RonovanWrites 78th #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Review

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Humor and comments are lean this week. Difficult time focusing. Don’t you hate being human sometimes? If you have a Twitter and don’t see your Twitter Handle below, let me know so I can add it. Some sites do not have their handle showing in their Twitter share option on their posts. I have to put in the handle from knowing they have one when I share the post on Twitter. How to get your Twitter Handle to show when people Share your blog articles.

If you do not see your Haiku listed below, make certain the ping back or your comment with the link is in the comments of the Challenge Post. This year I won’t be checking for those who may have missed notifying the Challenge Post, in some way, of participation. Unfortunately it takes way too long to complete the review in that manner. My apologies if that offends anyone.

Thank you for so many checking their ping backs.

For Author’s with no comments, the links go to the last Haiku they had in the Challenge. As long as they’ve participated multiple times, whatever that number means to me, I leave them here as a way to help spread the word of their work. They are also in alphabetical order if they entered this week.

Haiku Challenge Review 78




New Offenders!

NEW! Andre Jayaprana: Great Sphinx | andrejayaprana. An interesting Haiku and image. A MUST READ & VISIT. It sent me to the search engines to seek out some of the meanings in the Haiku. Y’all know I love doing things like that and learning. “lifelong learner, lifelong journey”

NEW! 1000hoursleft (Mek): Watering Hole | Work In Progress. Three NATURE Haiku, with a slightly different take on the same theme. “10000hoursleft* is a writer based in Central Victoria, Australia. Her intention in creating this blog (aside from the many hours of procrastination it offered in setting up) was to have a home for practicing the craft of writing. You can read her writer’s manifesto here.”

NEW! OBA: Sunshine kissing Sand | The king’s oracle.  OOOOO, went to the search engines for one reference in this Haiku. Love me some learning. “Hello World, I am OBA and where the word of the king is there is power. My blog is called the king’soracle . I am a wife and mother to two great boys. I am addicted to Jesus. I used to wear a hooded T-shirt  with that slogan written all over it, in my teenage years. I am an Indie christian recording artiste with the mandate … click to read more.” @obapathway

NEW! Crow: Poem 20160105 | Caw!. An interesting perspective of things. I oddly take a meaning for myself from this, that I am certain is not meant, but that’s what it’s all about, right? I’m a guy who writes. I write. I write fiction. I write poetry. I show the poetry here. I have not published the fiction. I also program (for a living, but not independently). I live in Southern California, where I have lived my entire life. I sometimes think I would like to live in Hawaii. I have, however, never been there. And if I lived there, I would have to constantly try to remember how to spell Hawaii without looking like I was trying to remember it…click to read more.” @Crow

Swan Mothers by Natalia ErehnahNEW! Natalia Erehnah (Author): Here Comes the Sun | Weaving Gold. An interesting thought with that last line. “I am an evolving hueman, transformed mother, novice (indoor, so far) rock climber, ardent reader, and a writer exploring ancient, controvertible  history and past lives…I live in Southeast Michigan and am in search of a spiritually-leaning writers’ circle…click to read a great deal more, informative stuff.” Interesting site. Obviously Natalia is an Author, and you can check out her Book, Swan Mothers, on her site synopsis as well as at her Amazon page at the author link in red above. 21 out of 25 reviews are 5 STAR reviews. #Motherhood, #SpecialNeeds, and #Parenting. @swanmothers

NEW! Suzanne Miller: Getting clear | Art and Life. A true cleansing post. Sharing a lot to let go of a lot. You know, I’ve seen her blog so much that I would swear she’s been in the challenge before, but if so, you’re meeting her again. “I’m an artist and a writer with a background in living on a shoestring and making do. Expressing myself creatively brings me great joy and I love to share my work with the world.”

First to Offend this Week!

