Ladies & Gentlemen, Meet…Florence Thum @FTThum

Time for you all to meet Florence T over on Hugh’s blog. She’s his Blog Recommendation of the Month. He has a great introduction and she gives you a great account of what she does. A bit modest but good enough. Please go and read and click like on the article. She deserves it for putting together the fund raising for my new laptop.
Much Respect

It is here. #BeWoW

Today is a good day to be  blogger. Why? Because I’m using my brand new laptop.


Okay, so it’s a pretty good day. This whole Microsoft whatever I am using and Windows 10 has me all messed up but I’m working on it. It took me forever to move an image on my screen with this trackpad without the buttons of my old Toshiba. Well, that is until I remembered I had a touch screen laptop. (And I just figured out how to highlight all the stuff on my screen so I came back and added this.)

Yes, the laptop has arrived. All shiny and new and thanks to all of you who helped out. Money was raised through a fund started by Florence of Meanings and Musings and through a couple of bloggers extra was added to help get something that would work well for me, last a while, and help me with some of my health problems in the use of the machine. Seriously, that touch screen is a blessing. I want to remind everyone that none of this was my idea. Even the computer picked out was not my idea. But people have my best interest at heart and know what I need. And I trust those who do.

I want to thank all of you who donated and/or spread the word that led to those donations. I’m not going to mention any names because future folks in need will end up knocking on the door of those poor soft-hearted souls when perhaps my need came along at the right time when they were able to help.

With the amount I was given I came in $2.74 under that total with a laptop, a new headset to use for recording vlogs that I have wanted to do, and had it shipped quickly so I could get back here in full force as soon as possible. Don’t worry, the headset was not an expensive one.

That amount was beyond anything I ever imagined. You foolish, kind-hearted people. I don’t know what to say other than thank you. Those words aren’t enough for what you’ve done. Other events of late would have made it impossible for me to  have acquired anything on my own and the doing the short snippets of blogs with a tablet and relying on old posts I had in my draft folder was difficult. Big guy…itty bitty working space. I wear at least a size 14-15 ring if that tells you about my fingers and a tablet screen.

Many people don’t trust people online. They don’t believe them, they don’t understand how people that have never spoken to one another and in some cases never even seen a picture of each other can be friends and do more than their own at home friends and family would.

Be yourself.

Be honest.

Be kind.

Help others without expectations.

“Good character brings good friends.~Ronovan

If that thought is true, I must have the best character around.

Much Respect. Much Love.


Much Respect-Much Love


Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer though his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Living the Rhythm of Life

Florence 2This month’s guest is Florence Thum of Meanings and Musings. Lawyer, Therapist, College Professor, Writer, Blogger, Mother, and more. And no, those are not in any particular order. A lady from Down Under with a lot to say and lot of ways to say it.

As I venture here as a guest still wondering what I could possibly offer on RonovanWrites, I am reminded ‘write what you love’. At the moment, what I love is TIME because I have so little of it. It is what I covet most.

Time poor

Time cannot be bought, it is beyond my control. If I do nothing, if no one does anything, time will still pass in its own rhythm, in its own time.

Time is.

Of course my perception of how time passes, the judgment I bring to its passing and to my being in it as it passes, is my own. That is my reality, no one else’s.

It took a long time for me to understand the old adage ‘time flies when you are having fun’. It is not about forgetting time when I am having fun. It is about not measuring it, not watching it go by but instead just being in it. When I am in the flow, I am deeply engrossed within that which I am passionate, that which I love, that which I am focused upon. And I stop measuring time. It is of no significance in that moment. In that moment, I am fulfilled.

We human beings created the measurement for time – the days, the hours, the minutes and seconds that ticked by. Yes, time ticking by because we invented the clock, and other technologies like the sun dial  :-). You get what I mean. We privilege accuracy, consistency, being definite. But that is not how the rhythm of life is.

My day rarely ever goes to plan – the writing that took longer than I had imagined, the unexpected injury I am needed to attend to, the conversations that I am drawn into sometimes kicking and screaming because they are not what I had planned, but alas, life is sometimes erratic but always rhythmic if we can hear it.

Time in flight

What happened before we were obsessed or governed by the measurement of time? We watched the ebb and flow of the tides, the wane and wax of the moon, the height of the sun in the sky, we felt the heat or chill on our skin, the smell of the rain in the air. We listened to nature tapping out its rhythm, we followed its call and we responded. We then set to our tasks of living as time passed. Sometimes winter arrived later and harsher, sometimes summer arrived sooner and brought the rain. Whatever it might have been, we adapted. In our adapting, we tapped into our creativity, we harnessed our knowledge and we set out to overcome, to accomplish. Yes times were hard by our present standards. Yet the human species has survived by our ingenuity, our creativity.

Much of our present day lived experience is dictated by our measure of time. We adhere to order and structure, much of which is measured by when, at what time, we ought to do things, how much stuff we do within a duration of time, how often we must do a certain thing and for how long for it to be counted, to be valid as our expertise. Do we not question this? I do, sometimes. Sometimes when I am reminded to adhere to a deadline, an inner voice shouts, “says who?”

It occurs to me we have let some ‘muscles’ go slack – muscles to tap into our creativity, to take things within our stride, to respond with equanimity, to trust in our own resilience. Instead we mock and undermine those who push back against competing with time – those we labelled eccentric, dreamer, disordered, purposeless…just because the dictates of time have little hold on them, as they follow the rhythm of their own life.

We are guided by time, we do not control it.  Rigid control of what we do with time will not make us masters of time.

So here I was trying to fit writing this post into a time frame, as other ‘things’ queue for attention. Well, it is not to be so. This post comes to me because of the significance of time to my daily living, it comes to me because there is a lesson to be learnt, it comes to me because it wants to be written. In the middle of writing I was tempted to stop because the time I had allocated to writing had expired. It took but a few seconds for me to notice the irony. Will I learn? Yes. I will write as long as I am inspired.

rhythm of life

Time is. I cannot possess it, I cannot demand more of it. What I can do is change my perception of it. To experience time differently. To step out from the paradigm that time (to be precise, our measure of time) controls my life.

I will bask in the warmth of my children’s company for as long as we wish. I will read for as long as the book holds my attention. I will sit in my anger for as long as it requires processing. I will listen to reasons until they become excuses. I will BE IN the rhythm of my life, tapping out the beats of my heart.

So time aside, what is the rhythm of your life? Are you living it?

In love,
– FlorenceT


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