Rebirth of a Man. #WQWWC

The difference two years can make in a persons life is beyond imagining. Blogging can end up being many things in your life. For me, it was a way to begin having something to do, something to wake up and ‘work’ at. For a man who’d worked his whole adult life, it was unusual to find himself in the land of nothingness, although in truth, I didn’t really know what that meant at the time. Amnesia can do that to you. It’s odd to think about what you do and do not remember.

I never had expectations from blogging. Maybe I wanted people to read my work. Originally this was to be a Christian site. With the first post it became a writer’s site. I still try to keep it along the lines of Christianity in tone and demeanor, but as goes a Christian life astray at times, so goes a blog post as well.

“When love awakens in your life, in the night of your heart, it is like the dawn breaking within you. Where before there was anonymity, now there is intimacy; where before there was fear, now there is courage; where before in your life there was awkwardness, now there is a rhythm of grace and gracefulness; where before you used to be jagged, now you are elegant and in rhythm with your self. When love awakens in your life, it is like a rebirth, a new beginning.” John O’Donohue

When I first began blogging I wrote some of the darkest poetry I’ve ever put pen to. I couldn’t write like that again if I were paid. It’s not in me. I’m a happy person now. I’m content with most of my life. I think friendship and having people care about me has changed me a lot.

I don’t dwell in the land of self-pity any longer. I don’t check in to depression hotel. I used to have a buy two nights get the third one free deal with the DH. Now, I don’t even get junk mail or spam for specials.

I’m so content that I have a hard time writing poetry at all. That may sound odd, the thinking being that maybe I would be able to write happy poems, but really it’s that I just do ‘think’ about things because they all go well right now. Well, maybe not all. When those things don’t go well now, they are even worse than my old bad days. Now I know what good is like so the bad moments are that much worse. However, I know there is another way of life than sadness.

My rebirth began two years ago, in June. I didn’t know it at the time, but looking back now I can tell it did. Two years later and it’s as though life has taken an even bigger leap into the good zone. By all rights I should be depressed at this moment, but I’m not. Things are good, real good. The outlook on life is good. Confirmations have happened. Affirmations. Other ‘tions’ I’m sure I can’t thing of at the moment.

Love is a wonderful thing to have. Rebirth in almost every way can be seen as the results of love, caring. If you need a new life, look for love. Love’s the best medicine you can find.

You can check out the other Rebirth entries  HERE, on, Colleen Chesebro’s site, my other half for the Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. This was her week to come up with the theme.

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Rebirth of a Nation. #WQWWC

I generally like to do multiple quotes either as a list or to weave through a commentary on Wednesday to go with the Writer’s Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge or #WQWWC. This week, what with all that’s happened recently in Orlando, FL here in the US, I stumbled across one quote I felt pretty much sums up how America is.

“You know Americans are obsessed with life and death and rebirth, that’s the American Cycle. You know, awakening, tragic, horrible death and then Phoenix rising from the ashes. That’s the American story, again and again.” Billy Corgan

The sad thing is, the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins is right. But the American story needs to do away with some of those repetitive chapters, and do so soon. It may take some ugly steps to do it, some things most of us will just not like.

I’m someone who has to do things and be on the side of things and told I’m just not right a lot. It’s difficult, but I’m okay with it because I know it’s the right thing.


You can check out the other Rebirth entries  HERE, on, Colleen Chesebro’s site, my other half for the Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. This was her week to come up with the theme.

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A Great Life.

You ever have someone make you feel as though you were incapable of doing things, like you were an invalid of sorts?

Having Fibromyalgia, among other things, seems to give people some right to make claims over what I can and cannot do. Yes, I will hurt a lot if I exert myself too much. Does that mean I stop living?

“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.” A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. A career scientist turned politician…(Wikipedia)

I guess one needs to determine what their destined place is. Once determined, then decide what fighting means. One also must come to realize what ‘great life’ means for them. Your great life may not be my great life. In fact, I can guarantee it’s not. How can I be sure?
I already know what great life means for me.
It takes a lot to fight. I call it sticking to my guns. Once you make a decision you must follow through with it. Many things will be thrown in your way. Sometimes they even make a lot of sense. You are momentarily sidetracked, waylaid. The goal, the great life is still ahead and still attainable, but the path is now muddied and rather being in a car you’re on foot.
The thing is, why are you now on foot? It’s because you let it happen. You let doubt and fear get in the way. Fear comes in many forms. You may fear some physical reaction. Maybe it’s a form of emotional abuse that attacks you and attempts to prevent you from arriving at your destination.
Yet, here I am, taking steps to enjoy my life. Just because my life doesn’t match the everyday ordinary vanilla expectations of those around me doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. It doesn’t mean it’s bad. You would be surprised at how little in my life these past few years would have been accomplished if I caved at every turn.
Here I am. Come and take me.

