to bite you in your own quarterback being made to suffer in the football he has to use.

The results of the before and after halftime, when the balls were switched to ‘good’ balls will tell you how the game would have turned out. The teams in the Championship Game would be the same. Good Character everyone.

Character is huge.












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Ronovan Writes Weekend Mick Flick. Grab some lamb & some olives. We’re going Greek.

ronovan writes

I suppose you might want to know what a Mick Flick is. Well every man fears, actually dreads two words; Chick Flick. That’s right, we know what it means. Romance, tears and we are deemed as failures either because we are men or because we aren’t the men in that, dare I say it, RomCom.

Instead of Chick Flicks, men need an alternative. And this is something we men need to embrace and women, you should as well and you may find date nights become a whole new experience.

The alternative? Rooster Flicks? No. I don’t even like saying Chick Flicks so giving it some form of relevance by actually calling the alternative as Rooster doesn’t work for me. And with the various possible definitions one could give to Rooster based ones mindset and locale, I am just not going there. No, Male Chick Flick. That’s right, the Mick Flick.

What constitutes a Mick Flick?

  • It needs a touch of humor if it doesn’t have action.
  • It needs to tug the heartstrings in some way, with a message or something.
  • And yeah, an attractive female lead might work out, but it’s not completely necessary. Oh, you don’t believe me on this one? I shall prove you wrong, although attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. For me it is the eye of the personality. Pretty lady, ugly personality equals scary run the other way. Yeah, NOT attractive.

Today’s Mick Flick is:

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

A somewhat introverted woman who is basically stuck in the family Greek restaurant breaks out, reinvents herself, and meets a man along the way that isn’t anywhere close to her Greek father’s idea of the traditional young man. Some good humor shows up as the vegetarian Corbett gets a crash cross in culture shock with Vardalos’ big Greek family.

Oh, I can hear some people out there now with deep voices say, “No way is that happening.” Ladies, it’s okay, men will watch this movie.

Why? Why will men watch this movie?

Let me speak in the language of my brothers for a moment.

Dude, this has got some funny stuff in it. The father of Nia Vardalos’ character tries to solve every possible medical problem with Windex and all the male relative’s threaten to kill John Corbett’s character.

The hilarious member of N’SYNC is in there with Joey Fatone. No, he doesn’t sing, at least I don’t think so.

No, this is not a RomCom. Full body shivers there, guys. It’s  a Cromedy. That’s right. We’re making a stand in the world of movie type naming. Yes, it’s a type of movie not a genre.

You get a great message from this as well, really two of them. One you can work to make something of yourself that you are proud of and two you won’t let things get in your way of of love.

Now in a way I see there is a draw back to it. Nia Vardalos’ character goes through a dramatic change in the movie and it isn’t until that change does she feel as though she is something or maybe worthy of the John Corbett character. So maybe the message is overall not quite as good as it could be. Yeah, I know it’s a self image thing but still, it stands out to me a little.

Now to the ranking of the movie:

I like a movie with good acting, no matter the type, see, type, not genre, type. Yes, I like a lot of commas. Even commas that aren’t supposed to be there.

Good actingYes

Attractive Female Lead-I have to say no to this. Simply, well maybe because she just didn’t do it for me. Too much work going on there. I think things could have been simpler. And to be honest I just didn’t like her personality. Personality goes a long way in regards to being attractive. I think maybe if her personality had been better this would have been a yes because it’s not that she wasn’t kind of almost pretty, it’s that she was annoying.

Insane Characters: Oh yeah. Her whole family pretty much.

Humor: It’s got it. I mean, Windex for every ailment and a house that looks like a Greek temple.

Bodily Harm: Yes. Nia’s character almost gets whiplash and there are threats of violence.

Food Humor: Yep. Bunt cake. Don’t ask, just watch.

Action: No.

Good Message: Well, I will have to say no based on my comments. I know it’s a 2-1 for the Good Message but that last one just seems to take away something for me.

Tear Moment: I don’t really recall one that really does touch me. I want to say there is something with the father so I will say yes for a tug at the heart strings. It’s like that father-daughter thing that just hits a man. Stick those moments in a movie Hollywood and you got suckers sitting in the seats sobbing in their sodas.

Male Lead is Not Made Out to Be Stupid: Corbett’s character doesn’t come off dumb at all. He actually handles the crazy family well and rolls with the punches.

So on the Taco Scale of 10 Tacos being awesome  and 1 being like tacos without the meat, cheese or sauce,today’s Mick Flick receives:

 7 out of 10 Tacos.

That’s my Cromedy Recommendation for this weekend. What movie can you think of that meets the Mick Flick requirements? I already have future movies in a list so don’t be surprised if you end up seeing your idea in a future post.

(This was supposed to be my Friday post but apparently the brain isn’t quite doing as well as it should be. Hope you enjoy anyway.)

Much Respect and Much Cuddling for you This Weekend,







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The continuation of disenchantment.

As I attempt to go through my Notifications of the nice people that have liked, commented and reblogged my posts here on Ronovan Writes and other blogs I  have, I find that WordPress has made yet another change. Yes, it has been one they have tinkered with for a split second as they, I imagine, tested and then reverted to the Notifications we have known in recent times, read as for at least the time I’ve been blogging.

Now instead of seeing a straight forward notification where I am able to click and the item pop out to the side, now it is a new, how best may I describe it? A new Notification window maybe comes up and then I must now click on the Notification icon at the top to close then click again to open. Now with as large a view of the Notification entries along with but a brief few words of the comments made  I see less Notifications at one time. Also the View All Notifications is now missing. That might have made it easier, but perhaps because they have removed the, as I will call it, side out option, as oppose to a drop down option when you click something, yes, a side out option when you choose something is what we had, but with it gone I cannot even try to use that to make my life and hands and arms easier.

Now my disenchantment includes:

  • The new Stats Page and no ability to select a desired default of old or new version
  • A less user friendly Notifications

One thing I do want to say is that considering this is a free blogging platform I am not unappreciative of being able to blog without having to pay, yet. I may go premium at some point if I ever find the finances to do so. I would like that I think. However, we bloggers, the free bloggers are what make WordPress the huge success and leader it is in the blogging world.

To any WordPress employee that might read this I have some things to say. Change is not always good. I had not heard of anyone unhappy with the various things you have been changing. For people that are really into blogging, it’s not about the cool or the pretty, it’s about seeing what we need to see and being able to easily connect to those who connect with us. You’ve made that more difficult.

As for me, with my difficulty using my hands you are making it more and more difficult for me to use your platform. I love the  WordPress community and will continue here for as long as possible, but if I can’t blog then I can’t blog.

Ronovan Writes






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