“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but…”

When I met him, it was by chance in a quiet bar in 1940 Hollywood. I can still remember it as clear as if I were looking him square in those energy filled blue eyes right now.

He was a bit too shiny for the place, if that was possible, but no one seemed to pay him any attention. It was as though he was part of the furniture. He belonged there.

I slid onto a stool as Eddie walked up to take my order. “What’ll you have? Bit early for you isn’t it?”

“Just a beer today, Eddie. I got a date later.”

Bushy eyebrows rose and tobacco stained teeth showed behind thick lips. “Bring her by here, I’ll set you up nice.”

I smiled but didn’t commit to anything. Figaro’s Bar was fine for a few with the boys at night, but a dame didn’t belong here. I took the mug of amber liquid and took a sip. My smile was the show appreciation Eddie had waited for. He was one of the best in the business. He remembered what people liked, and I liked my beer warm. You can’t taste an iceberg. If I wanted something cold, I’d ask for milk.

Leaning against the bar, I checked the mirror that ran above the length of bottles and glasses. I didn’t see any of the boys around to talk with. That’s the first time I saw him. Like I said, he was shiny, shiny on the outside of a worn out inside. He had sheets of paper in front of him and the glass he had wasn’t for beer.

“Guy’s a writer,” Eddie said, following my eyes. “Comes in here around this time every day. Says it helps him escapes life. I asked if it was the wife, he said she wouldn’t be caught dead in here. I get the feeling he wishes she would be caught dead somewhere.”

I didn’t like the chuckle Eddie gave. Maybe it was the amusement in his eyes. He thought he was being funny. Death wasn’t something I played around with, even in jest.

There was something about writers that intrigued me. Writers were strange people. They could make you believe things by using words and nothing else. It was like magic without the tricks. Everything was laid out in front of you but you still got fooled. No film or sound effects, just words, and you would swear you heard explosions, music, and you felt the girl in your arms and smelled the perfume as you kissed her.

He saw me coming. I guess it’s hard to miss me, being a big six footer with red hair. Hollywood wasn’t overrun with my type yet, but I wasn’t ever mistaken for Leslie Howard or Spencer Tracey.

He laid his pencil down about the time I reached his booth. “Is there something I may assist you with?”

He had class. The man was educated for sure. Better, even than the people I met though my work, and I met a lot of people up and down the money living line.

“Eddie said you were a writer and I wanted to ask you something.”

He smiled and leaned back stretching his shoulders. “Have a seat and ask away. I might even answer, if I have one. Writers don’t really know much about writing. We’re too busy being in the middle of it to think about it.”

I slipped into the booth. “So, how do you do the magic that you do with words? How do you take something so simple and turn it into something people, thousands of people, will breathe heavy over rushing to turn the page?”

“Be a whore.”

That wasn’t what I was expecting. “A what?”

He emptied his tumbler and signaled to Eddie before answering. He laughed. “It’s an old joke between me and a friend of mine, Ernest. Write your guts out and lay it all on the page. That’s art, that’s writing. If you want to eat, then you add the tits and ass, the sex and crime the public these days want to read about.”

I remained silent. The illusion I had of a writer was gone in under two minutes. I don’t think I’d ever heard anyone sound so bitter. “Then why do it at all if you hate it so much?”

Eddie set another glass down filled to the rim with something dark and dangerous for that time of day. “I don’t hate writing, I hate money. I hate having to have money. Money ruins a creation, art. All it does is create demons and evil.”

“Then write what you want to and live different.”

A smile spread across the handsome face. “Too many responsibilities for that. I knew what I was getting into when I became a writer. Writing a novel . . . you become famous after you are dead. To make a living you write for the magazines or film. You copy yourself and repeat the process over and over again. What works once will work again. I still write for myself, for after my death’s success.” He tapped the pages in front of him.

I shook my head. I couldn’t understand why stay in such a business. “Looks to me like this job would wear you down, instead you still look like you’re enjoying it. Why not try something else? How do you find the ability to keep going?”

