Friday Fiction with Ronovan Writes Prompt #10 Entries: THE LINKS

A Must Read designation does NOT mean an entry is necessarily better than the other entries. It means that entry clicked with me in some way in that moment I read it.

This week has some awesome entries. Very imaginative and creative. Some are stepping out into new areas, just as the challenge was intended to do.

The order appearing is the order in which the entry was received.

GL below stands for the reading Grade Level. Harry Potter is a GL of around 5. Tolkien is around GL 6.5.

Passive Sentence percentage is included as Active Sentences are considered the preferred form of writing by most editors and publishers. Active moves the story along. Passive is not always bad. Sometimes a story works that way, perhaps through the language of a person or the type of story. Even then, keep the percentage low.

The Writers with The Links

The Prompt for the Challenge was:

January 22, which is Friday’s date, is Celebration of Life Day.

  • Take a moment in your life of which you would celebrate and use that as inspiration for a no more than 750 word story, but don’t let that stop you if you are enjoying yourself and the story is going well. (SUGGESTED)
  • If you are not doing a series, write the story as if the characters were animals living in the roles of humans. An example would be the policemen might be German Shepherds and other Police type dogs. (REQUIRED if not in the middle of writing a series.) OR
  • Use the same experience for a story in one of the following Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Thriller. (Required if not using the above.)


Kim Russell (Writing in North Northfolk)
This could be an occurrence in many other countries, and I imagine some women would prefer it that way. 762 words, 5.2 GL, and 2% passive sentence structure. @kim88110

The Perfect Illusion-Part 3
Nandini Bharadwaj (Pages That Rustle)
Nandini gives us a fresh look at Vivian in this third part in her series. I’m glad she’s decided to continue on with the story. 748 words, 5.8 GL, and 10% passive sentence structure.

A Special Day to Celebrate
Clarence Holm (PrairieChat) Must Read
This week clearance gives a wonderful story based on true events in the style of using animals instead of people. The cool thing about this story is that you can actually visually see what’s going on in the story and there is some humor to it and the message as well. 422 words, 3.8 GL, and 0% passive sentence structure.

Surprise Birth
by Ritu (But I Smile Anyway…) Must Read
Somehow think our Ritu would know the viewpoints of the can’t in situation like this. Her imagination just keeps showing no limits. 760 words, 4.4 GL, and 5% passive sentence structure. @PhantomGiggler

Goober Picatsso
Bill Engleson (Writings) Must Read
This week Bill brings a great story humor, satire, you name it it’s in here is. A great take on how some people view themselves some of you may like it so you may not but it’s all good, right?. 748 words, 5.7 GL, and 3% passive sentence structure.

by Teresa Smeigh (Writing is my Life) THIS ENTRY HAS BEEN DELETED FROM THE MAIN BLOG.
Teresa pulled in the animal with the thriller with the Boab tree in a very um, uh, smashing way. 865 words, 3.8 GL, and 6% passive sentence structure. @TeresaSmeigh

by Kat Myrman (like mercury colliding…)
Kat reveals her 50th birthday adventure . . . with a typo. 671 words, 5.3 GL, and 3% passive sentence structure. @kat_myrman

Cycle of Life
Florence Thum (Meanings and Musings)
Florence steps outside her genre comfort zone this week with a Fantasy piece. She says she started in one direction but ended up someplace else. 795 words, 5.5 GL, and 12% passive sentence structure. @FTTHum

The King’s Dance
Michelle ‘Nato’ Lunato (Chasing Life and Finding Dreams)
Does Nato get her man in the end? Does she dance with the King? 637 words, 4.3 GL, and 5% passive sentence structure. @MichelleLunato

Life is Round the Corner
Neel Anil Panicker (NeelWritesBlog)
I imagine this is a very widespread case across different places and circumstances. 834 words, 4.6 GL, and 1% passive sentence structure.  

Ronovan Hester is an author, with his debut historical adventure novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out Valentine’s Day of 2016. He shares his life through his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge, a new Friday Fiction Writing Prompt Challenge, and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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