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Quotes of Connection. Inspire.

Sometimes when I put together a post for some sort of challenge, I just include a list of quotes or try to link them together in some form. The form this time is simple. I’m not going to express how certain quotes are about writing or one subject.

You ever see a quote and it speaks to you? As I was putting together a group of quotes this week for my other site I ran across several that did just that, spoke to me, in different ways. All talk about Inspiration.

“Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person.” Naveen Jain (Founder and former CEO of InfoSpace.)

This quote is so true to me. Becoming a parent, you decide you want to set an example, and during that time you realize how bad an example you really are. If you are the right kind of parent, and yes I do believe there is a right kind of parent, then you change and do so in a sincere way. You don’t play the part only when the child is looking.

“Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen.” Deep Roy (Indian Actor born in Kenya)

Anyone that knows me knows this quote could have come from me. For the longest time I’ve talked about the power of being positive. When you are being negative, have you ever felt that physical drain on your body? The opposite happens when you focus on being positive. You see the positive things happening instead of focusing on the petty little things that really aren’t important at all.
“My inspiration are the woman, friendship, and loneliness.” Enrique Iglesias (Spanish singer, songwriter, and actor.)
Here is a surprise source for a quote that speaks to me. But he pretty much sums things up quite nicely when it comes to what inspires me in my writing.

“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.” Eileen Caddy (Spiritual teacher and new age author.)

I don’t know what her intent was when she said this, but as with all things spoken, one takes from it what they wish. For me this goes along with positivity and for me, my faith. On both sides of the faith line people are all about proving something. The Christian wishes to prove the existence of God and Creation, the Atheist wishes to prove there is no God and that some other process occurred that brought everything into being in some way. Both side has scientist that study things for the advancement of the human race. For those, I say awesome, for the others who only do things to fight, I say, chill. Debates rarely if ever changes minds or hearts. Doing the work for a positive reason will be a reward.

“To what greater inspiration and counsel can we turn than to the imperishable truth to be found in this treasure house, the Bible?” Queen Elizabeth II (Queen of the United Kingdom since 1952.)

This is the quote that made me want to write this post in the first place. Notice what the Queen says here. “To what greater inspiration and counsel…” I think so many people forget what the Bible was given to us for. Yes, we are to believe what it says. But one thing above all, we are supposed to use it as a way to lead a life. Imagine if we all took the New Testament, in context, and lived that way. Wow. Live as Jesus taught. Live through his counsel. Do I care what other people believe about the Bible and God? Yep. I would be lying if I said no. Does it matter to me that some of my friends don’t believe in God as I do? Yep. Again a truth, not fighting words. Do I wish they would use the New Testament as a source of inspiration and advice? Yep. Do they have to believe it to use it? Nope.
Gotcha with that last one, didn’t I? Hey, if the Sermon on the Mount was good enough for Gandhi, then it’s good enough for anyone else. Gandhi’s interest in Jesus began early in his life. In England, sent to learn law in l888, the young Hindu was persuaded to read the Bible even before he had studied the Bhagavad Gita and other Indian classics. The Sermon on the Mount, he said, “went straight to my heart”: “When I read in the Sermon on the Mount such passages as…’whoever smiteth thee on thy cheek turn to him the other also’ I was simply overjoyed.”(a)
Gandhi is one of the greats that inspires me about Jesus, on par with Billy Graham. Do I consider Billy Graham to be as important to the world as Gandhi? I guess it all depends on the specific reason to be looking at each person. Gandhi inspires me because of who and what he was and how much stock he put into the Sermon on the Mount. I’ll be doing a post about Gandhi and his thoughts about that text. One thing about the Hindu that I like is they take from whatever and utilize the best of them. At least some do. I’m sure some take the worsts if they so wish. Just like people of every other religion will take what they want from them what they want for themselves. Gandhi took the best of the entire Bible and put it to work, and practiced it. Graham faced the modern world, all the many facets of the West and still went out on faith in God. I wonder if their names beginning with G has anything to do with it, also same number of letters. Weird.

