One Lovely Blog Award From . . . Monika Cornec.


First of all, I apologize in the lateness of the acceptance of this award. I have never received this one and it brings a smile to my face, as do all of those who nominate me, each time I think about it. My blog being considered lovely by someone means a lot to me. It goes to show that no matter what one looks like or what one might be they may create something others find enjoyable, thus never consider anything you do to be not interesting or worthy of sharing. Someone will find it and connect with it.

I never would have called my blog lovely. But I do like it. And now I have the One Lovely Blog Award courtesy of Monika Cornec of monimorphism. “I appreciate good writing and individual expression. That is why I follow your Blog. I may not agree with everything you post but I admire the “way” you present it.”-Monika Cornec’s About.



There are a few guidelines that come with accepting this award.

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award.

2. Display the One Lovely Blog Award on your Blog.

3. Share seven things about yourself.

4. Nominate fifteen Bloggers you admire. Inform them by commenting on their Blog.

Seven Things About Me

  1. It’s 3:23 AM right now and I am still awake. Most of you know why.
  2. I once picked up a sharp object off the ocean floor at the beach and it turned out to be a  sharks tooth. That was kind of cool.
  3. I have an about to be 10 year old son that can bat right and left handed. He did it naturally. Now he is trying to teach himself to pitch left handed as well. It’s going okay, but I stand well away from him.
  4. When I make a peanut butter sandwich I use creamy peanut butter and then put peanuts on it. It has a fresh taste to it and doesn’t have that chewy feeling like chunky peanut butter does.
  5. I can make homemade caramel and butterscotch sauce. And vanilla wafers too.
  6. I make homemade pizza chips. Fresh and seasoned the way you like and taste great. Baked not fried. 🙂
  7. I write poetry that makes people think I may be suicidal but I’m not. I have to let it out or I might turn that way. So no worries when you see the crazy poetry. It’s a good thing. 🙂 Just enjoy the insanity.


My Nominees


Eclectic odds n sods

Ways of Life

Her Other Lovely Sides

ReReading Jane Eyre

Jen’s Pen Den

Mizshazz Style

Active Army Wife


Inked Roses

The Showcase

Mara Eastern

Words with a View

Sweeter than Honey

The Lit Bear

Hugh’s Views & News

There are so many others that I enjoy and find beautiful and have not listed here. I believe as I do come across you I will share this award with you. You know the reasons for this forgetful mind. Just know that many of you will be receiving this award. I love all of my Friends here in this community, and I appreciate each one of you, new and familiar.


Again, thank  you to Monika for this special award. It does make one feel lovely.


Much Appreciation to you All



2014 © Copyright-All rights






22 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award From . . . Monika Cornec.

    • Thank you. I loved the photo you had. 🙂 And I am glad you liked because you made me notice that somehow you were not showing as someone I followed. So now I am following again.


  1. Congratuations, Ronovan, on this well-deserved award and thank you for nominating me. I feel honoured and quite spoilt by your attention to my blog 🙂
    I’ve been unable to blog as much as I’d like in the past week because I’m on holiday with my daughters and grandchildren, so I’m being mum and granny for most of the day, which I’m enjoying, although I can’t wait to go back to blogging and writing!
    Hope you’re having a good summer, too!


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