Two years and counting.

What does two years of blogging get you?

I guess that all depends on what you’re looking at. Some might look at numbers, and I did out of curiosity. I was going to post them here but thought that a bit mundane.

Looking at views and then thinking how many likes you get on the same posts can be very telling. I’ve never been fooled by it. I know 50 likes doesn’t mean 50 views. It means about 30 views and the other 20 are mixed between people just clicking like in the WP Reader or on my Home Page. It doesn’t bother me either way. I stopped caring about likes a long time ago. I just share what I have and go on my merry little way.

Again, what does two years of blogging get you?


Friends from all over the world.

A network of people for my Book Review site that I never would have thought of if not for this blog.

A published book that is receiving great reviews. (And you can get for free by signing up for my newsletter.

And finally I got a better version of me.

Before beginning this blog I was in a bad place in regards to health and mind. Now I’m still in a bad place health wise, but my mind is not so depressed as it was before. I realize I can do something on my own schedule which is whenever I have the energy. You may have noticed I apparently don’t have that much energy lately.

I want to thank all of you that are my friends. You know who you are. I thank all those who visit my blog each week and enjoy what they find here.

Much Respect


This opportunity expires at the end of 4/30/2016 EST, New York Time.

Click the Image.


25 thoughts on “Two years and counting.

  1. Two Years? How cool is this! Congrats to you and all the joy you create and receive in return. Here’s to much more joy for you, for as long as you enjoy it! ❤


  2. You have been very busy since we first met at Blogging U! Happy Anniversary, Ron! I enjoy your posts and look forward to hearing more! 🙂


  3. Wow! Well done Ronovan. So pleased to have found your blog and the wonderful people your blog has featured too, so much creative energy from wonderful people all over the world! KL ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awesome Ron, congratulations on 2 years. I’ve just met you here through Hugh’s Views and News and so impressed by what I’ve read. I’ve been blogging for just on one year and am having an absolute ball. Never thought I would grow to love it as much as I do and enjoy the connections and friendships that feel so real. Happy blogging into the future. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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