You can check out the other Inspiration entries  HERE, on, Colleen Chesebro’s site, my other half for the Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. This was her week to come up with the theme.

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Quotes can do a great many things. One is to make you think. You can think about yesterday, today, or tomorrow. The quote determines what path you take with those thoughts of yours. Which reminds me of this quote:

“I learn from thinking about the future, what hasn’t been done yet. That’s kind of my constant obsession.” John Cale

I like to focus on quotes that impress me about the life of being a writer, even if the original intent wasn’t there, and regardless of who said the words. Okay, maybe I do have a bias at times.

Take this quote as an example:

“Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.” Claude Monet

Obviously Monet was not talking about writing, but substitute the word “words” for “color” and you have my life. I create a new book idea at least once per week. The torment for me is captured with these words:

“I can’t read all the books I want to read, I can’t watch all the phenomena that interest me in the world. The work calls me, and sometimes I wonder whether this is an obsession and I should drop it, or it’s a necessity I’m obliged to fulfill.” James Hillman

The problem is not so much the question of whether or not I have an obsession with words or if they are a necessity. They are both. My problem is this:

“The creative habit is like a drug. The particular obsession changes, but the excitement, the thrill of your creation lasts.” Henry Moore

Some have a more negative view of obsession. I suppose even when channeled toward the arts.

“Obsession is the single most wasteful human activity, because with an obsession you keep coming back and back and back to the same question and never get an answer.” Norman Mailer

You might think Mailer is a great one to pay heed of, but no two people are the same. Perhaps with him, he just didn’t know how to channel obsession or perhaps his obsessions were not as healthy as writing. Writing isn’t only an obsession to me.

“Writing is my obsession, my passion. My relationship with it is one of the most complex and agonizing and richly vexing that I have in my life.” Julianna Baggott

But the truth is,

“The trade of authorship is a violent, and indestructible obsession.” George Sand

“Writing has to be an obsession – it’s only for those who say, ‘I’m not going to do anything else.’” Lorrie Moore

If you think about what a writer does to create a 300 page book, there must be obsession involved. Even those books that turn out not so great are the results of an obsessed mind, a fevered mind devoted to this world inside the imagination.

I can identify with the next quote:

“I’ve been called many names like perfectionist, difficult and obsessive. I think it takes obsession, takes searching for the details for any artist to be good.” Barbra Streisand

Add insane, nuts, crazy, and a few choice words to the list and you pretty much have my name calling in hand.

But you know what?

“What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.” Eugene Delacroix

Writing isn’t easy. To finish a sandwich is one thing. Even to finish reading a book is something. But to finish writing a book? How hard is it for you to finish reading a book sometimes, even one you love?

“I need my natural laziness to be counteracted by obsession in order to do anything.” Vikram Seth

I could sleep all day, and watch old movies all night. Yes, I live on an odd time schedule, even though mornings are my most creative times.

But laziness, uncertainty, and all those other things that get in the way just won’t stop a truly obsessed writer.

“You cannot write a book unless it is totally inhabiting your imagination and you are totally engrossed with it. Which is a kind word for obsession.” Kate Forsyth

Another way of saying it is,

“The work is a calling. It demands that type of obsession.” John Pomfret

Art is a unique profession, writing included. We are our own bosses. Some like to say we create fairy tales and make believe worlds. People don’t realize something about writing.

“When you’re working for yourself and your own obsession with finding the truth, you’re at your own mercy.” Errol Morris

You see, if a writer isn’t writing honestly, if they are putting words into the mouth of a character and they don’t ring true, everything falls apart, and they are labeled a terrible writer. Writing is a dangerous profession, a gamble.

But as the saying goes and it is so true,

“I read in order to write. I read out of obsession with writing.” Cynthia Ozick

When it all boils down, I can say this,

“I only have one obsession – not to be boring.” Michel Hazanavicius

You can check out the other Obsession entries  HERE, on, Colleen Chesebro’s site, my other half for the Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. This was her week to come up with the theme.

