20,000 Views and Announcements!

Thank everyone who has visited my site over the past just under 5 months and bringing it to . . .



I wasn’t going to do this when it happened a couple of days ago but I decided why not. I know a lot of you have more than I do but I truly never thought I would have my work seen this much.

I thought I would take this as an opportunity to go ahead and announce a few things. I wasn’t planning to until just now.

I want to tell everyone about my new site,


For now I post Author Interviews here on RonovanWrites and on LitWorldInterviews starting last week, but eventually they will be housed on LitWorldInterviews.

I am just waiting for the following to increase to make that fair to those who are agreeing to interviews. What I am hoping this grows into is a place for interviews with . . .

  • Authors
  • Agents
  • Editors
  • Publishers
  • And anyone associated with the literary world


Also there will be Book Reviews, although that is not my specialty, there is a book review there now but we’ll see. I may actually bring on help for that part, especially for some of the umm more interesting books if asked to review them. You know I am the shy and innocent type. If I don’t find the time for it , well . . .

It is a challenge I’ve placed in front of me to grow another site. I still haven’t really grown this one. But I really thought RonovanWrites needed to be where my writing is a home to, like it was intended. I enjoy the interviews and and the lit world so I decided to unclutter RonovanWrites by starting another site.

So Follow



I also want to invite everyone to follow me in a few other different places.

(I wasn’t going to do this either until just now.)


I really would like to see my facebook page grow. I post some articles there plus humorous video clips and an occasional poem that doesn’t show up on RonovanWrites. The more it grows in support the more I can do with it. I have a pretty header photo. No, it’s not of me. Sorry. Yeah, you know who I’m looking at.



Bloglovin’ for RonovanWrites

Bloglovin’ for LitWorldInterviews



Much Appreciation to Y’all, New Friends and Longer Friends.


2014 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com

Very Inspiring Blogger Awards From . . . Jennifer Terry & Blondewritemore.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award


As some may have noticed, or perhaps not, my content output is decreasing. If not for the Haiku challenges there would not be that much these past few days.  Why do I mention that?


I once again am having to combine award recognitions. As my ability to come through with content has  decreased for certain reasons that I will not dwell on, I will simply get to the recognition of two wonderful people that nominated me and ask for forgiveness in combining them into one article.


Jennifer Terry of The Things I Yell At My Television. As I mentioned in a previous article about this lady, do you really need any other reason than the name of her blog to actually click and visit her? Do you really? You do? Seriously? Oh give me a break!


Now, onto the next lovely person . . . I said the next one. Stop harassing me about Jennifer, yes I know the Lion scared you when you went to look, but it was just a picture. No, it was yawning, not trying to eat you.  And yes she has  a book available at Amazon called You’ll Know Her When You See Her and it has a dog on the cover. Why not a lion? I don’t know go ask her in her comments!


Now where was I? Oh yes, a VERY lovely person I only know as Blondewritemore. Perhaps her name is Blonde Writemore? But anyway, if that is her picture on her page then she looks great in glasses and a book. Yes, I am sure she’s read the book. No, I don’t know how many pages the book is. Does it really matter? Yes, Cyril, it’s okay if you click on her article Hairdressers and Writers.


I believe there are rules to this engagement:

  1. Thank and link to the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.


My Seven Facts That

  1. I think the flour tortilla is an amazing creation that can be used as an edible plate. You can put anything on it and don’t have to worry about dishes. It’s biodegradable as well. This goes along with a previous fact I mentioned somewhere else in an article of some sort about any food worth having can be eaten as a sandwich. A flour tortilla is floppy bread.
  2. I was once bitten by a spider right before the release of the first Spider Man movie. When I arrived at a private viewing of the movie and talked to the host he asked about my hand. I explained. During the moments before the movie started he made the announcement that if I suddenly shot webs out of my butt or climbed the walls, it was okay. I had simply taken the theme of the night to the extreme. I went home with a door prize.
  3. No I do not know what Jennifer Terry looks like so please stop asking.
  4. I once felt like I was going to fall on top of Andre the Giant’s head when I was no more than 3 years old. It was in Florida at an arena and I was sitting on the floor with my legs hanging over the edge. Little did I, a 3 year old, know that the tunnel to backstage was beneath me. Then Andre walked out. I’m not sure if I Pirates of Penzance or perhaps there was a beverage spill that I had not noticed before, but it was a very unusual experience.
  5. Pac-Man for Atari became so easy I began laying on the couch with my feet on the back of it and my head hanging upside down and playing it that way. I am sure you all tried it. Admit it. I see you Nishi. I know you did it. Don’t hide over there Amanda. You’ve admitted to far stranger things in our interview that I left out.
  6. When I first had the courage to skateboard down the street in front of my MawMaw’s house, well I did not consider the fact that at one point, if I managed to stay on long enough . . . it turned into a very steep . . . you guessed it, hill. Needless to say a young boy, a skateboard beginner, no breaks. A six foot deep ditch. There you have it.
  7. I have recently been wanting to do an article on Salt of Salt-N-Pepa, the rap duo. I apparently think she was an extremely attractive woman. Talk about a woman that can work the short hair? Mmm Mmm Mmm



I apologize, I had to take a moment.  Did you know Salt’s real name is Cheryl James and if you google and the click images you get a whole page of beautiful? (sigh)


Okay, now my nominees.

