Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge 30 Review




geoff-le-pardGeoff Le Pard of TanGental: From the About page. I live in South London, in leafy Dulwich surrounded by all the varieties of life that London can throw at you. I will nail my colours to the mast here: I LOVE LONDON. There, said it. So part of this will be to proselytise about my city, and especially the bits where taxi drivers are fabled to hate to go after 10 pm (‘Sarf of the river, mate? Yer kidding me? I’d need inoculations and all sorts’).

The Haiku this week is, well there are two of them actually. Bordeamos Por la Paz and Jam with Everything. That last one is a funny. I can see it.

And we have another author to add to our family. Go to Amazon to get Dead Flies and Sherry Trifle. I don’t know who Sherry is but I mean what’s she doing with the dead flies? But yeah, click here for the UK and here for the US. @geofflepard




First to Enter the Fray this Week:

mona_bediMira of They, You And Me: I call her Haiku Feeling. It didn’t take her long to put this one together. I hope she was simply channeling my own thoughts and not her own. @BediMona



 T.A. Wyatt of Finale to an Entrance: Corset: The Beauty Bound Haiku. You know, being an amnesiac will send you off on searches across the internet. Wyatt sends me there often. Okay, so I didn’t go there with the clown last week. Sorry to all of you clownophobes for reminding you it. His subject matter this week sent me researching and what an interesting person. One more disturbing piece of the mind that is T.A. Wyatt. Okay maybe this has nothing to do with the mind. I’ll leave it at that. Remember to go purchase a book on Amazon by clicking hereLinger is only .99 and The Mill of Maisonneuve is 1.99. @FinaletoEntranc

Serins of Serins Sphere: Three Haiku for You this week. a lot of comments this week over there. @SerinsSphere

Sue Vincent from Daily Echo: Freedom. Bubble burster!!!!  I refuse to admit to any of what you wrote. I remain forever in that which I am. And yes, as I said Sue is one of our authors with her works on Amazon here. I would mention all of her works but there are just so many of them. @SCVincent

Carolyn from Reviews & Recommendations: Goodbye My Friend. You always hate to say it but I know about this one. The third of her Haiku dedications is for our challenge. I too had the same situation with an American Bulldog/Boxer mix. Google+ Carolyn Injoy

Elizabeth of Tea & Paper: Shovelling. Her poor husband. Slave driver you. @TeandPaper

Melissa of The Aran Artisan: Free Spirited. OOooOooo a hand drawn picture. OOooOooo

Faith Unlocked: Free to be is on the actual Faith Unlocked this week. No changing things up on us. Good idea in the Haiku for us all. And now the real Faith Unlocked shines through with, yes, another Haiku. Free to Choose@FaithUnlocked

Cyril of Cyril Bussiere comes in with Voices Bound. An interesting one. I see a message delivered. Interesting. Remember to get Cyril’s books from Amazon by clicking here. @CyrilBussiere

Nato of Chasing Life and Finding DreamsForcing Freedom. Hmm, still thinking on this one a little. @MichelleLunato

Meredith and Martha of Meredith’s Musings came in early this week. Four this week as usual; Dance, Chaos, Parenting and Faith. Um, Dance. Urr, Umm, I think Meredith’s site got hacked. Whoa! @Meredithlbl

Gertrude of Battered Wife Seeking Better Life: Winning Hand. OOoOooOOOoo a dedicated page for the Haiku. She named the poem otherwise I was gonna call it Trump This you Piece of… Okay I’m better now. Gertrude is not her real name but I thought I would come up with cool names each week. She’s tired of being simple letters and a blog site name. So this week, call her Gertrude. Next week I am thinking maybe Oprah. @BWseekingBL

Steven Walsky of Simplicity Lane – The f’orce be with you’ Lil-Doggies. First of all, I didn’t name this one. Had to get that out there. Just did. Umm, I would say epic, but I am still recovering. Just when you think the mind is sound, Steve shows up with his geek on and I have to stake a step back. I am forced to step back as I attempt to free my mind of this one.  Simplicity Lane is free, go here for where you can get it.  Through a Stranger’s Eyes here and Résumé for Love for free here.

Step back everyone. It has happened. The Return of, dare I say it? I dare it, I dare it.

HUGH of Hugh’s Views & News: The crowd goes wild. Meredith and Martha have the mosh pit going folks. And Colleen has the mechanical bull set up for later. New Day is the Haiku to bring Hugh back.  Big reaction he has had with this. @RobertHughes05

Marigold of Versus BlurbCheap Love. Kinky sex? No. A book? No. A movie? No. Do you think I have lost my mind? Probably. Go read the Haiku and you’ll get it.   Go and purchase Marigold Deidre Dicer’s book The Black Swan Inheritance from Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble or the iBooks store or purchase it from Amazon on Kindleby clicking here. @MarigoldDicer

Colleen of Silver Threading – Shrouded in Pain. Girl done gone deep on this one. @ColleenChesebro

Vashti Quiroz-Vega:  Life Finds A Way. Very good in structure and keeping with the Haiku idea. You can purchase Vashti’s debut novel The Basement on Amazon by clicking here. @VashtiQV

Patty of I Am Not Sick Boy: Dreams or Nightmares. Spooky. Click it and be like (teen-girl scream). @pattythepa

Elke of writingindevizes: Peace. Very cool images. And that last line goes so well with them. Very cool. Or should I say cold? @Wetterwachslady And look! She has a Twitter now!!!!

Canaf of Faithful Devotionals – Free to be. There you go. A message I think goes in so many directions but seems to only be vocalized in one direction. No not the boy band thing from the UK. OOOO did I call them a thing?

Melissa of This, Right Now: Forced Spring. Okay, this is so funny. Not the Haiku, but the subject. I heard these mentioned in the house yesterday.

CLB of dreamsinalaska: The Force To Be Reckoned With. Hmm, do I want to go read? Is she sending me a message? Should I be frightened? Why am I typing all these questions? Notice she said THE and not A. Yeah. Okay, manning up. Gonna go look. Awww, I like it. She likes me, she really likes me. I accept this Oscar because—oops, channeling someone there. Yeah I went all weird stream of thought here for a moment. Scary, huh?

Carol of Mama Cormier gives Teaching Strategies. Well, have to say, proud of those few that turned them down. @carol_cormier

Florence of Rambling On Blog: Free to Dis. You’ll need to go to Twitter to find this one from our resident therapist and attorney who was speaking at a convention this week. Excuses, excuses. But click the title of the Haiku, which I named, and it will take you directly to the TweetKu. @FTThum


ronovan-writes-serious-haiku-badgeVashti Quiroz-Vega:  Life Finds A Way. Great structure of the Haiku along with the contrast of the first and last messages. For urban dwellers think of the flower in the sidewalk. @VashtiQV 

ronovan writes humor haiku badgeThe Humor Haiku goes to Meredith’s Musings with Dance. Just the surprise of it and picturing the ladies doing this still has me chuckling. Yes, I chuckle. @Meredithlbl



My Haiku offering this week was Free Me To Death. Not a well received one this week, but I’m okay with that. The great thing about Haiku is meanings are sometimes hidden in so few words that the obvious is often times mistaken for the true.

And the closing Haiku:

Don’t say you force me,

To write what I write or how,

I am free to flow.


See y’all later,

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15 thoughts on “Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge 30 Review

  1. Thanks for the drumroll and, yes, it’s great to be back in one of my favourite places. 🙂

    Being thrown off that mechanical bull really hurt – ouch! But it was great fun being swung around and helped up by that man with the big stetson.


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