Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge 29 Review

Week 29 for the Weekly Haiku Prompt Challenge had the prompt word of Fret & Chill. So many definitions could have been used for these two words. Let’s find who participated and then you can find out what they did with them.




the aran artisanMelissa of The Aran Artisan – This might be extra long because she called me a debonair wordsmith. A lady of Maine her Irishman adores her. Thus, she moved it Ireland and the Aran Islands. Even with the Red Sox shirt on I saw the motherland in him and oddly I see it in her as well. So let’s see what she has to say for herself.

“My idealism is expressed in my tagline “Making a living by creating every aspect and ingredient of daily life.” These are the words of a friend who used them to describe my family.  Ya, it’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I like it anyway.

Me, my husband Johnny, and our five children make up our familyaran Ireland.  We have one dog, three cats, five ducks, twelve chickens, a hamster, a goldfish, and a dozen or so goats that share a nice life with us.

p.s. I wrote about how the move from America onto the Aran Islands came to be in my post I live in Aran.” Her Haiku this week is called, well I will be naming it. Let’s seem, hmm, Well Worn Heart. You have to see the image that inspired this Haiku and I think you will get why I chose the name. Now go give Melissa a warm welcome to the family! And for sure read her I live in Aran page. She needs to write a book based on this telling of how she got to Aran. And her writing style is wonderful.  


Vashti's Web Photo - Copy (2)Vashti Quiroz-Vega of well Vashti Quiroz-Vega’s BlogYou’ve seen author Vashti Quiroz-Vega on the site before and even in another challenge but I don’t believe she’s been in the Haiku Prompt challenge before, so here we are. Her Haiku is Prelude to Death. People are loving it. @VashtiQV

From her About the Author Page –Hello! My name is Vashti Quiroz-Vega. I know, my name is a mouthful, but if you can learn Arnold Schwarzenegger, Saoirse Ronan, Charlize Theron, M. Night The Basement Cover (05-14-13) 9781625105554largeShyamalan, Jean Claude Van Damme, and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau––mine will be a snap. ⇒JUST KIDDING!

I share quite a bit about myself on this page (maybe too much?), I don’t know. I’m an open book (no pun intended) to the dismay of some of my friends. Pretty much what you see is what you get with me. I have been told that I have a bizarre sense of humor, a funny laugh and a raspy voice (you’ll hear for yourself when I post vlogs). I apologize in advance. Ha,ha! I hope you enjoy the info.”

You can purchase Vashti’s debut novel The Basement on Amazon by clicking here. @VashtiQV

First to Enter the Fray this Week:

t_a_wyatt_authorIt took some time before anyone posted an entry this time around. I began to fret a little that I had made it too difficult. But the along came T.A. Wyatt of Finale to an Entrance and it was time for me to chill.  T.A. went for a serious and then tried for humor. Well there was admission of a fail on the humor. And man was it ever a fail. I still can’t sleep. His ‘serious’ Haiku was Night Terrors: An Ambition Haiku. Well, then the ‘humor’ Haiku showed up and put the first terror to shame. Can’t Sleep: The Clowns Will Eat Me Haiku. My apologies to those with clown issues. T.A. did it. If you forgive T.A. for that clown thing go purchase a book on Amazon by clicking hereLinger is only .99 and The Mill of Maisonneuve is 1.99. @FinaletoEntranc


Meredith and Martha of Meredith’s Musings came in early this week. Four this week as usual; End of the Party and Edgar by Meredith and No Worries and Mommy’s Reprieve from Martha. Okay, so I haven’t read them. Simply wrote the names and saw the images so far. I’m concerned.  Okay. I’m good now. I have to say Mommy’s Reprieve made me actually chuckle. Yes, I chuckle at times. Yes, Chunks can chuckle to. Don’t know what a Chunk is? Chubby Hunk. Or so I’ve been called. Well I call myself that. Makes me feel better about myself. STOP JUDGING ME! @Meredithlbl

Sue Vincent the author returns from Daily Echo. Yes, Sue, I may be an amnesiac but I do remember I have your books and am to read them for our interview. Oops, was that supposed to be a surprise. My bad. Where’ the delete on this thing? Oh bother. Anyway, Sue brought her talent to us in the form of Chill. Let’s see what it’s about. Mhmm, I think some are going to disagree with you Sue.  And yes, as I said Sue is one of our authors with her works on Amazon here. I would mention all of her works but there are just so many of them. @SCVincent

Elizabeth of Tea & Paper: Chill out. Hmm, she’s devious I think. Need to keep an eye on her. @TeandPaper

Grace of Bloom -Picture + Words: Tempest. Good use of the words and description. @grace_note58

Carolyn from Reviews & Recommendations: Three. Yes as in three Haiku. Lost Music-I was hoping someone would pick on this. Lighten Up and Lullabye.