Florence: Free Your Mind | Meanings And Musings. I went a bit crazy with the video I posted on the reblog, but if you’ve read her Haiku, you just might get why I thought of that song title. @FTThum

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A Haiku Perspective 2015 by Annette Rochelle AbenAnnette Rochelle Aben (Best Selling Author, Radio Show Host): Snapshots. | Annette Rochelle Aben. A different look at approaching a subject or problem.  Check out Annette’s books at the Author link above and her Radio Show at the Host link. @YouAreTheExpert

black-swanMarigold Deidre Dicer (Author): Caution! Danger Ahead! | Versus Blurb. An outlook on the New Year. Check out her book at the Author link above. One I keep trying to find the time to read. Grrrr. @MarigoldDicer

The Dark Citadel by Jane DoughertyJane Dougherty (Author): Open Spaces | Jane Dougherty Writes. Three offerings this week. Two of NATURE and one more of the LIFE type. Check out Jane’s books on Amazon at the Author link above. @MJDougherty33

The Dragon Tempest by D.B. Mauldin and others.D.B. Mauldin (Author): Seeing Things | mama bear musings. Having a little fun with the title this time. It’s a play with words in her Haiku. Check out the Author link for offerings on Amazon and click HERE for the About page links to other online distribution such as Smashwords.

Room in Hell: Book 5 by Greg PierceNagrij or (Greg Pierce). (Author): -Ocean Gif- | Nagrij Writes the Hits You Never Knew Existed.  A nice bit of imagery and peaceful as well. I think maybe that should be Ocean Gift, but not certain.  You can check out the list of books on Amazon by clicking the Author link above.

The Basement by Vashti Quiroz-VegaVashti Quiroz-Vega (Author): The Fall into Darkness | The Writer Next Door. Three Haiku this week, with one from her husband. Inspired by her novel, which you can see an image inspired by it on the Haiku page. Check out Vashti on Amazon at the Author link above and you can see her interview by clicking HERE. @VashtiQV

The-Mystical-Hexagram-Sue-VincentSue Vincent (Author): Direction | Daily Echo. . A nice blend of NATURE and LIFE. This could be either. Click the Author link for Sue at Amazon and her many books. @SCVincent

Resume for Love by Steven S. WalskySteven S. Walsky (Author): To Whisper Soft Words of Love (Haibun) | Simplicity Lane. A very elegant poem this week. Long form followed by Haiku. Very Nice. A MUST READ.  Click the Author link above to go to Steven’s blog where you will find all the available places for each book. He’s varied.

Dilemma by Baheya Zeitoun. Baheya Zeitoun (Author): Blue Hues | An Artist At Heart. We got a NATURE one here for sure. Love that image. Makes me want to get up and go.

Silver Lightning by Wendy Anne DarlingWendy Anne Darling (Author): | Wendy Anne DarlingCheck out Wendy’s book Silver Lightning on Amazon at the Author link above.

Mankind Limited by Scott BaileyScott Bailey (AUTHOR): | thehouseofbailey.As you may notice Scott is an Author, by clicking HERE or the AUTHOR link above you may visit his UK Amazon author page. Click the IMAGE for 

After the Ruin by Harriet GoodchildH. M. Goodchild (Author): | Folksong and Fantasy. . H. M. Goodchild is found on Amazon as Harriet Goodchild, yes, we have another author joining us. Click the Author link above to go to her Amazon Author page. 

Spiritshine by Janni StylesJanni Styles (Author): | JanniStyles1. . Check her author page and books out on Smashwords by clicking the Author link above. One is a “wee collection of verse” and one is a collection of short stories and BOTH are FREE for now! 

Christine Randall: | Christine R (Trying to keep the brain cells alive.) . Also visit her Author site, CJRANDALL.COM.

Bleeding Heart by Elizabeth RawlsE. Rawls (Author): | Rawls E. Fantasy. .  Check out Bleeding Hearts, a collection of short stories, poems, and riddles, at Elizabeth’s Author page on Amazon by clicking the Author link above.  @VChronicles_
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Lizl: Overwhelming Beauty | Quilted Poetry. So this one might throw some people. I put it here because I see the technological disaster in it.


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Alice: Age | Boomerang Zone. Two pieces of life advice here. Good luck with it. @Vidocq_CC

Ared (anghulinghugotero): A Haiku for My Heart | ANGHULINGHUGOTERO. Getting some romance on.

Hugh Roberts: Hey, Mister DJ! | Hugh’s Views and News. Get ready to pump up the volume…DANCE DANCE. @RobertHughes05

Dancing Hugh Roberts

Clarence: Oligarchy | PrarieChat. Clarence to the Dark Side of the…no not THAT dark side.

Mira: vastitude | They, You and Me. Seriously big words this week. @BediMona

Kat: Vastly Clear | like mercury colliding. Very nice Haiku and great image to go with it. MUST READ

Oneta Hayes: Drunk Driving | Sweet aroma. Makes a point with a touch of levity in the matter-of-fact presentation.