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Renew your mind and the rest will follow.

For the “Change” theme of the Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge this week, which I chose, I wanted to share one of my favorite verses.

“2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2a)

A lot of people stop at this point in the reading. I’ve heard this partial verse preached on a number of times, but I always have my Bible out to read further. You see, I understand something many preachers don’t preach about.

The writings of the Bible were done as letters, not books, chapters, and verses. One sentence leads into the next. I like what some pastors say, if you see a “Therefore” in the Bible, it means it’s “there for” a reason. With this verse, you look at the next sentence.

Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2b)

Now that your mind is not polluted by the goings on of the world, you will be able to see for yourself the truth of God’s will. Polluted is a strong word. However, I’m not certain what other word to use when I think about what happens when the TV, movie, and music influences begin their work on an individual. Tiger Woods didn’t become a sex addict by watching Bugs Bunny or Andy Griffith. He became corrupted by everything around him that fed his ego and appetites.

In the Bible there have been headings added within the created chapters. This can break up meaning at times.

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” (Romans 12:3)

Here you see a continuing explanation of the Romans 12:2a. Paul is reminding us that even with the renewing of our minds, our new unpolluted selves, we are still not higher than anyone else, and are only as good as we are by the faith God has given us.

We need to be on guard to not allow the pollution in. We worry about the ozone layer, climate change, and landfills, but we care little about the one true unique resource on earth, ourselves. Each of us is unique. You could have a twin and they are not exactly like you even if they look and sound like you. Perhaps they even walk and move like you do, they are still not exactly like you.

You are thinking unique thoughts. Those thoughts can be for a good reason or not. Not every thought needs to be for the betterment of the world. Dreams and fantasies exist to help our minds cope with a world that is not like we are.

There are people out there who hear the word Christian and automatically think of stereotypes brought about by a small, but visible/vocal minority. It’s kind of like when they have that local on the ground interview about a robbery or natural disaster and for some reason the news reporter picks the most illiterate and socially inept person they could find to put in front of the camera. That’s what happens with Christianity. We end up with the vocal and media seeking individuals representing us.

Christianity is a personal thing. One on one. It’s not a group think, or a group mind thing. It’s not the exact same thing for any two people. My thoughts differ from others in my own home. I have a more understanding nature than some. I look at things below the surface and don’t pass judgement. Yes, I will say something is bad when I believe it is bad. Beating a child is bad. If you say it is good, then I think you have a problem. If you say that it might be okay for the society that person doing the beating lives in, then I say that society is bad. If that is being judgemental, call me guilty. I generally take things on a person by person basis.

Change. Do you want to change how you think, what you think, what you think is acceptable? Renew your mind, however you want to. Hit your reset button about what you think is acceptable. I’m not saying become a Christian. I’m saying reset your humanity button. Do you watch porn? Do you look at images on the internet? Do you watch or listen to things promoting degradation of women? More than likely you do and don’t even think you are. That means you support it.

The rest button is a hard thing to do. You’ll hit it several times. But eventually—eventually, the habits you develop from your intentional training of your mind will lead to a permanent change in your heart as well.

You can check out my other Change post on the prompt post HERE, as well as seeing links for other entries.

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Intentionals happen.

I’m a praying man. At times in my life I had lists of names and specific needs to pray for. These days I don’t pray as often as I should. I still have my conversations with God, but not nearly as many as I need to have.

When I had those, not only daily but deeply and intentional, prayer times, my world was good. That isn’t to say everything went my way. By having the talks, I was reminded that God was bigger than me. God knows more. God understands more. God knows where things lead in the end. God isn’t the reason things go bad.

I’ve seen where a decision is made and the result be disaster while at the same time seeing where it would be if the other decision had been made. I was able to accept things as they happen, knowing in the end I’m okay, and that one event may be disaster but not oblivion.

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5)

Many people don’t like the idea of praying. They don’t like the idea of God. Conversely, some don’t like the idea of meditation because they see it as anti-God. For the latter, let me say this, what do you think having quiet time with God is? What do you think Jesus did for those 40 days?

I like to combine prayer and meditation, talking to God and cleansing the mind and soul. While some of you focus on the breath, others focus on God.  You can see a breath in winter. You can see God in action around you.

