A Great Life.

You ever have someone make you feel as though you were incapable of doing things, like you were an invalid of sorts?

Having Fibromyalgia, among other things, seems to give people some right to make claims over what I can and cannot do. Yes, I will hurt a lot if I exert myself too much. Does that mean I stop living?

“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.” A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. A career scientist turned politician…(Wikipedia)

I guess one needs to determine what their destined place is. Once determined, then decide what fighting means. One also must come to realize what ‘great life’ means for them. Your great life may not be my great life. In fact, I can guarantee it’s not. How can I be sure?
I already know what great life means for me.
It takes a lot to fight. I call it sticking to my guns. Once you make a decision you must follow through with it. Many things will be thrown in your way. Sometimes they even make a lot of sense. You are momentarily sidetracked, waylaid. The goal, the great life is still ahead and still attainable, but the path is now muddied and rather being in a car you’re on foot.
The thing is, why are you now on foot? It’s because you let it happen. You let doubt and fear get in the way. Fear comes in many forms. You may fear some physical reaction. Maybe it’s a form of emotional abuse that attacks you and attempts to prevent you from arriving at your destination.
Yet, here I am, taking steps to enjoy my life. Just because my life doesn’t match the everyday ordinary vanilla expectations of those around me doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. It doesn’t mean it’s bad. You would be surprised at how little in my life these past few years would have been accomplished if I caved at every turn.
Here I am. Come and take me.

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© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016

Intentionals happen.

I’m a praying man. At times in my life I had lists of names and specific needs to pray for. These days I don’t pray as often as I should. I still have my conversations with God, but not nearly as many as I need to have.

When I had those, not only daily but deeply and intentional, prayer times, my world was good. That isn’t to say everything went my way. By having the talks, I was reminded that God was bigger than me. God knows more. God understands more. God knows where things lead in the end. God isn’t the reason things go bad.

I’ve seen where a decision is made and the result be disaster while at the same time seeing where it would be if the other decision had been made. I was able to accept things as they happen, knowing in the end I’m okay, and that one event may be disaster but not oblivion.

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5)

Many people don’t like the idea of praying. They don’t like the idea of God. Conversely, some don’t like the idea of meditation because they see it as anti-God. For the latter, let me say this, what do you think having quiet time with God is? What do you think Jesus did for those 40 days?

I like to combine prayer and meditation, talking to God and cleansing the mind and soul. While some of you focus on the breath, others focus on God.  You can see a breath in winter. You can see God in action around you.

When I was praying without ceasing, continually, I began to recognize the voice of God, and his handwriting, around me. Solutions to problems became clearer because I was able to bypass the clutter and noise of the world.

Prayer is one of my favorite subjects. I talk about it here on RW sometimes. Call it what you like. I enjoy talking to God. I enjoy having that best friend who listens without a judgmental tone of voice or look of eye. After all, God already sent Jesus to sacrifice for us. I accepted Jesus, thus I have no qualms about telling God everything. I mean, really, who already knows everything anyway?

Sometimes getting things off my chest helps. Sometimes it takes longer than a quick prayer, or even several long prayers. That’s my fault. I’m the one needing to deal with it, not God. There may be some feeling of remorse inside me that I have yet to realize God has forgiven already. That’s one place where ‘pray continually’ comes in. By praying continually, we keep in mind the forgiveness of God. We then let those problems we have inside.

When I was fully engulfed in my prayer like, the world was the most beautiful place it could be. I would take a walk and see the beauty of God’s work all around. I would see what some called coincidences, and I called intentionals happening. You see, I don’t believe in coincidence. There are two forces in the world. Either the good or the bad is happening at any given time. The simplest action we may see as being nothing has some repercussion somewhere else or some-when else. The question is, is that for good or bad?

With my prayer life in the right place, I am more closely in tuned with God and no better what the best decision will be. I may not be right every time, no one is, but I have a better chance at it.

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© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016

Making a Commitment to a Nutrition Lifestyle.

Time for a bit of motivating on this Monday. More for myself than anyone else. I have decided to try out the diet known as the Paleo Diet for my Fibromyalgia.  I’ll give more information about Paleo in another article. Now, at this time I want to stress a point. I am not, repeat not, going on a diet. Yes, I need to lose weight, but my goal in life is to be healthy on the inside. I have my reasons. Some obvious and some I like to keep to myself.