The man stared at the glass on the table, cupped between his hands. “You need to find the energy to keep going in any business. Where do you get the will power to keep going? Some think I find it in this.” He picked up the glass and took a sip.

“Do you?”

He set the glass back down and looked at me. “No. I find numbing escape from certain parts of my life. I will say that much. To the subject of energy when faced by time after time of compromising your work to make a living, I have one thought that comes to mind. Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.”

“Hey, Scott, telephone.” Eddie’s voice echoed in the quite bar.

“Excuse me a moment,” Scott said as he slipped from the booth.

As he went to the phone at the bar, I glanced over at the first page he’d been working on. Across the top was scribbled The Love of the Last Tycoon. Maybe it was going to be a movie or something.

Scott rushed back to the table. “Sorry, I have to rush out.” He gathered the pages into a stack. “I completely forgot about a movie premiere I’m to attend tonight.”

“Oh, which one?”

“Something with Rosalind Russell and Melvyn Douglas. I think it’s called This Thing Called Love or some such.”

He reached out one hand and I stood taking it. “Nice to have met you,” Scott said.

“You to, hope you keep that vitality going. Oh, and have a Merry Christmas.”

“You to.” He smiled, turned, and headed for the front door.

Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.

I guess that goes for people like me. I take hit but I keep coming back to be hit again or maybe dodge the punch next time.

Sitting my empty mug on the bar, I fished into my pocket. “Scott took care of you,” Eddie said.

“You’re kidding?”

“No, he’s a good guy, especially when he’s not around those society types. He likes being a normal guy. I don’t treat him like nothing special except keeping people out of his business when it gets crowded in here.”

“He was working on a book. I can see how this would be a good place to do that.”

“He’s good too.” Eddie stepped away to the cash register and came back. “Here, you can borrow this. And I mean I want it back. He signed it for me and everything. Got it?”

I did. I looked at the cover. The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald Vitality Quote


“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.” F. Scott Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940)
Fitzgerald was living in Hollywood with gossip columnist Sheilah Graham, when he died the morning after attending a movie premiere with her.

For more Writer’s Quotes Wednesday click HERE to visit SilverThreading.com, and check out the comments below for links to more #BeWoW articles. (#BeWoW stands for Be Writing on Wednesday, Be Wonderful on Wednesday, writing positively.)

Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling on Amazon

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 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016

10 #Quotes of #Respect for #BeWoW Positivity.

Quote about Respect by Ronovan Hester

Combining events across two blogs can bring inspiration. I’ve always been a quote person in my writings. Quotes naturally lead to positive thoughts, and positivity is what #BeWoW is all about. If we write positive words to share across the blog community, instead of rants, hatred, and veiled animosity that fools no one (check politics these days), we then promote a positive atmosphere.

Too many people get their kicks writing about junk. Too many people get their kicks reading about junk. I avoid junk as often as possible. One friend recently asked me to read a satire about Donald Trump in regards to his accepted role in the Republican Party in the United States. I refused. I waste no time with reading about Donald Trump, or any other candidates all that much.

“There exist only three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the soldier, the poet. To know, to kill, to create.” Charles Baudelaire

French Poet and essayist, Baudelaire named the three beings correctly, but these days each takes on a different guise. Those committed to revealing the world, bettering the world, and saving the world are encompassed in those descriptions above. If you are or know someone with those characteristics . . .  respect them.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” Bryant H. McGill

It is difficult to discover what a person is without listening. We have conversations buy how often do we listen? You my have several exchanges but points are completely missed. Each side is colored by their own opinion and thus interpret the other side of the conversation with that opinion. We are often so wrong.

I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect. Edward Gibbon

By listening you discover a great deal. One is when not to waste time. If someone won’t listen to you, then move on. There is a give in take in the world. There are no time limits or deadlines to the understanding of opinions as long as each are actively attempting to understand.

