Snack Attack

Snack Attack


I like Cheetos

And Doritos

But most of all

Tacos and Burritos


You take me out

To get a little bitty snack

I walk out the door

With a grocery sack


Give me ice cream

And apple pie

Either ala mode

Or two scoops on the side


Oh yeah ice cream

I like candy

A DQ Blizzard

Would be just dandy


I want some Oreos

And some Chips Ahoy

With a big glass of milk

You got a happy boy


Strawberry cheesecake

Homemade apple strudel

Fresh chocolate ganache

Too much more and  I’ll need a stomach pump removalJim Carey Plunger face



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17 thoughts on “Snack Attack

  1. Did you write this poem knowing about my chocolate and snack obsession? 🙂 Another blogger is going to give me a recipe for Oreo Cupcakes. I may well reblog it when she posts it. Or should I keep it to myself? I’m Oreo crazy at the moment. So glad they made it to the UK.


  2. […] Waiting until you have almost 700 articles published is a bit late in the game to be taking another stab at organization but it is a must. I’m going to try but it will be slow going. I advise you to do it now. Do it a little at a time if you need to. But get it done so people can visit and check out more of what you have to offer. Just imagine people don’t even know about my poem ‘Snack Attack‘. […]


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