(oooo doesn’t that get you to wondering? No, I am not going to be an MMA fighter just so I can get up close and personal to Ronda Rousey. But then again. Hmmm. You might be able to twist my arm. Hahahahahaha. MMA jokes kill me. Well they actually could.)

Wow that was a total off the subject ramble. But it’s my blog and I’ll ramble if I want to. Taking a deep breath before I go off on song lyrics now.

image of healthy foods

I’m not dieting. What I am going to refer to this moving forward and I’ll be possibly doing something future with my journey in a book form if things go well is something I call a Nutrition Lifestyle. Diet is word that was never meant to represent a losing weight regimen.

Your diet is what you eat.

I believe it’s time we took that back.

I also think it’s time we took back our foods. Processed foods are killing us. With Paleo, I’m changing the title of that to Clean Food Nutrition, this means as natural food as possible, not being Nazi about it, but doing the best I can with the finances I have.

Have you ever looked at ground beef in the stores? For those outside of the USA ground beef is the kind of meat you would make a hamburger from or meatballs. Due to allergies in my home labels are studied thoroughly. You will find on some ground beef packaging that beef flavoring has been added.

The first time I read this I had no clue. After it was shown to the butcher he was shocked as well. After all, unless you are buying a roast and then having the butcher grind it up for you, which you can do, the ground beef comes to the stores prepackaged.

Many chickens and the various parts in the butcher area show having broth added.

Before Vegetarians and Vegans say just don’t eat meat, you then venture into the vegetable areas in the produce and you will unfortunately discover some produce are treated with a preservative in the fields without the store even knowing it. This happens with nuts as well. The bad part? The preservative is a natural product so it can be called all natural or organic.

Soy is organic. Soy is a huge problem these days as people are now developing allergies to it being in just about every food we eat.

For me, it’s not so bad. I can eat just about anything, technically, but I won’t. So we’ll see what happens, and I’ll keep everyone updated.

I’m also throwing some Yoga into the mix. I’ve tried some recently but it completely flared my Fibromyalgia so out of control that I’ve been, truthfully, scared to try it again. But what’s it gonna do, make me hurt more than a flare?

One last reason I have to do this is because medications I am on cause weight gain. I worked very hard to lose a lot of weight and then was put on the meds. Not all the weight is back, thank goodness, but I also can’t be put on Blood Pressure medicine because basically it drops my pressure too low and I have a chance of fainting and hitting my head, and having another concussion, that isn’t acceptable. I’ve fallen several times since that day two years ago and lost memory progress I had gained. No more concussions for me.

So for me, it’s life or death. And I mean that in many ways.

Much Respect-Much Love


Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer though his blog RonovanWrites.WordPress.com. His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as LitWorldInterviews.WordPress.com.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.


 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

It is here. #BeWoW

Today is a good day to be  blogger. Why? Because I’m using my brand new laptop.


Okay, so it’s a pretty good day. This whole Microsoft whatever I am using and Windows 10 has me all messed up but I’m working on it. It took me forever to move an image on my screen with this trackpad without the buttons of my old Toshiba. Well, that is until I remembered I had a touch screen laptop. (And I just figured out how to highlight all the stuff on my screen so I came back and added this.)

Yes, the laptop has arrived. All shiny and new and thanks to all of you who helped out. Money was raised through a fund started by Florence of Meanings and Musings and through a couple of bloggers extra was added to help get something that would work well for me, last a while, and help me with some of my health problems in the use of the machine. Seriously, that touch screen is a blessing. I want to remind everyone that none of this was my idea. Even the computer picked out was not my idea. But people have my best interest at heart and know what I need. And I trust those who do.

I want to thank all of you who donated and/or spread the word that led to those donations. I’m not going to mention any names because future folks in need will end up knocking on the door of those poor soft-hearted souls when perhaps my need came along at the right time when they were able to help.

With the amount I was given I came in $2.74 under that total with a laptop, a new headset to use for recording vlogs that I have wanted to do, and had it shipped quickly so I could get back here in full force as soon as possible. Don’t worry, the headset was not an expensive one.

That amount was beyond anything I ever imagined. You foolish, kind-hearted people. I don’t know what to say other than thank you. Those words aren’t enough for what you’ve done. Other events of late would have made it impossible for me to  have acquired anything on my own and the doing the short snippets of blogs with a tablet and relying on old posts I had in my draft folder was difficult. Big guy…itty bitty working space. I wear at least a size 14-15 ring if that tells you about my fingers and a tablet screen.