“It is so important to get respect for what you do and at the same time give it.”  Estelle Parsons

People are so concerned with obtaining respect for their own opinions or accomplishments they forget there are two sides of the situation in many cases. In order to obtain respect, you must give respect in return. I know that can be difficult when you perceive others as not giving you respect, that’s where listening comes into play . . . true listening.

“Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.” Laurence Stern

For me, when I am well centered and focused on what is important in my life, I have a set of beliefs that allow me to respect myself and when I respect myself, I’m able to respect others  more easily. When you can’t respect yourself it’s almost impossible to find how to respect others.

“As all human beings are, in my view, creatures of God’s design, we must respect all other human beings. That does not mean I have to agree with their choices or agree with their opinions, but indeed I respect them as human beings.” Stockwell Day

It can be tough at times to keep respect in mind. Sometimes you feel disrespected or ignored. Then when you are respecting you must push through those times when other people continue to ignore you, don’t listen to you, and disrespect you.

“I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.” Julius Erving

One thing to keep in mind is, no one has to like you. You don’t need like in this world. Society has because a click away from acceptance and popularity or depression and suicide. If we share something with people we look for a response. Since there is less and less face to face interaction, we now look at clicks for ‘likes’ on updates and posts.

“That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong.” William J. H. Boetcker

People are going to disagree with you. The important thing is to stick to your beliefs. If you do that, stick to what you believe, you can always hold your head high. We all slip at times, but the important part is getting back up and moving forward and beyond whatever we allowed to influence our slipping in the first place.

“This world of ours… must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

Looking around you can see divisions everywhere. People demanding respect by not giving respect. You respect us, we’ll respect you. That’s not how it works. You want something, you be something. Communication is one of the most important tools we have as humans, and one of the least utilized ones.

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” Lao Tzu

For more Writer’s Quotes Wednesday click HERE to visit SilverThreading.com, and check out the comments below for links to more #BeWoW articles. (#BeWoW stands for Be Writing on Wednesday, Be Wonderful on Wednesday, writing positively.)

Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling on Amazon

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 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016


Don’t Let it Go … Hold on.

Today is a day unlike any in the history of the world. We are existing at a moment that has never taken place before. In these moments we breathe, and think, and love, we exhale the past filled with the air of anxiety, doubt, and confliction.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a perfect world? Would we know it was perfect if there was nothing to compare? I’m thinking out loud at the moment. I’m not certain how much of this will make it to my clicking on publish, but I like to write out loud. It’s a great time to exist.

One of the first articles I ever shared was about how not to allow others to control you. People took from that, that you shouldn’t let people keep you from your dreams. That’s true on one level. Then there is the internal happiness. One emphasis I’ve had on my blog for quite some time is positivity. With life constantly bombarding us daily with negativity at every turn, especially the media, it’s nice to have a circle of the world that brings you positive influences.

I’ve been fortunate to have a great blog family and group of followers who encourage what I do, support my efforts, even when they come up short of my norm. We all need that. I think if we don’t we end up coloring our world with negativity at every turn.

Taking my deep breaths as one accomplishment has occurred and I set my eyes on the next, I let go of things.

That’s wrong. Letting go is a negative way of looking at things. It’s a form of giving up. Instead of Let It Go, think to “Hold on.”

Hold on to what is important.

Hold on to what you love.

Hold on to what gives you joy.

To what do you hold on?

Hold On by Ronovan Hester

 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016

Blogging Mental Health: Phobias, Disorders, Anxieties

Phobias, Disorders, Anxieties. You know we all have one of these. And actually the labels can often be interchangeable so don’t judge a phobia by its disorder, you’ll just cause anxiety.

I am very prolific in my blogging. I write an article or poem a day except on Saturdays, and sometimes even then. So it seems that I have a problem that people don’t understand. It’s become worse over time since I began blogging.

