Cielos hit a blogging milestone ! 100+ followers. YAY for HER!

Everyone stop by Ways of Life and give a congrats and help her on her way to the next 100, 500, 1000. Wait a minute. She’s going to have more than me. Never mind. Stay right here and ignore this. Hrmph.

Ways of life

About two month ago, I decided to start a blog.   I wasn’t even sure how to write/ post an article at first.  I had almost no hopes that anyone  would be stopping by my blog.  But that was then and now this happened!


This is such a humbling experience.  Along the way I had the opportunity to interact with some truly talented people.  There are so many wise, humorous and  brilliant people on the  blogosphere and I get to learn so much from them  everyday.

This is the incentive to get me working even more hard on my blog.  All my followers and fellow bloggers are extremely dear to me and so are their opinions.  I want to get as much input from my followers as to what kind of content they expect and/or want me  to work more on as possible.  Every suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again…

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