Many people don’t trust people online. They don’t believe them, they don’t understand how people that have never spoken to one another and in some cases never even seen a picture of each other can be friends and do more than their own at home friends and family would.

Be yourself.

Be honest.

Be kind.

Help others without expectations.

“Good character brings good friends.~Ronovan

If that thought is true, I must have the best character around.

Much Respect. Much Love.


Much Respect-Much Love


Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer though his blog RonovanWrites.WordPress.com. His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as LitWorldInterviews.WordPress.com.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.


 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Your Ordinary is My Extraordinary. #BeWoW

Ordinary and extraordinary, two words with different meanings and words that kind of confuse me at times. I see a lot of saying this is an ordinary this or an extraordinary that. Perhaps even I say those things at times, but for real, what is the deal?

Do you want to be extra ordinary, which basically means remarkable, exceptional, or special? What? So being ordinary is sort of being remarkable?

Now we come to what I want to talk about. What really is meant by ordinary? I see people say this about a poem or a book or a picture they drew and to me whatever it is seems awesome.

None of us should ever sell ourselves short on whatever we do. At that moment in time that is what you are doing and can do. “But I could have done better.” Maybe so but at that moment you did what you did and can’t change it so why dwell on it? Like I’ve said many times in my writings, dwelling is a house made of wood or brick, not a place to live in made of your past mistakes or missed opportunities.

Ordinary to you may be extraordinary to me. By changing how you look at what you do perhaps you will change how you do. Just consider every moment as your best moment. No matter what it is, it is the best at that moment you can have. And then that moment is replaced by the next best moment.

I don’t dwell in the past, I can’t. I know some of you may be thinking since Ronovan has amnesia it’s kind of a given that I can’t dwell there. But I don’t dwell on what I miss. I can’t. If I do then I miss out on what is happening now, what can happen and what may make me better as a person and maybe one day make everything come back to me. If I dwell on the negatives and the stress of life I will never accomplish anything.

I am working on cartooning right now. With my hands, body, and mind it is probably one of the worst things I could be doing, but it is something I WANT. I could tell myself it is impossible so give up and lie in bed all day and stop doing anything. But I don’t. I push and push until I get to where I want to be or at least continue on that path.

Today realize your ordinary is extraordinary. The foundation of exceptional is based in your everyday life. Keep moving forward and fill your life with special.

Much Respect







© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovan 2015

Batman to Deadpool to Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Romanian Connection

Today’s walk into Graphic Literature will be a simple one. A retrospective about one man and it will be short. We’re headed to Romania. No fluff, let’s get to it.

Sandu galbarFlorea (1946-).1 His career goes back to 1968 with a children’s magazine Luminiţa and a series, Păcală.

Perhaps what is truly his moment in Romanian comics’ history comes in 1973 with Galbar. This is thought to be the first science fiction comic book in Romania. Considering all the art I’ve seen while researching for this article that’s saying a lot.

He wasn’t simply a science fiction guy. Part of his large catalog in Romania is the retelling of Romanian history through Graphic Literature, winning a Eurocon, science fiction convention, award in 1980.

Problems began for him in communist Romania when in around 1984 he requested to leave for the United States where his two brothers were living. His right to publish was revoked and he had to use pen names to work. After the 1989 revolution, he returned under his own name.

Not long after we find him in New York. And soon after he was inking comics for Marvel Comics such as Conan, Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America, and many others.  What’s an inker? You have an artist/drawer/penciler who draws the books, then the inker goes over those lines to make them look finished and polished and so the printing can actually pick up the images. He even did work at DC on the characters Superman and Batman. Some might be surprised to hear he also worked on two books for Dark Horse Comics called Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

When asked what has been his favorite title or character to work on Florea did not hesitate to say Batman, having worked on Batman R.I.P. and other stories. This according to an interview at the 2011 New York City Comic Con.2

And he’s still going strong today.

He gave samples for Conan to Marvel because he thought it was the best suited for him. No super powers. Sword wielding and battles. He had done that sort of thing before.
Notice without the proper inking over the lines and given the right shading, you would not even see much to this scene. It has been noted an inker can make or break a comic.
I’ve spoken of this scene previously. And I had no idea Florea inked it.
Serious DC Comics fans should be geeking now. Deathstroke. He’s been around a long time and is one of my favorite DC characters, depending on which version DC lets him be this year.
Yep, giving you some Marvel loving with Florea’s inking on Deadpool. With the upcoming movie, I couldn’t resist.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Do I have this issue? Probably. I think I have them all. Don’t ask. I have no idea why.
I had to give some Buffy and Spike fans a little taste. I couldn’t share the other two I found. I think this one should explain the others.