And when I mention it, well the subject, people’s responses just make it worse because they don’t get it. It goes back to my concussion a couple of years ago.

Before that I was a very engaging person. Never met a stranger. Could have a conversation with anyone. But since then, and the retrograde amnesia, things changed. You know I kind of get afraid of things. And I became so isolated because of not only the amnesia but the light and sound sensitivity, and the migraines, that people actually became a problem.

I am now at the point I don’t go to stores any longer. I very rarely step outside the house at all. I’m okay with the no people in person thing though. I mean, I like being alone now.

My communicating with the world is through my articles. And unless you are a super close person to me, I don’t even talk in emails.

That brings me to the problem. And it’s kind of sad I even have to mention it, but I’m going to anyway so people will understand people like me, and not judge us.

When people comment on blogs, well some of them almost demand a response. I have a fear or responding. Don’t ask me why or what it is, but if you ever see a response it has taken a lot for me to get up to the point to do it. I have almost been to the point of removing the comment option from the blog. But people have met through my comments and helped each other.

I’ve mentioned comments before in articles and the responses have made it worse. People pride themselves in responding to every comment on their blogs. They brag about it in the comments. Some actually do genuine responses, but there are also those who do fake responses. If you’ve been blogging long enough you know what I mean. I personally am not going to do fake responses just to make my blog grow. That’s not me.

When I first began blogging I was able to make myself respond, but things have gotten worse as time has passed. I want people to know they can blog however they like and grow a blog. It’s your content that matters. If you have something people find worthwhile, that’s all that matters.

Don’t let other bloggers who say you must respond to every comment in order to be a good blogger, a successful blogger, force you to do anything. If you are like me and feel physically ill sometimes at the idea of having to respond to a comment, learn to not worry about it. I do it at times because a comment really requires a response, or I am having a good moment.

Is it a Social Anxiety issue? Maybe. Is it some kind of phobia about people? Maybe. Sounds like they are both the same to me.

If you read my blog and you comment and I don’t respond, don’t take it as I am not reading your comment or that I am not appreciating it. Sometimes I will click like on the comments to show I read them and appreciate them. Some people are Blog Nazis and don’t think that’s good enough. Whatever.

I’m good with what I can do. You be good with what you can do. Don’t judge. This is my outlet. This is how I talk to the world. And this is the last time I am going to talk about comments on this blog. I’m tired of it. Almost as tired as I am of people complaining about me not replying to comments.

Much Love, Success, and Respect

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© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Quotes of Motivation.

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”~Aldous Huxley

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”~Helen Keller

“Begin to be now what you will be hereafter.”~William James

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”~Pope John XXIII

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”~Maya Angelou

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”~Aristotle

“We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault, because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change.”~Katharine Hepburn

Much Love, Success, and Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Any regrets?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week I thought, if you needed an idea, you could tell us, How you deal with regrets.

An excerpt from my post “Regrets are where they belong, in the past.”

“We all have disappointments in our lives, those missed opportunities that we brought about by our own action or inaction. Nothing can be done about them now. Well, at least most of them can’t be changed. Looking forward is always the best thing to do, even if there are no regrets in your past.”

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

It’s not about you. Or maybe it is…in a way. #Kindness

#100WordWisdom Your Negatives are Good For You.

Negatives in your life are good. Okay, wait, recognizing you have negatives is good. Negatives are your way of coping and realizing things aren’t right in some way.

The only thing bad about a negative is what you do with it. For one thing, you don’t hang onto a negative. Let it go.

Secondly, you retain the wisdom of the negative in order that the next time something similar happens, you are prepared and are able to push through it with greater ease.

Keep a Negative Journal. Note how you worked through each one. You will be wiser and happier.

Remember, if you have a #100WordWisdom, ping back or at least copy and paste the link to it in the comments below as well as tweet it with the hashtag so I can share it on Twitter with my Friends.

Much Love, Success, and Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Are you OKAY?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week I thought, if you needed an idea, you could tell us, Are you Okay?

