RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge Review 51

First, you can still submit your entry to the challenge and have it added to the Review.

Today the reviews do not have any comments. I’m testing the different format to see how it goes. It was easier somewhat but still took four efforts to complete. But I see that as a blessing for what this challenge has become.

As for the image below. Now you know what was inside of the wrapped up almost flower bud looking image last week.

Heart Butterfly image for Haiku challenge

Week #51 Haiku Challenge Review of the Words Future & Give.

Be aware all links and images if clicked will open in a new window. Links are in blue and usually underlined. I believe they look cleaner and nicer this way rather than having a URL showing on the page.

New This Week

Aimer Boyz of AimerBoyz: “I like dessert better than real food. I like fiction and happy endings and ice cream. I have no interest in sports, none. To me, Super Bowl Sunday means an empty shopping mall, yeah! I always meant to learn how to sail, and fly a plane, anaimer boyz fireworksd dance the waltz properly but nope, never happened. All cars should be convertibles and groceries should buy themselves!”~From the About Page. The Haiku: To Be Me. Aimer is also an author with the first book being GoodReads M/M Romance Member’s Choice Award  Nominee 2014 Best Book Debut for Fireworks. Our very own Hugh Roberts gave it a 5 Star review. You can read his review on Lit World Interviews where he is a Team Member by clicking here.

Suzanne Miller of Art and Life: “I’m an artist and a writer with a background in living on a shoestring and making do. Expressing myself creatively brings me great joy and I love to share my work with the world. “~From her Gravatar Page. The Haiku: Give and Take. A great beginning to her time with us here in the Haikumily that is this challenge family. (Really love the url address for this one. Very cool.)

Johnoii of johnorzehowski: The Haiku: What Future. He created the blog to participate in the Haiku Challenge. Make sure to go and welcome him. And I bet we’ll see a lot of other things as well. 🙂


First to Enter this Week:

Juliet of Battered Wife Seeking Better Life: The Unknown. @BWseekingBL

Angie Lin of Muddied Thoughts: No Cake for You. MUST READ

Annette Rochelle Aben: Annette First, she’s a published author, and you can visit her Amazon Author page here. One of those books has included as one of the 25 Global Voices of Social Media. She has numerous shows through The Magic Happens radio network, there is The Magic Happens Radio, then Tell Me A Story which is a weekly program. That link will take you to my interview with her. Then she has a daily show as well, PerspectivepowerAnd remember her being a writer for the online magazine The Magic Happens-Humanity Thriving Out Loud. Check out her inclusion in the new just realeased anthology; Indies Unlimited’s 2014 Flash Fiction Anthology here.

Judy of Edwina’s Episodes: She’s a Mind Reader!.

TJ Paris of La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin: Brittany Coast.

Greg of Potholes in the Road of Life: Give Up. @greg_wolford 

Mary Jane Brodeck of MJ’s Marvelous Book Blog: View of LoveShe’s a serious Book Blogger for all you Authors out there so make sure to check out her reviews here in case she might be someone you are interested in.

Steven Walsky of Simplicity Lane: Notes on a summer dayCheck out and get Simplicity Lane free, go here for where you can get it.  Through a Stranger’s Eyes here and Résumé for Love for free here.

Mira of They, You And Me and To Wear a Rainbow blogs: Unforeseen. And Endless Love@BediMona

Olga of Stuff and what if…Alterations.

Melissa Barker-Simpson of Melissa Barker-Simpson (Author): Sacrifice. Melissa is an author of numerous books so make sure to visit her Author Page on Amazon here.

Ritu of But I Smile Anyway…:  To Our Son On His Birthday.

Wendy Anne Darling of Silver Lightning: Start Now. Remember Wendy is one of our Authors. Get Silver Lightning Volume One at Amazon by clicking here. And for you authors needing someone to do Audio Books, she has several out now. See the titles here.

Serins of Serins Sphere: The Spice of Life. @SerinsSphere

Clarence Holm of PrairieChat: Springtime Blossoms.

Sandra of Wild Daffodil: Letters. Combined with the photo challenge hosted on Blue Daisyz. She also has an Etsy Shop here.

jazzytower of Thoughts and Entanglements: Peace.

Florence of Meanings and Musings: Out with the Old, In with the New. Florence is also a member of the Lit World Interviews Team. Read her posts here. @FTThum

Nato of Chasing Life and Finding Dreams: Building Love. Visit Michelle Lunato Photography as well. @MichelleLunato

Jennifer of The Secret Keeper: Wait For It and Waiting For Beckett.

Shida Tahirah of 876LoveR: A Chance To Laugh.

Al of Al the Author: Political and Pastoral and Personal.

Sue Vincent from Daily Echo: Bridal. Sue is one of our resident authors with a LOT of books on Amazon. Click here to check them out. @SCVincent  But Check out her NEW BOOK. Available in Paperback and for Kindle.

Alka Girdhar of Magnanimous WordHands Up!!. MUST READ THE STORY @girally

Dr. KO of KO Rural Mad As Hell Blog: Future loss.

Swatiu of imgrowing: Clean Slate.

Claudette of to search and to find happiness in every day: Recycle.

Vashti Quiroz-Vega: Killer of Bees. Get Vashti’s current book, The Basement on Amazon by clicking here.

Becky G of Becky G? Oh, That’s Me!: Firm Hope.

Skybright1 of from heart to head: Sweet Dreams. Glad Claudette did her Haiku as a reminder. 🙂

Marjorie of Kyrosmagica: A baby girl and Cherish Every Day. MUST READ

Prakash of It’s PH The Present. @itsPhTweet

Rachael Ritchey of Writing Rachael Ritchey: Blind Love.  Remember to check out her book The Beauty Thief is available on Amazon with great reviews.

Meredith and Martha The Poetic Angels of Meredith’s Musings: Four Haiku, two from each as usual but in one post this week. Blessings and Gift of Life by Merdith & Betterment and The Future by Martha. MUST READS

Colleen of Silver Threading: An Ode to Novel Writing. @ColleenChesebro  Also remember to drop by the LWI site and read Colleen’s Book Reviews and Interviews with Indie Authors. She is excellent. Click here to see everything she’s written.

Jane Dougherty of Jane Dougherty Writes: A Gift and Rose Hips. She is a published author after all. And I have interviewed her and reviewed one of her books. Visit her Amazon Author page for her books by clicking here. You can read my interview with her and her co-author here which has a link to my review.

Khor Hui Min of Project Prose:  Willingly?  @MinKhor

Canaf of Faithful Devotionals: The Future.




Clarence Holm of PrairieChat: Springtime Blossoms.

ronovan writes humor haiku badge

Angie Lin of Muddied Thoughts: No Cake for You.


And the Closing Haiku:

I give all of me,

To you, willingly I do,

Devote my future.

Much Love, Much Success, and Much Respect,


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8 thoughts on “RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge Review 51

  1. Thanks for adding my haiku to your review, Ronovan. It’s a interesting challenge; two little words can bring up surprising feelings.
    Smiling here because I think of myself as an amateur and your Haiku Weekly Review made me look so professional. Thanks. 🙂


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