That’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed.


Let’s connect.









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1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandu_Florea
2 http://reviewfix.com/2011/10/review-fix-2011-new-york-city-comic-con-coverage-interview-with-batman-inker-sandu-florea/

#BeWoW Francesca Battistelli with Free to be Me @francescamusic

My #BeWoW Inspirational Song to all of you. You can’t help but move and be uplifted by this. Saw her in concert a few years ago at WinterJam. Might have been the best part of the night.

Francesca Battistelli with Free to be Me

At twenty years of age
I’m still looking for a dream
A war’s already waged
For my destiny
But you’ve already won the battle
And you’ve got great plans for me
Though I can’t always see

‘Cause I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I’m so clumsy
But on your shoulders I can see
I’m free to be me

When I was just a girl
I thought I had it figured out
My life would turn out right
And I’d make it here somehow
But things don’t always come that easy
And sometimes I would doubt

‘Cause I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I’m so clumsy
But on your shoulders I can see
I’m free to be me

And you’re free to be you

Sometimes I believe
That I can do anything
Yet other times I think
I’ve got nothing good to bring
But you look at my heart and you tell me
That I’ve got all you seek
And it’s easy to believe
Even though

‘Cause I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I’m so clumsy
But on your shoulders I can see
I’m free to be me


Connect with me at the following.





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© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015


#BeWoW Blogshare for Wednesday Mar. 25. Are you Ready to be Positive?

#BeWoW blogshare is Wednesday!

You want a THEME or IDEA for a post? Tell a story about a person that has Inspired you. Reality, TV, Literature, or whatever, tell us about them and not just how they Inspired you, but an almost tribute to them. Even pick a song that you would identify with them if you like.

#BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. #BeWow is one word. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though. There is also the #BeWATT which is for Be Wonderfull All The Time. You can use that any time and I will RT it when I see it and maybe others will as well. I’ll put out another post about #BeWATT soon, but this post is for #BeWoW.

It could be:

  • a  wonderful experience you had last week
  • a wonderful memory that came to you
  • something inspirational or motivational
  • maybe something encouraging
  • just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to shareronovan writes

This is an EVERY WEEK THING so by reading this once all the way through, you’ve got it and only need to refer to it each week if you need to. But read it through at least once. If something changes. I’ll put out a special post about it.


Write  a post and share it on Twitter with the #BeWoW and I and others will RT it. If you want to make sure I RT it also include @RonovanWrites when you share it.

This Explained in More Detail with My Post as an Option.

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a #BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone. That’s one way it works. Simple as that. Then there is the Twitter way.

Write a post and Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW and to be 100% positive it does get ReTweeted by me you CAN add @RonovanWrites to your Tweet and I’ll RT it. Okay, I’ll RT it when I wake up. 🙂 And other bloggers will be RTing as well when they see it.

Make sure it’s a post that is positive, encouraging, uplifting. I think you get the message here. This is not for just a post you want to share. It MUST have the #BeWoW message of Positivity.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog  in MY Wednesday #BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like. It’s not a requirement, just a way for others to see your post.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, all one word, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. You can also go to our facebook page Be Wonderful on Wednesday where you can put a link to a post. A link to on that page will be Tweeted through my Twitter Handle @RonovanWrites. One thing to remember is when you post a link on the page if you include a hashtag, that hasthtag will carry over to Twitter. This is a great way to have your friends see posts that don’t have Twitter or don’t really visit blogs. Invite them to like the page.
  8. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He blew the Bubbles while I was on the ground looking up at the sky. He loved popping them and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’s why I chose it as the Wonderful image.

#BeWoW began as a simple Positivity post on a Wednesday. I wanted to do something that kept me focused on being just that, Positive. Things were suggested and here we are. A registered Hashtag, an official Twitter Handle   There is actually a blog for it, but only as a way of holding the name for when this becomes huge.  There is a facebook page, Be Wonderful on Wednesday where you can put a link to a post. A link to on that page will be Tweeted through my Twitter Handle @RonovanWrites. One thing to remember is when you post a link on the page if you include a hashtag, that hasthtag will carry over to Twitter. Invite your friends to like the page and they can see the links to the posts without Twitter.