When I was praying without ceasing, continually, I began to recognize the voice of God, and his handwriting, around me. Solutions to problems became clearer because I was able to bypass the clutter and noise of the world.

Prayer is one of my favorite subjects. I talk about it here on RW sometimes. Call it what you like. I enjoy talking to God. I enjoy having that best friend who listens without a judgmental tone of voice or look of eye. After all, God already sent Jesus to sacrifice for us. I accepted Jesus, thus I have no qualms about telling God everything. I mean, really, who already knows everything anyway?

Sometimes getting things off my chest helps. Sometimes it takes longer than a quick prayer, or even several long prayers. That’s my fault. I’m the one needing to deal with it, not God. There may be some feeling of remorse inside me that I have yet to realize God has forgiven already. That’s one place where ‘pray continually’ comes in. By praying continually, we keep in mind the forgiveness of God. We then let those problems we have inside.

When I was fully engulfed in my prayer like, the world was the most beautiful place it could be. I would take a walk and see the beauty of God’s work all around. I would see what some called coincidences, and I called intentionals happening. You see, I don’t believe in coincidence. There are two forces in the world. Either the good or the bad is happening at any given time. The simplest action we may see as being nothing has some repercussion somewhere else or some-when else. The question is, is that for good or bad?

With my prayer life in the right place, I am more closely in tuned with God and no better what the best decision will be. I may not be right every time, no one is, but I have a better chance at it.

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Make the Most of Your Post.

Yesterday was #BeWoW day here on Ronovan Writes.

What does that #BeWoW mean? Be Writing on Wednesday to Be Wonderful on Wednesday and make the world a better place to visit. That means no negativity, inflammatory, or derogatory writing.

BeWoW Network Badge

A long time ago I began a focused effort to write positive posts of encouragement and inspiration. I used #BeWoW as the hashtag that day and thus was born #BeWoW day.

If you have something you’ve written, be that a poem, flash fiction, advice, or some other kind of post I haven’t mentioned and it isn’t something negative or derogatory then share by linking back to the #BeWoW post of that day here on Ronovan Writes or Pasting your link into the comments of that post, and use the #BeWoW hashtag on Twitter.

Are you liking the idea? Are you worried you’ll forget? I am thinking of going back to putting out my reminders on Tuesday with a possible Prompt to get the juices flowing, just like I used to do in the beginning.

If you don’t already participate in my Haiku Challenge, you could use that as your inspiration for something to write and all it would take is a poem three lines long and you might end up with a few more friends than before. (The Challenge has at least 40 Bloggers each week join in.)

Wednesday is a slow day for blogging. A great many people put a lot of energy into Mondays or Fridays. I wanted all that time ago when I thought of my positive posts  to have a way of helping to boost some traffic to blogs on Wednesdays. For me it’s not about how many Views I get, I like how many People show up. If I have 1 more person show up than did last Wednesday to my blog, I am a happy person, even if I have 20 fewer views.

Why am I doing this? No it’s not so I have more visitors to my blog. You can ask those who participate in my Haiku Challenge why I do that link share. It’s not for me. It’s a way for people to grow a community. The Haiku Challenge has done so great at community building I would like to see #BeWoW do the same.

Join in. And see you next Wednesday. I’ll be writing something about comfort food and using a quote from an Author to tie in with Colleen Chesebro’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday on See, I do two in one that way.

And THAT is the secret to make the most out of your post. Sharing it, take advantage of communities that WANT to see your work you’re already doing anyway, and including multiple communities in one post. And make sure to give it time. A community doesn’t build in one week or even one month. It takes time, but it will grow.

We have a group page on facebook, just creator as this post was created. We truly want this to succeed and be something positive. Click here to go there. It’s a place to join and share links as well.

To paraphrase a famous movie life, “Link it, and they will come.”

NOTE: The #BeWoW badge above is transparent around the image itself.

Much Respect, Much Admiration, and Much Love

Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer through his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Making a Commitment to a Nutrition Lifestyle.

Time for a bit of motivating on this Monday. More for myself than anyone else. I have decided to try out the diet known as the Paleo Diet for my Fibromyalgia.  I’ll give more information about Paleo in another article. Now, at this time I want to stress a point. I am not, repeat not, going on a diet. Yes, I need to lose weight, but my goal in life is to be healthy on the inside. I have my reasons. Some obvious and some I like to keep to myself.