An excerpt from my post “Be Okay with You!“.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”~Lucille Ball

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You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Listing the Negatives in Your Life.

I am going to ask you to make lists today. Not lists to share with anyone. These lists are to be made of negatives of your life. I want you to give the lists the following headings:

  • External Negatives: These are negatives that are outside your control. Things you are not able to personally control your long term reactions to or veer away from being influenced by.
  • Internal Negatives: These are negatives you are in control of. Things you personally can control your reactions to, your thoughts about, and being influenced by.
  • Temporary Negatives: These are negatives you see as one time events.
  • Constant Negatives: These are those things that seem to be always there to cause you stress and bring you down.

I would give you examples but these are Your Negatives and Your Thoughts of which list they fall under.

Don’t do anything with these lists yet. Simply take the next week to, take your  time, and think about filling out the lists. It’s okay to move one thing from list A to list B during that time as your thoughts become accustomed to what is what in your life.

I am sure you have had people tell you to make lists of the positives in your life, but I have another idea. Next week you will find out what it is and it will make so much sense. And no, fire will not be involved in regards to the lists.

Join me next week in an article tentatively titled Positivity: Increasing your Positivity Percentage.

One helpful article I wrote a while back might be beneficial. Don’t ALLOW people to control YOU. It speaks of the advice I received from an executive with Coca-Cola and self-made woman.


Much Love, Success, and Respect to All


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Don’t ALLOW people to control YOU.

Check this article I wrote back in May of last year. It was one of the most popular at the time and considering the few followers I had then, it has a good number of likes. It will come in handy to have read as the weeks pass here on the blog with some things I have planned.


Don’t ALLOW people to control YOU.

by: Ronovan


Why are you not a success? You know why, because everyone is right about you. You give up every time.

Sounds a bit harsh doesn’t it? It does when put like I just did. But that’s the way we are told or the way we think it.

I wrote recently about Female Executivea lady executive from Coca Cola that I heard at a business luncheon. In that article I wrote about doing your best at whatever you are doing at a given time. Well I mentioned she gave two pieces of advice that day. I actually typed those pieces of advice up and saved them on my computer. What? You think I remember all this stuff?

As important as doing your best always is, controlling you is even more so. What do I mean by controlling you?

You LET others cause YOU to…

View original post 526 more words

10 or maybe 11 Quotes of Positivity.

I wanted to share some quotes about positivity today. You know, sometimes people read what you write and get kind of bored with it or get into that hearing you drone about something. I thought instead I would let others drone today, just to show this isn’t simply me talking about some self-help to a better you thing.

“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”~Elbert Hubbard

“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.”~Dalai Lama stated as he pointed to his head. (2010 visit to the US)

“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier”-Colin Powell

“My dear friend, clear your mind of can’t.”~Samuel Johnson

“I really struggle with that feeling of helplessness. That’s why I really try to get my blogs, and even myself, to point to the positive and look at all the inspiring things that are happening.”~Daryl Hannah

“Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.”~Jenn Proske

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”~W. Clement Stone

“I’m a very positive person. My grandmother taught me that happiness is both a skill and a decision, and you are responsible for the outcome.”~Helen McCrory

I thought I would end my Positive 10 with two more from the Dalai Lama’s visit to the US back in 2010.

“Smiling throughout his interview, the Dalai Lama said that evil will always be with us, but that’s not news.

“Some mischievous people always there. Last several thousand years, always there. In future, also,” he said in his distinctive idiom.

Like so many others, he wagged a gently chiding finger at the news media for highlighting the negative.

“The news, the media highlight these negative things. Positive things take for granted; not news,” the Dalai Lama said.”~From the Today Show.


Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Your Positivity Quotes.

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week I thought, if you needed an idea, you could Share Your Favorite Quotes About Positivity.

An excerpt from my post “10 or Maybe 11 Quotes of Positivity“.