I do hope you join in and #BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging, tweeting or sharing it wherever your blogging friends might see it.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes







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© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

#BeWoW Blogshare Wednesday. Get those Positive posts ready.

#BeWoW blogshare is Wednesday!

You want a THEME or IDEA for a post? How about sharing a song on Wednesday that Inspires you, along with the lyrics and the story of why it inspires you.

BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. #BeWow is one word. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though. There is also the #BeWATT which is for Be Wonderfull All The Time. You can use that any time and I will RT it when I see it and maybe others will as well. I’ll put out another post about #BeWATT soon, but this post is for #BeWoW.

It could be:

  • a  wonderful experience you had last week
  • a wonderful memory that came to you
  • something inspirational or motivational
  • maybe something encouraging
  • just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to shareronovan writes

This is an EVERY WEEK THING so by reading this once all the way through, you’ve got it and only need to refer to it each week if you need to. But read it through at least once. If something changes. I’ll put out a special post about it.


Write  a post and share it on Twitter with the #BeWoW and I and others will RT it. If you want to make sure I RT it also include @RonovanWrites when you share it.

This Explained in More Detail with My Post as an Option.

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a #BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone. That’s one way it works. Simple as that. Then there is the Twitter way.

Write a post and Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW and to be 100% positive it does get ReTweeted by me you CAN add @RonovanWrites to your Tweet and I’ll RT it. Okay, I’ll RT it when I wake up. 🙂 And other bloggers will be RTing as well when they see it.

Make sure it’s a post that is positive, encouraging, uplifting. I think you get the message here. This is not for just a post you want to share. It MUST have the #BeWoW message of Positivity.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog  in MY Wednesday #BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like. It’s not a requirement, just a way for others to see your post.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, all one word, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. You can also go to our facebook page Be Wonderful on Wednesday where you can put a link to a post. A link to on that page will be Tweeted through my Twitter Handle @RonovanWrites. One thing to remember is when you post a link on the page if you include a hashtag, that hasthtag will carry over to Twitter. This is a great way to have your friends see posts that don’t have Twitter or don’t really visit blogs. Invite them to like the page.
  8. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He blew the Bubbles while I was on the ground looking up at the sky. He loved popping them and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’s why I chose it as the Wonderful image.

#BeWoW began as a simple Positivity post on a Wednesday. I wanted to do something that kept me focused on being just that, Positive. Things were suggested and here we are. A registered Hashtag, an official Twitter Handle   There is actually a blog for it, but only as a way of holding the name for when this becomes huge.  There is a facebook page, Be Wonderful on Wednesday where you can put a link to a post. A link to on that page will be Tweeted through my Twitter Handle @RonovanWrites. One thing to remember is when you post a link on the page if you include a hashtag, that hasthtag will carry over to Twitter. Invite your friends to like the page and they can see the links to the posts without Twitter.

I do hope you join in and #BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging, tweeting or sharing it wherever your blogging friends might see it.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes







Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

#BeWoW Blogshare Wednesday. Get those Positive posts ready.

#BeWoW blogshare is Wednesday!

BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. #BeWow is one word. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though.

It could be:

  • a  wonderful experience you had last week
  • a wonderful memory that came to you
  • something inspirational or motivational
  • maybe something encouraging
  • just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to shareronovan writes

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a #BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone. That’s one way it works. Simple as that. The there is the Twitter way.

Write a post and Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW and to be 100% positive it does get ReTweeted by me you CAN add @RonovanWrites to your Tweet and I’ll RT it. Okay, I’ll RT it when I wake up. 🙂 And other bloggers will be RTing as well when they see it.

Make sure it’s a post that is positive, encouraging, uplifting. I think you get the message here. This is not for just a post you want to share. It MUST have the #BeWoW message of Positivity.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog  in MY Wednesday #BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like. It’s not a requirement, just a way for others to see your post.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, all one word, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. You can also go to our facebook page Be Wonderful on Wednesday where you can put a link to a post. A link to on that page will be Tweeted through my Twitter Handle @RonovanWrites. One thing to remember is when you post a link on the page if you include a hashtag, that hasthtag will carry over to Twitter. This is a great way to have your friends see posts that don’t have Twitter or don’t really visit blogs. Invite them to like the page.
  8. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He blew the Bubbles while I was on the ground looking up at the sky. He loved popping them and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’s why I chose it as the Wonderful image.