(oooo doesn’t that get you to wondering? No, I am not going to be an MMA fighter just so I can get up close and personal to Ronda Rousey. But then again. Hmmm. You might be able to twist my arm. Hahahahahaha. MMA jokes kill me. Well they actually could.)

Wow that was a total off the subject ramble. But it’s my blog and I’ll ramble if I want to. Taking a deep breath before I go off on song lyrics now.

image of healthy foods

I’m not dieting. What I am going to refer to this moving forward and I’ll be possibly doing something future with my journey in a book form if things go well is something I call a Nutrition Lifestyle. Diet is word that was never meant to represent a losing weight regimen.

Your diet is what you eat.

I believe it’s time we took that back.

I also think it’s time we took back our foods. Processed foods are killing us. With Paleo, I’m changing the title of that to Clean Food Nutrition, this means as natural food as possible, not being Nazi about it, but doing the best I can with the finances I have.

Have you ever looked at ground beef in the stores? For those outside of the USA ground beef is the kind of meat you would make a hamburger from or meatballs. Due to allergies in my home labels are studied thoroughly. You will find on some ground beef packaging that beef flavoring has been added.

The first time I read this I had no clue. After it was shown to the butcher he was shocked as well. After all, unless you are buying a roast and then having the butcher grind it up for you, which you can do, the ground beef comes to the stores prepackaged.

Many chickens and the various parts in the butcher area show having broth added.

Before Vegetarians and Vegans say just don’t eat meat, you then venture into the vegetable areas in the produce and you will unfortunately discover some produce are treated with a preservative in the fields without the store even knowing it. This happens with nuts as well. The bad part? The preservative is a natural product so it can be called all natural or organic.

Soy is organic. Soy is a huge problem these days as people are now developing allergies to it being in just about every food we eat.

For me, it’s not so bad. I can eat just about anything, technically, but I won’t. So we’ll see what happens, and I’ll keep everyone updated.

I’m also throwing some Yoga into the mix. I’ve tried some recently but it completely flared my Fibromyalgia so out of control that I’ve been, truthfully, scared to try it again. But what’s it gonna do, make me hurt more than a flare?

One last reason I have to do this is because medications I am on cause weight gain. I worked very hard to lose a lot of weight and then was put on the meds. Not all the weight is back, thank goodness, but I also can’t be put on Blood Pressure medicine because basically it drops my pressure too low and I have a chance of fainting and hitting my head, and having another concussion, that isn’t acceptable. I’ve fallen several times since that day two years ago and lost memory progress I had gained. No more concussions for me.

So for me, it’s life or death. And I mean that in many ways.

Much Respect-Much Love


Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer though his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Any regrets?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week I thought, if you needed an idea, you could tell us, How you deal with regrets.

An excerpt from my post “Regrets are where they belong, in the past.”

“We all have disappointments in our lives, those missed opportunities that we brought about by our own action or inaction. Nothing can be done about them now. Well, at least most of them can’t be changed. Looking forward is always the best thing to do, even if there are no regrets in your past.”

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Are you OKAY?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week I thought, if you needed an idea, you could tell us, Are you Okay?

An excerpt from my post “Be Okay with You!“.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”~Lucille Ball

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Your Positivity Quotes.

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week I thought, if you needed an idea, you could Share Your Favorite Quotes About Positivity.

An excerpt from my post “10 or Maybe 11 Quotes of Positivity“.

“My dear friend, clear your mind of can’t.”~Samuel Johnson

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. How do you keep Positive?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. The suggested topic, if you ned one is Talk about how you keep Positive.

An excerpt from my post.

That’s right, don’t try to put a spin on anything. Just go with the flow and find something to make your day fun and frolicsome. Wow, that’s a word? Did I just admit I didn’t know that’s a word? I’ll blame it on the amnesia/concussion.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. How do you Connect?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. But it is also #1000Speak monthly link-up. So this week I thought to make it easy on all of us who do both I would make the topic the same  Talk about how you connect.

Mine is already out. 5 Ways to Connect with Your Children.

An excerpt from my post.

