The Beast or The Bean

poetry I had some menacing words this week but I thought about it and decided, yes they are menacing. At what could be more menacing than this? For those who may be looking at the Dead Things Taste Good on the fridge? That means all foods. Not just meat. Someone said vegans might get offended. I actually considered that before I wrote those words. I thought it out. I don’t believe we eat anything that is alive. At least I hope I don’t. coffee haiku cartoon

A Beast Among Us

Until sated by the bean

Our day is unsafe.


Ron-LWI - BW


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8 thoughts on “The Beast or The Bean

  1. so true! I’ve often thought this, that every plant was at one time a living thing. But, I get that, theoretically, plants don’t have feelings… or do they? 😉 anyone ever asked one? I sing to my garden. Shh.

    Liked by 1 person

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