My Follows For Inspiration Friday

My Follows For Inspiration Friday

by: Ronovan Great photography site. Has different shots you don’t always think of. Good for a writer wanting to get an idea of how things look. Mixture of writing and nice photography. The Photography is of South Korea and things you don’t normally get to see. I really enjoy this one a lot. Can’t wait for more photos. Aarya and Veda combine to bring two styles to one great site. Some of you already follow them but they give an inside look into the culture in India that I greatly enjoy. I find that there are more similarities than differences in the various societies by reading their articles. Well worth the reading. They really share emotions and are very honest in their writing. New to our WordPress family, this site brings beautiful photography of Hawaii with poetry to match. The lady behind it also opens up with feelings about various topics and gives us some history of the islands through her photos and her words. Always a nice visit. I like this site a lot because I am always surprised at what I’ll see next but I always know it’ll be good. A great supporter and commenter for my blogs, with honest feedback which is always a plus in my book.


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