Ovi Poetry Challenge 49: DANCE is your inspiration.

Dance. An act or an event? Or for some the act itself could be an event. I’ve only actually been to one dance in my life and had one dance. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t or haven’t danced. You can ask my son about that. I’ll walk through and randomly start dancing to music on the television. He really loves it when I dance in the car. Especially at a red lights. But hey, a man has to take his fun where he can get it and embarrass his son when he can.


Ovi is a syllabic/metre poetry form. In this case, Ovi is from India, originating in the Marathi language. The Ovi  has been in use in written form since the 13th Century, but the women’s ovee/ovi predates the literary form by at least the 12th Century.

The Ovi are in general, lyrical folk songs expressing love, social irony, and heroic events. They are written in the following scheme.

4 line stanzas, as few as one stanza and up to as many as you like.

8 syllables or less per line

Rhyming is AAAb. The second stanza would be CCCd. The third, EEEf. And so on. Meaning nothing in one stanza must rhyme with anything in the previous stanza. The fourth line does not rhyme.


Roly Poly by Judi Van Gorder

The big toothed tot with golden hair
picked up a bug on Sister’s dare,
it rolled into a ball right there
and won her springtime heart.

Notice the rhyming pattern is AAAb or

My Attempt

Blue flowers continue to grow,
with the shadow’s making them glow,
giving life to darkness and woe,
dying each year to yet return.

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15 thoughts on “Ovi Poetry Challenge 49: DANCE is your inspiration.

  1. Mother nature at her best

    Butterflies seem to be blessed

    Always beautifully dressed

    With unique colours and designs.

    Butterflies flying gracefully

    As if they hear a melody

    Seems like dancing poetry

    Two small beings together.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That Same Old Tune

    We know the tide of time haunts us,

    repetition belies the fuss,

    methods of change tossed ‘neath the bus,

    of brief détente and briefer peace.

    Each generation wakes at dawn,

    stares at the straws that they have drawn,

    uniformed up, battle cry ‘s pawn,

    marching away to extinction.

    That same old tune, that same old dance,

    scores of soldiers, warrior ants,

    and we, you, me, we look askance,

    as the graveyards of earth fill up.



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