#BeWoW began as a simple Positivity post on a Wednesday. I wanted to do something that kept me focused on being just that, Positive. Things were suggested and here we are. A registered Hashtag, an official Twitter Handle   There is actually a blog for it, but only as a way of holding the name for when this becomes huge.  There is a facebook page, Be Wonderful on Wednesday where you can put a link to a post. A link to on that page will be Tweeted through my Twitter Handle @RonovanWrites. One thing to remember is when you post a link on the page if you include a hashtag, that hasthtag will carry over to Twitter. Invite your friends to like the page and they can see the links to the posts without Twitter.

I do hope you join in and #BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging, tweeting or sharing it wherever your blogging friends might see it.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes







Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Be A #BeWoW Blogger TOMORROW. Blogshare.

#BeWoW blogshare TOMORROW!

BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. #BeWow is one word. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though. It could be a  wonderful experience you had last week, a wonderful memory that came to you, something inspirational or motivational, maybe something encouraging, or just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to share.ronovan writes

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone.

Write a post and tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW and to be 100% positive it does get to me to you can add @RonovanWrites to your Tweet and I’ll RT it. Okay, I’ll RT it when I wake up. 🙂 And other bloggers will be RTing as well.

Make sure it’s a post that is positive, encouraging, uplifting. I think you get the message here. This is not for just a post you want to share. It MUST have the BeWoW message of positivity.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog here in the Wednesday #BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, all one word, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He did blow the Bubbles while I was on the grown looking up at the sky. He loved popping it and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’s why I chose it as the Wonderful image.


I do hope you join in and #BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging or tweeting or facebooking (is that a thing?) Goggle+ing? um, Linkedining? Okay, I’m having too much fun with this now.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes







Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Be A #BeWoW Blogger TOMORROW!!!

#BeWoW blogshare begins TOMORROW!

Write a post and tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW and I’ll RT it. Okay, I’ll RT it when I wake up. 🙂 And other bloggers will be RTing as well. Is RTing a word, well I mean like a social media word?

Make sure it’s a post that is positive, encouraging, uplifting. I think you get the message here. This is not for just a post you want to share. It MUST have the BeWoW message of positivity.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog here in the Wednesday BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will try to RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

Here is my original article about it.

BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though. It could be a  wonderful experience you had last week, a wonderful memory that came to you, something inspirational or motivational, maybe something encouraging, or just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to share.ronovan writes

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone.

I’ve been wanting to do a Wonderful Blogger Award but awards are very time consuming and are difficult for me, but writing about Wonderful is a lot easier. And I could even write about Wonderful Bloggers I’ve discovered as I’ve wandered Blog World.

Write a poem, a post, or pretty much anything that is Wonderful to you and share it. Look for the Post Wednesday just after midnight EST. That’s New York City time for people like me that don’t know. And if there aren’t many that post, or no one at all, my post about Wonderful will still be here. Regardless, Tweet your post with the hashtag #BeWoW and as soon as I wake up, I will start RT everything positive I see. You do the same. Share!

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He did blew the Bubbles while I was on the grown looking up at the sky. He loved popping it and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’ why I chose it as the Wonderful image.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog here in the Wednesday BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will try to RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

I do hope you join in and BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging or tweeting or facebooking (is that a thing?) Goggle+ing? um, Linkedining? Okay, I’m having too much fun with this now.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes


Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

Be A #BeWoW Blogger

What in the world is a BeWoW Blogger?

BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though. It could be a  wonderful experience you had last week, a wonderful memory that came to you, something inspirational or motivational, maybe something encouraging, or just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to share.ronovan writes

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone.

I’ve been wanting to do a Wonderful Blogger Award but awards are very time consuming and are difficult for me, but writing about Wonderful is a lot easier. And I could even write about Wonderful Bloggers I’ve discovered as I’ve wandered Blog World.

Write a poem, a post, or pretty much anything that is Wonderful to you and share it. Look for the Post Wednesday just after midnight EST. That’s New York City time for people like me that don’t know. And if there aren’t many that post, or no one at all, my post about Wonderful will still be here. Regardless, Tweet your post with the hashtag #BeWoW and as soon as I wake up, I will start RT everything positive I see. You do the same. Share!

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He did blew the Bubbles while I was on the grown looking up at the sky. He loved popping it and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’ why I chose it as the Wonderful image.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog here in the Wednesday BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will try to RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

I do hope you join in and BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging or tweeting or facebooking (is that a thing?) Goggle+ing? um, Linkedining? Okay, I’m having too much fun with this now.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes


Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015