Amira Makansi of The Z-Axis Why? A writer that knows what she is doing and puts some long hours in. I have an interview her that I am actually putting the final touches on. It is about the writing process from beginning to publishing. Not a normal author interview and to be honest there were moments I just went ‘yes’ and I felt like I was doing the right things and then there were moments of ‘duh’ as I realized I was blind to the obvious.


Kuheli S of Kajori only one LIFE We recently came to know one another but she had some kind words that kept me going. Sometimes that’s all you need, a few kind words. Who hasn’t been inspired by that before? Who becomes uninspired by kindness? I thank you, Kuheli for your following and for your being.


The Owl Lady She likes my work, reblogs and helps a lot. When I am feeling a bit low, she is there to help. Do I depend on that? I never assume anything. When I do see she has been at her special work it does make me pleased and able to continue on. Thank you for your quietly doing what you do.


Tempest Rose of Nonsense & Shenanigans is another great WordPress community member and Friend. I am surprised it’s taken me this long to publicly recognize her help to my blog through what she does. It’s not always  about the comments or the likes. Sometimes it’s about support and promotion. She’s one of the best and her giving some attention to what I do is greatly appreciated and definitely inspires me. Thank you Tempest Rose for what you do. And I love your new Header Photo. At least I think it’s new. With the concussed head of mine who knows?


Jolene of Valley Girl Gone Country does a great job of liking my work. Sometimes you just need that person you can depend on. And when you don’t see them around for a while you worry. Jolene is one of those for me. You know when it gets to that point you count someone as a friend, even if you don’t talk often. You don’t have to talk to have a friend.


Eloise of Thoughts by Mello-Elo has recently become a good friend to me. Her self motivated writing and publishing career, never stop attitude, and her participation in my Haiku challenge have been wonderful for my spirit to continue blogging. She is a lovely lady, the real thing, the smile in the photo on her site is not just a picture it is what she is. I’ve read one of her books and enjoyed it. (Which reminds me I need to do a review.) And  yes, there is an interview coming eventually. Thank you Eloise for giving a man a boost when he needs it and a kick when he refuses the boost.


Much Apprecation to you All




2014 © Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites.wordpress.com




One Lovely Blog Award From . . . Monika Cornec.


First of all, I apologize in the lateness of the acceptance of this award. I have never received this one and it brings a smile to my face, as do all of those who nominate me, each time I think about it. My blog being considered lovely by someone means a lot to me. It goes to show that no matter what one looks like or what one might be they may create something others find enjoyable, thus never consider anything you do to be not interesting or worthy of sharing. Someone will find it and connect with it.

I never would have called my blog lovely. But I do like it. And now I have the One Lovely Blog Award courtesy of Monika Cornec of monimorphism. “I appreciate good writing and individual expression. That is why I follow your Blog. I may not agree with everything you post but I admire the “way” you present it.”-Monika Cornec’s About.



There are a few guidelines that come with accepting this award.

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award.

2. Display the One Lovely Blog Award on your Blog.

3. Share seven things about yourself.

4. Nominate fifteen Bloggers you admire. Inform them by commenting on their Blog.

Seven Things About Me

  1. It’s 3:23 AM right now and I am still awake. Most of you know why.
  2. I once picked up a sharp object off the ocean floor at the beach and it turned out to be a  sharks tooth. That was kind of cool.
  3. I have an about to be 10 year old son that can bat right and left handed. He did it naturally. Now he is trying to teach himself to pitch left handed as well. It’s going okay, but I stand well away from him.
  4. When I make a peanut butter sandwich I use creamy peanut butter and then put peanuts on it. It has a fresh taste to it and doesn’t have that chewy feeling like chunky peanut butter does.
  5. I can make homemade caramel and butterscotch sauce. And vanilla wafers too.
  6. I make homemade pizza chips. Fresh and seasoned the way you like and taste great. Baked not fried. 🙂
  7. I write poetry that makes people think I may be suicidal but I’m not. I have to let it out or I might turn that way. So no worries when you see the crazy poetry. It’s a good thing. 🙂 Just enjoy the insanity.


My Nominees


Eclectic odds n sods

Ways of Life

Her Other Lovely Sides

ReReading Jane Eyre

Jen’s Pen Den

Mizshazz Style

Active Army Wife


Inked Roses

The Showcase

Mara Eastern

Words with a View

Sweeter than Honey

The Lit Bear

Hugh’s Views & News

There are so many others that I enjoy and find beautiful and have not listed here. I believe as I do come across you I will share this award with you. You know the reasons for this forgetful mind. Just know that many of you will be receiving this award. I love all of my Friends here in this community, and I appreciate each one of you, new and familiar.


Again, thank  you to Monika for this special award. It does make one feel lovely.


Much Appreciation to you All



2014 © Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites.wordpress.com