I Want You to Host me!

Do you want to help me spread the word about my novel?

I want people from everywhere,  . . . I WANT YOU!

There is every kind of marketing gimmick you can think of, but the only sure fire way of getting people to know about a book is by people sharing it with others. Friends tell friends about it.

You read it and like it, tell people about it.

You do an actual review, share it.

Do a review. Hopefully it’s a good one.

Always review as a reader, not as a writer or author.

If you want to help by being a host, fill out the form below.

I’ve been to 15 sites so far. I’ve done How To articles, Book Excerpts, Answered Book and Random Questions, Provided a Stock post about the book.

I like answering questions. People always come up with some that are different. If you’ve read the book and have questions, then you can ask them, and some I might answer as long as it doesn’t give away the story too much.

I have two previous hosts that want a return visit. Now I need you.

I’ll keep at this until we sell a lot of books and get a lot of Book Reviews. The more reviews we have on Amazon.com the better they will show us in lists and emails to Amazon customers.

Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling on Amazon

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 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016

6 thoughts on “I Want You to Host me!

  1. I don’t know how to host an author or book, but I shared the link on Tumblr, Twitter, LinkedIn, and my Google+. Hope it helps. I also noted that I read the sample chapters and, apart from a couple of scenes and words, enjoyed what I read, and I purchased a copy of the book (or maybe it was a free copy). Anyway, when I’ve finished reading it (may take a while as I’m working on my own novels and studying the craft as well) I will definitely post a review.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Can you email me the scenes and such you mentioned? ronovanwrites (at) gmail (dot) com

      And hosting is basically putting a post from the author on your blog either about the book, or some subject you think your readers would like to know about, and of course with a mention of the book at the end. 🙂


  2. I saw you put up a similar request on your author site. At this point in time it would really not be any benefit to you or your co-author if I host either of you on my blog, or I would have offered. Why don’t you consider a guest post for one of the bigger sites such as elephantjournal.com ? Just my 2cent.


  3. Hi, Ronovan. Well, here I am with egg on my face. My apologies to all who read my thoughts on Amber Wake. I had read the sample chapters of what I thought was Amber Wake and my comments were based on that. However, when I went back to tell Ronovan what I found slightly objectionable, I discovered those objections related to Razor’s Edge, the first book in the series. So far, I have found NOTHING objectionable in Amber Wake. Chalk it up to a dyslexic, ADD brain of an old woman.

    Liked by 1 person

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