Cover Reveal of my debut novel-Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling with @PSBartlett.

As promised yesterday in the guest post by Award Winning Author P.S. Bartlett, here is the book cover for my debut novel tentatively scheduled for a release date around Christmas. What’s it about?

Before there could be The Blue Diamond, before there could be Demons & Pearls, before Ivory Shepard could become the pirate known as The Razor, there had to be Rasmus. Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling by P.S. Bartlett & Ronovan Hester.

Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling by P.S. Bartlett and Ronovan HesterTo read about the man Ivory Shepard knows as Rasmus, read Demons & Pearls, and  pre-order Jaded Tides  for Kindle or Paperback  Monday, Oct. 5, 2015. Then you will be amazed at at this man’s journey, and perhaps destiny?

More to come about Amber Wakes: Gabriel Falling over the coming weeks and how I need your help in some decision making. You’ll find out more about what the book is about, the process of how it came about, and the research that went into its writing.

Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer through his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Guest Post by @PSBartlett The Kind of Writer I Want to Be.

Hello everyone,

Some of you may have heard that I have a book on schedule to be released around Christmas. It’s my debut novel, written with an author by the name of P.S. Bartlett. A book related to that novel is being released Oct. 5. It’s called Jaded Tides and it is book 2 in the pirate tales series and the third book leading up to her amazing Blue Diamond: The Razor’s Edge that I absolutely loved so much that Bartlett and I became friends and ended up writing a book together. Here today is a guest post by my partner in print. Over the next few days you will be seeing several posts about her here on Ronovan Writes. Now, onto our guest post today by Award Winning Author, P.S. Bartlett.

P.S. Bartlett AuthorThe Kind of Writer I Want To Be

I’ve believed since I dedicated myself to this journey two years ago that I knew exactly what kind of writer I wanted to be. Since I wrote the first sentence of my first novel, that dedication hasn’t wavered. A simple little sentence started it all.

“Ennis found a bird.”

I’ve had no formal training in this profession but I’ve done a ton of research, logged countless hours writing and I’ve dug in my heels. I’m not going anywhere.

I write fast. I think fast and once I set my sights on a goal I rarely give up unless I’m personally not satisfied with my level of performance or the quality of work I’m doing. So far, I see no reason to quit. As long as I keep breathing, moving, growing and evolving as a person, I’ll never stop.

It is important to me to produce quality books. Since I am still learning every day what that means to me and how it relates to my writing, I believe I can only keep improving. I’ve always loved writing and although I spent most of my adult life working, raising children and just trying to keep my boat right side up, I chose to put my aspirations on the back burner and take care of my family. I do not regret it one little bit. Through that journey, I learned so much about myself and gained volumes of experience at just being a human being. I’m proud of whom I’ve finally grown up to be and I need to be proud of the work I do too.

It’s a long road from writing your first page, to publishing. You will be knocked back more times than you can imagine. You’ll be told over and over again that your book “just isn’t what we’re looking for at this time.” Roadblock upon roadblock will rise up in front of you but you have to keep pushing on. Family problems, money shortages, day job, responsibilities and oh, that little thing called sleep will feel like a ball and chain at times but no matter what, you can’t give up. If being a published author is truly your calling or at the very least, your goal, allowing anything to stop you is not an option—no matter how long it takes or what road you take to get there.

The most important thing to me is that I write what I want to read. I want to write words that feel like warm butter on a hot roll. Words that get inside of you and either make you squirm or rise up inside of you and escape with a smile. Words that stick in your head and come to mind when you least expect it. I want to write stories that when you close the book, you want more. The reason I know how important writing what I want to read is, is because I’ve tried writing stories that may fall into one of the hot selling genres and I couldn’t get through the first chapter. You’ll know you’re writing what you want to read, when closing your laptop feels like kicking a heroin addiction.

I don’t want to write about what everyone else is writing about. I don’t need to sit at the cool kids table to feel good about myself. I know there are lots of genres and I know which ones sell the most. No, I’m not crazy and of course I want to make money and be able to write full time but I have to do it in a way I feel good about inside. I have to do it on my own terms. I have to tell a good story with characters you want to meet and know, and talk to again and again. I believe at some point I’ll be able to put almost anything into words but it has to be my anything, not what’s hot at the moment and not just because I want to be with the in crowd. My readers are out there and as long as I keep looking, I’ll find them and they’ll find me.

I want to stand out. I have this crazy dream that my stories will one day be considered as some of the best ever. I’ll stand by that. I believe that and soon, I’ll live that.

Thank you,

P.S. Bartlett – I’m taking a fantastic voyage. Won’t you join me?

And now it’s me, Ronovan, again. Click the format of your choice to order Jaded Tides on Kindle or Paperback and let’s make it a best seller. (My future depends on it.)

Jaded Tides by P.S. Bartlett
The Second Installment of The Prequel Series to The Blue Diamond.
Ivory Dawn by P.S. Bartlett
A Prequel Story to The Blue Diamond
Demons & Pearls by P.S. Bartlett
Book One in the Prequel Series to The Blue Diamond
Blue Diamond: The Razor's Edge by P.S. Bartlett
My 5 Star Review of 2014. The Novel that Launched the series.

Reviewed by Michelle Stanley for Readers’ Favorite:

It’s not often I read stories about female pirates and I am impressed with The Blue Diamond (The Razor’s Edge Book One). P.S. Bartlett writes an entertaining novel that offers great action, adventure and witty dialogue. The personalities of Ivory and her cousins are complex, but I easily connected with them. These are independent, free spirited women with lusty appetites, especially Miranda.

What about that book she and I wrote together? Tomorrow see the Book Cover here on Ronovan Writes.

Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer through his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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