Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku Challenge Recap of sorts.


As most of you know I’m using a tablet to read, reblog, and tweet since my laptop crashed. Florence of Meanings and Musings fortunately had permissions to my blog and can put out things as I need them done in emergency cases.

Instead of a review or roundup this week I tweeted each entry to the #SundayBlogShare. It’s very popular and hopefully will get everyone a few extra visits. The link below will take you to the challenge post where in the comments are links to each haiku. The duplicates have been deleted so that those wishing to visit will only visit a haiku once.

The fundraising Florence started, without my knowledge, will be ending at the end of Tuesday, at my request. I want to get back to blogging and my friends soon. My laptop is not a game tool for me, it is how a chronic pain sufferer and retroamnesia person with PTSD and issues with crowds since the grade 3 concussion keeps in touch with the world. That’s all of you, my blog friends and family.

Never try to type all of this on tablet with fibromyalgia and arthritis and migraines, it’s a bear.

Much Respect


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14 thoughts on “Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku Challenge Recap of sorts.

  1. I understand the need of my laptop & feel your sense of missing yours. We are alike in many ways. Mine is a lifeline. I hope you receive Christmas early this year. I would be freaking out in your place. Wouldn’t deal at all calmly.

    What you give to those out here in space, with the words you send each Monday, go beyond any explainable meaning. Each of us have our own reasons. Truthfully, mine is for my sanity. It is a focal point. It’s not that I don’t have many things to do, but your Haiku Challenge is something else much larger than words. And we both need our words and connections. The Haiku has become a special treat to push aside all happening in life, and for the moment, all is focused on where your two words will take our imagination and inspiration. An unknown present, not possible to psychically predict. A surprise, as tomorrow morning, Monday AM approaches, the Haiku Challenge will begin its next cycle of inspiring the many out here who want and need your encouraging two words.

    Thank you so much Ronovan. I didn’t know before I found you that I would need you once that happened. We may not agree politically about some things [I do read the other things you write 😉 ] but for sure we agree we need our laptops to make it through and beyond the barriers of our limitations. ❤ Jennifer (jk) 🙂 In Great Respect…


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