I look at a lot of problems today and I personally believe a lot of them could have been prevented if a good and healthy connection had been established and maintained between the parent and child. Notice I said a “good and healthy” connection.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Your Ordinary is My Extraordinary. #BeWoW

Ordinary and extraordinary, two words with different meanings and words that kind of confuse me at times. I see a lot of saying this is an ordinary this or an extraordinary that. Perhaps even I say those things at times, but for real, what is the deal?

Do you want to be extra ordinary, which basically means remarkable, exceptional, or special? What? So being ordinary is sort of being remarkable?

Now we come to what I want to talk about. What really is meant by ordinary? I see people say this about a poem or a book or a picture they drew and to me whatever it is seems awesome.

None of us should ever sell ourselves short on whatever we do. At that moment in time that is what you are doing and can do. “But I could have done better.” Maybe so but at that moment you did what you did and can’t change it so why dwell on it? Like I’ve said many times in my writings, dwelling is a house made of wood or brick, not a place to live in made of your past mistakes or missed opportunities.

Ordinary to you may be extraordinary to me. By changing how you look at what you do perhaps you will change how you do. Just consider every moment as your best moment. No matter what it is, it is the best at that moment you can have. And then that moment is replaced by the next best moment.

I don’t dwell in the past, I can’t. I know some of you may be thinking since Ronovan has amnesia it’s kind of a given that I can’t dwell there. But I don’t dwell on what I miss. I can’t. If I do then I miss out on what is happening now, what can happen and what may make me better as a person and maybe one day make everything come back to me. If I dwell on the negatives and the stress of life I will never accomplish anything.

I am working on cartooning right now. With my hands, body, and mind it is probably one of the worst things I could be doing, but it is something I WANT. I could tell myself it is impossible so give up and lie in bed all day and stop doing anything. But I don’t. I push and push until I get to where I want to be or at least continue on that path.

Today realize your ordinary is extraordinary. The foundation of exceptional is based in your everyday life. Keep moving forward and fill your life with special.

Much Respect







© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovan 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. Ordinary or Extraordinary?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write about  Talk about what being ordinary and extraordinary means to you or describe some event or accomplishment in your life that matches those words.

Mine will be about the current racial problems here in the US.

An excerpt from my post.

None of us should ever sell ourselves short on whatever we do. At that moment in time that is what you are doing and can do. “But I could have done better.” Maybe so but at that moment you did what you did and can’t change it so why dwell on it? Like I’ve said many times in my writings, dwelling is a house made of wood or brick, not a place to live in made of your past mistakes or missed opportunities.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


© Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovan 2015

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. What unites Humanity?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write about  Talk about what unites humanity instead of separates it.

Mine will be about the current racial problems here in the US.

An excerpt from my post.

Smart is smart, funny is funny, talented is talented, and beautiful is beautiful.” 

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. What is Family to You?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write about  “What is Family to You?”

Mine will be about the current racial problems here in the US.

An excerpt from my post.

“To me that’s what people are, family. Even people I can’t stand are family if you go back far enough. We are all cousins to some humongous degree number. “

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Much Respect


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Tomorrow is #BeWoW Day. What advice would you give your younger self?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week the suggested topic is to write to yourself “Advice you would give to your younger self.”

An excerpt from my letter.

“Sure, you will feel it in the moment but don’t let it eat you alive to spiritual and emotional death.”

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Let’s connect.






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Tomorrow is #BeWoW blogshare. Who has been a positive influence on you?

Tomorrow is #BeWoW Wednesday, my weekly Twitter blogshare of positive posts. This week, because of my Sunday post, I thought if you haven’t come up with something yet, how about writing something about a person who has been a positive influence on your life and why.

ronovan writes copyright

You don’t have to use that as your idea, but if you need an idea, there you have it.

All you need do is write a post, Tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW just as it appears there. It stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. The post needs to be about positivity, encouragement, motivation, or just something positive. This isn’t a spammer share where you tweet everything you have.

Also I will post my #BeWoW and if you want my Readers to possibly see yours, paste your link in the comments of mine and they might go visit. That will make certain I see them.

You may seem some other  types of tweets in the #BeWoW hashtag but you’ll be able to tell which are which. It’s pretty simple.

Don’t just RT a tweet, and do RT them otherwise why do this, right? But go and visit the post as well. I’ve made some friends and found some surprises.

See you tomorrow. And make sure you are #BeWaTT! Be Wonderfull all The Time!

Let’s connect.






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