Need your help for some research. Survey.

I need your help. I have several different books in the works. One each in different genres. The help I need is you telling me what you, as a reader of my site, knowing what I do, having read my various pieces here, knowing who and what I am, what would you like to see in a book from me?

By filling out the form below, you will help me a great deal. I won’t be using this information for any other purpose than to help me determine what my readers want.

I’m hoping to receive enough feedback that I get a good idea of what my readers want.

Don’t worry, I’m not planning to customize a book for readers. That’s being a phony. I just have several books, perhaps a dozen, I can choose to focus on. I thought it would help me decide what to do next.

If you provide an e mail address, it will not be saved. It will only be used to ask for clarification if necessary.

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