Welcome to a new weekly Writing Prompt here on Ronovan Writes:

Friday Fiction with Ronovan Writes Challenge


With decades of writing behind me and daily learning how to be a better writer, I wanted to give a way for current friends and future finders of this blog a way to push themselves to improve as well.

Through this challenge my hopes are you will find your voice, step out of comfort zones to discover a genre where your talent truly lies, or perhaps make connections that will help you become a better writer.


23:59 EST Wednesday. That will give me Thursday to complete reading and reviewing the entries and compiling the links and such, much as I do with the Haiku Challenge Review now.


  • Keep it PG as all ages do follow the blog and may click through and read the entries. (C0ntinue for exceptions.)
  • If you do write a piece of fiction that goes past the PG level, copy the link into the comments of this post and make a note of it being such and give the reasons you think it is, such as violence, sexual content, language. I don’t use profanity in my works but I ‘m not here to handcuff anyone. I know there are times a character will say something a certain way otherwise it comes across as fake.
  • No violence toward children by adults or predatory aspects toward children. I know you may have two kids have a fight. I get that, but I don’t want gratuitous violence such as glorifying bullying. Also I can see you having a kid kicking some bad guy in the face for some reason. I get it.
  • No sexual assault against anyone.


Copy and paste your URL in the comments of the challenge post, or do a ping back to this post. This does not mean you must share a link today, Friday, just because the challenge says Friday in it. It means you must return to this post or ping back to this post.

A ping back is copying and pasting the URL of the challenge post into your post. That lets people know about the challenge, sort of, and is one way to let me know you’ve entered. Just make certain to visit back here to see your ping back is showing. Confused? Click HERE to see how to do a ping back.

TAG your post as Friday Fiction with Ronovan Writes and in this way people may find your work in the WP Reader, if you are on WordPress.


It is possible, depending on the success of our challenge and the quality of writing, I may want to publish Anthologies, collections of stories, on Amazon in a FREE e-book format. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ALLOWING YOUR WORK TO BE SHARED IN THIS FASHION CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS and a form to fill out. If you just want to write, enter, and have fun then you don’t need to do anything except write, enter, and have fun. And if you do try out the anthology idea and you change your mind you can always fill out the form and do what it says. It’s explained in that link.


Choose at least two from the following list to be featured in a work of fiction for this week, there will be no word count limit, just to make it simple to begin with. But please, no book lengths this time around. I am an active writer working on novels to submit.







Ronovan Hester is an author, with his debut historical adventure novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out in December of 2015. He shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer through his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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12 thoughts on “FRIDAY FICTION with RONOVAN WRITES Prompt Challenge #1

    • You did it right. 🙂 Thanks for entering. Haven’t read it yet. Just crawled to the laptop and you are my first to respond to person type person. 🙂 Not sure why I am so smiley right now. O,O And rambling. o,O I’ll stop now. Have a great day!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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