5 Things I Take Away From 2015.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone for this past year who made it possible for Ronovan Writes to be the success it has been. For a site that started out as a sort of therapy for myself to battle through a lot of issues, it has not only accomplished that, but much more.

I want to share a few things now.

Ronovan Writes 2015


There will be a proper Haiku Review this week.

I’ve allowed pressures to interfere with properly treating those of you who diligently participate in the Haiku Challenge with proper respect. I know there may not be a great number of extra views that come from it, but everyone does receive a few each week and a great many receive at least double digit extra views because of it, and with my dropping the ball that means some of you miss out on those extra visits.

I may not always be able to promise witty reviews with humor or the nice divisions by category, but I’ll have a review out each week from now on unless medical reasons keep me from it. I’ve only missed one so far, last week. And that is eating away at me for breaking that string. I may do one for that week anyway.


I want to share the stats all of you created this year. I haven’t done it, you have. I created a place for you to visit and share your work and in turn others wander through and meander on to your sites, and hopefully become new followers. And in return some of your readers find their way to me. It is much appreciated.


Hugh of Hugh’s Views & News gives me partial credit for helping spread the word about his blog early on with an interview. I don’t know about that, his personality kind of does the trick. He would be a success regardless. Well, I would like to pick up on something I truly enjoyed doing way back then and interview some of you. If you would like, I’ll have a form below for your suggestions of who you would like to see me interview. You’ll notice an email is not required. You can give one if you like, but none is required for something like this.


I want to thank all of you who have visited my new Author site and read the first chapter of my novel. The encouragement I’m getting is a blessing and much needed to calm the nerves. I think we all get nervous during big events in our lives. Doing this as a co-author experience is part of the stress I think, because that means I am either partly responsible for a success, or maybe the cause of someone’s lack of success. The kind words and those of you who have stated you love it and are going to purchase it has help calm me at times.  Thank you.

STATS-Year In Review

Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 70,000 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Where did those people come from?

That’s 138 countries in all!
Most visitors came from The United States. United Kingdom & Australia were not far behind.

My Top Referrers?

#1-Search Engines
#2-WordPress Reader
#5-WordPress Dashboard

I mention 8 of these because if I went by the report we received from WordPress, 3 of those on the list would not have been included with Facebook coming in 5th.

And my #1 Comment Maker of the Year?

Author Annette Rochelle Aben, poet, author, radio personality and encourager extraordinaire.


Ronovan Hester is an author, with a debut historical adventure novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out in February 14, 2016. He shares his life on his blog RonovanWrites.WordPress.com. His love of writing, authors and community through his online world has led to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge, Weekly Fiction Prompt Challenge, and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as LitWorldInterviews.com.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.


 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2015

14 thoughts on “5 Things I Take Away From 2015.

  1. 🙂 those are some nice figures. I must admit that I do look forward to your Haiku review especially when I wrote one – sine I always do appreciate your opinion.

    I do however understand that you are not always able to write one. With how much the Haiku hop has grown it surprises me that you do still take the time to do that.

    As for whom I want you to interview – was looking if you ever interviews Annette, she has been my most interesting “new discovery” of the year. I know she interviewed you on her podcast but I could not find you having interviewed her. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Cheers Ronovan. You have been an incredible creative stimulus to get me off my butt and really think about haiku and writing and of course you have inspired such a wonderful community of poets and writers who practice what you facilitate. Looking forward to a great 2016 of haiku and my first novel!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really commend your efforts. It takes me so much time to just read (and not even all of what is there in my follow list) and produce my own writings that I am amazed at how you selflessly dedicate time to organise the prompts and them review them. Probably many like me are grateful and it also gives us the occasion to discover some fine writers. I must have discovered at least 15 through your prompts. Enjoy the upcoming festivities and a very Happy New Year to you and yours as well as congratulations on your book. I have read in a rushed and diagonal way because I had so much to read and other things to do but look forward to reading at leisure. Be well always.


  4. What you do on a daily, and weekly basis, Ron, is much appreciated by all of us who enjoy your blog and take part in your challenges. The reviews are much appreciated. And I know you spend hours doing just one. If you can’t do it, for whatever reason, we are all grown up to know life gets in the way of this blogging malarkey sometimes.. Don’t fret, we won’t ever hold it against you!
    The haiku challenge has made me learn something new, and whether I am good at it or not, I grave really enjoyed it! The fiction challenge, now that is brilliant too, and I am glad I have participated since the beginning… Looking forward to the next one, whenever that gets going again!
    I wish you huge success with your novel. Yes, I’ve followed your other blog, and read the first chapter!
    And all that remains is for me to say “Wishing you a very Happy New Year! May all you wish for come true!”


  5. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed participating in your challenges. You are on my list of top referrers, so I thankyou very much for bringing visitors and followers to my blog. I wish you a happy, and even more successful New Year, with your blog and book. I will remember to go back to your first chapter, and read it through. The first lines are enticing..


  6. Oh fiddle sticks, I commented in the WRONG place… lol I was the #1 comment maker, eh? Well I have always enjoyed talking and writing, so this would be most like me, huh? Happy 2016 Ron, and here’s to many more opportunities to converse with you and blog like the bloggers we are! ❤


  7. Thank you for the mention. What I said was true. When you interviewed me and published the post, it was like a rocket being lit! It propelled both me and my blog into the stars and I want to thank you so much for that. If it wasn’t for that interview then Hugh’s Views and News may have already been abandoned.
    Happy New Year to you, Ronovan.


  8. Hi Ron, congrats for the wonderful blog and statistics. I miss my participation in the Haiku challenges, I got very busy last semester, and I like to post and read all the other posts, with all the participants this has become a difficult task to accomplish in a week. Lets see how the things go on now, and maybe I start again. I wish a wonderful new year to you. Keep up the good job!


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