“My dear friend, clear your mind of can’t.”~Samuel Johnson

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. How do you keep Positive?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. The suggested topic, if you ned one is Talk about how you keep Positive.

An excerpt from my post.

That’s right, don’t try to put a spin on anything. Just go with the flow and find something to make your day fun and frolicsome. Wow, that’s a word? Did I just admit I didn’t know that’s a word? I’ll blame it on the amnesia/concussion.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. How do you Connect?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. But it is also #1000Speak monthly link-up. So this week I thought to make it easy on all of us who do both I would make the topic the same  Talk about how you connect.

Mine is already out. 5 Ways to Connect with Your Children.

An excerpt from my post.

I look at a lot of problems today and I personally believe a lot of them could have been prevented if a good and healthy connection had been established and maintained between the parent and child. Notice I said a “good and healthy” connection.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Your Ordinary is My Extraordinary. #BeWoW

Ordinary and extraordinary, two words with different meanings and words that kind of confuse me at times. I see a lot of saying this is an ordinary this or an extraordinary that. Perhaps even I say those things at times, but for real, what is the deal?

Do you want to be extra ordinary, which basically means remarkable, exceptional, or special? What? So being ordinary is sort of being remarkable?

Now we come to what I want to talk about. What really is meant by ordinary? I see people say this about a poem or a book or a picture they drew and to me whatever it is seems awesome.

None of us should ever sell ourselves short on whatever we do. At that moment in time that is what you are doing and can do. “But I could have done better.” Maybe so but at that moment you did what you did and can’t change it so why dwell on it? Like I’ve said many times in my writings, dwelling is a house made of wood or brick, not a place to live in made of your past mistakes or missed opportunities.

Ordinary to you may be extraordinary to me. By changing how you look at what you do perhaps you will change how you do. Just consider every moment as your best moment. No matter what it is, it is the best at that moment you can have. And then that moment is replaced by the next best moment.

I don’t dwell in the past, I can’t. I know some of you may be thinking since Ronovan has amnesia it’s kind of a given that I can’t dwell there. But I don’t dwell on what I miss. I can’t. If I do then I miss out on what is happening now, what can happen and what may make me better as a person and maybe one day make everything come back to me. If I dwell on the negatives and the stress of life I will never accomplish anything.

I am working on cartooning right now. With my hands, body, and mind it is probably one of the worst things I could be doing, but it is something I WANT. I could tell myself it is impossible so give up and lie in bed all day and stop doing anything. But I don’t. I push and push until I get to where I want to be or at least continue on that path.

Today realize your ordinary is extraordinary. The foundation of exceptional is based in your everyday life. Keep moving forward and fill your life with special.

Much Respect







© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovan 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Ordinary or Extraordinary?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write about  Talk about what being ordinary and extraordinary means to you or describe some event or accomplishment in your life that matches those words.

Mine will be about the current racial problems here in the US.

An excerpt from my post.

None of us should ever sell ourselves short on whatever we do. At that moment in time that is what you are doing and can do. “But I could have done better.” Maybe so but at that moment you did what you did and can’t change it so why dwell on it? Like I’ve said many times in my writings, dwelling is a house made of wood or brick, not a place to live in made of your past mistakes or missed opportunities.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovan 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. What unites Humanity?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write about  Talk about what unites humanity instead of separates it.

Mine will be about the current racial problems here in the US.

An excerpt from my post.

Smart is smart, funny is funny, talented is talented, and beautiful is beautiful.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. What is Family to You?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write about  “What is Family to You?”

Mine will be about the current racial problems here in the US.

An excerpt from my post.

“To me that’s what people are, family. Even people I can’t stand are family if you go back far enough. We are all cousins to some humongous degree number. “

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. What advice would you give your younger self?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write to yourself “Advice you would give to your younger self.”

An excerpt from my letter.

“Sure, you will feel it in the moment but don’t let it eat you alive to spiritual and emotional death.”

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Let’s connect.









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© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015