Nato of Chasing Life and Finding Dreams – Gave us a to the point message with freaked Finding Peace Through Prayer. I think she has some issues. All these things going on at the same time? I know someone you can talk to for that. FLORENCE!!!! @MichelleLunato

BWSBL of Battered Wife Seeking Better Life: Chill to the Bone. Okay, so I gave her’s a name this week since she didn’t. This is what she gets for forgetting. But once you read you’ll see where I got the name. @BWseekingBL

Kimberly of K.S. Fause: Fret. A nice history lesson here. Very cool. I think you will all enjoy it. Don’t just read the Haiku, scroll down and read the inspiration as well. @KSFause

Patty of I Am Not Sick Boy: Lazy Day. I think you guys will like this one. The imagery is very nice. Patty has a way of describing things we can all identify with.

Serins of Serins Sphere: Two Haiku for You again this week. Things are a bit confounded over there this week.   @SerinsSphere

Canaf of Faithful Devotionals – Just Chill. Someone’s throwing a tantrum I see. It’s okay Canaf. We understand. There, there. Don’t fret. Well I didn’t say Just Chill, right?

Florence of Rambling On – I call this one Get over it. Okay, so it’s a little harsh sounding and not the tone of the Haiku at all, but deep down you know she really wants to say it. I can even hear her voice saying it. Or maybe she’s saying that to me? Hmm. Having a therapist for a friend makes you begin to analyze everything. @FTThum

Marigold of Versus Blurb – Lethargic Heat. So when I first read this I saw Lethargic Heart. Oh, I feel so sorry for her. Boo Hoo. Okay, I don’t really. Hmm, actually I do, I’m allergic to the heat. Wonderful, right? living in the South here in the U.S. of A. and allergic to heat. Gotta love it.  So I am mad at Marigold. I go and buy her book, then she puts  it out for free with a new cover. What’s up with that? That being said, go and purchase  download  Marigold Deidre Dicer’s book The Black Swan Inheritance from Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble or the iBooks store or purchase it from Amazon on Kindle for only .99 by clicking here. @MarigoldDicer

Colleen of Silver Threading – Chilled Pomeranians. Odd name? Well, I did name it, so there you go. Go find out why. Be afraid, be very afraid. Sounds like some weird dish in some weird country. @ColleenChesebro

Steven Walsky of Simplicity Lane – I always like to see what our resident authors come up with. Steven has a mind that I feel a kinship to. No, not a lost one, hmm, unless he hasn’t told us something. He has a really interesting way of looking at things. Let’s see what this week holds for us. Last Kiss Memory. You know, I didn’t even know the name of the Haiku as I began writing Steven’s portion of the review. Who knew memory would be in there? Well, Steven did. A different imagery from Steven this week. I think you will enjoy. Must go see.  Simplicity Lane is free, go here for where you can get it.  Through a Stranger’s Eyes here and Résumé for Love for free here.

Melissa of This, Right Now: Yes, the upside down lady. She gives us a Joyful Noise. One I hoped to see. Love the way people think in a different direction at times.

Carol of Mama Cormier gives Canadian Winter. Have to say, Love the look. And you never really think of where people are from. Hmm. @carol_cormier

Faith Unlocked: If you want to see Faith Unlocked’s Haiku for this week you need to go to @FaithUnlocked on Twitter. Not able to be here this week but did put in one on Twitter after I begged for one. That’s right. When you are a mainstay of the group and don’t show up I go looking for you. I get worried. Normally I give it a couple of weeks but not in this case. Faith has been here every week. So one starts to worry a little quicker.

Cyril of Cyril Bussiere comes in with Soul to the Clouds. This is the one I thought of when I put the prompts in play. Remember to get Cyril’s books from Amazon by clicking here. @CyrilBussiere


ronovan-writes-serious-haiku-badgeMelissa of The Aran Artisan: Well Worn Heart. This was a tough one to pick this week but the heart of this one, and I don’t just mean the image, got to me. A great story and a great discovery of a new blog. Yes, I am taking credit!  

ronovan writes humor haiku badgeThe Humor Haiku goes to Martha Dixon Brice of Meredith’s Musings with Mommy’s Reprieve. This could have been Daddy’s Reprieve as well. Or even Brother’s or Sister’s. I think you get the idea. Go check it out and get it for real. @Meredithlbl



My Haiku offering this week was Bruised Heart. Just one and I did because someone hoped I would this week. Perhaps not the best ever but I did it.

And the closing Haiku:

Dude, you better chill,

‘Cause they gonna bust you up,

You best be Frettin’.


See y’all later,

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