Greg: My Weary Soul | Potholes in the Road of Life. Had to scratch my head a moment with this one. Not so much with the message of the Haiku, but the word find. @greg_wolford

Ritu: Empty Headed | But I Smile Anyway. Okay, so I sort of had fun with the title of this one. You’ll find out why it fits when you visit. @PhantomGiggler

Carolyn Injoy: Clouded Thoughts | Reviews & Recommendations. Another that could go NATURE in one sentence then LIFE in the next, but overall I decided on life.

Sandra: Game | Wild Daffodil. A peek inside the LIFE of Daffilicious..

Colleen Chesebro: Silver Surfer | SilverThreading. There are several reasons I gave this one the title I did. At least one sill be obvious to each person. For some both reasons might. Good luck with that. @ColleenChesebro

JustMaria: No Distance | Doodles and Scribbles. I like how the image with this one can look to be different proportions. Nice choice to go with the Haiku. @ciisalveni

Kim M. Russell: Canopy | Writing in North Norfolk. A canopy of scope in this Haiku.

Al: Al’s Positive Haiku  | A Certain Point of View. The title says it all. Of course then he throw’s that image up and now I’m depressed, stuck in the cold and in the middle of a state, nowhere near an ocean. Hrmph! @AlistairLane

Meredith & Martha: Monarch Butterflies by Meredith and The Dawning/Capacity by Martha | Meredith’s Musings. Great Haiku as always. Loved seeing pictures of the home and family. It’s always nice to see peeks into the lives of the community members. @Meredithlbl

Elusive: Quantum | Elusive Trope. I may have to come up with a new CATEGORY for this guy … and a few others. Something like PHILOSOPHICAL.

Pancake Bunnykins: Somewhere In My Past | A Real Messy Beautiful Twisted Sunshine.  Love is in the … um … air? Well that is where mine would be considering what this Haiku is about. For those who know me well enough, they’ll know what I mean. I being funny man.

Olga:  Clarity | Stuff and what if. A lot of people are getting this thought from the prompt. I did as well. It’s a nice thought to have.

TJ Paris: Childhood Treasures |La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin. I love how our friend TJ combined two challenges for this one. For one reason, we get to have another photograph from him. I greatly enjoy his Haiku but his photography is always my favorite part. There is a story behind each one. @Roccoco_a_GoGo

Sarina River of Dreams | Shining Seeds Billy Joel inspired.  @shiningseeds

Wesley Hollifield: Infinite | NearlyWes. I think another Freku from Wes this time. Freku isn’t a strict form as much as an idea of sharing. Thus you have a long from poem followed by a Haiku.

Jen (JK): Infinite Consciousness | The Secret Keeper. I so dislike having to type the word consciousness. Ever since the movie As Good As It Gets came out, I’ve had a problem spelling it.  @occultguardian

Melissa: Equally Unique & Special | The Aran Artisan. The Aran Island Girl gets a bit starchy this will. Will she end up mashed or baked? Maybe we’ll find out soon. Melissa and one of our other Haikumily members, Sandra the Daffy one, helped compile this years list of ‘photo word of the week‘ challenge. You have the words ahead of time and can plan ahead and have weeks of blog posts ready and set to go. She and Daffy like to combine the photo and the Haiku challenges into one. That spreads the post around to people with different interests. @TheAranArtisan

Janice: Breath of Fresh Air | Ontheland. A thought about the New Year. @ontheland1

Denis: Thinking | Haiku hound. Three Haiku with photography nailing the imagery in each one.

Dr. Kottaway: Open Your Broken Heart | KO Rural Mad As Hell Blog. A personal bit of poetry this week. And some good advice.

Janice: Vast Opportunities | Ontheland. Making a list and deleting it twice, makes Janice’s life all clean and nice. @ontheland1

Marjorie Mallon: Nothing New, Kills Me | KYROSMAGICA. She’s so melodramatic. Drama QUEEN alert! Read the post and you’ll get what I’m saying. All in fun. @Marjorie_Mallon

Ronovan: Tea Cups | Ronovan Writes. My offering this week. @RonovanWrites
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TJ Paris: Still Forest |La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin. Do I really need to tell you want this one is about? @Roccoco_a_GoGo

Judy: I Can See Clearly Now … Maybe … Somedays. | Edwina’s Episodes. An interesting fact provided through Haiku. @EdwinasEpisodes

Mira: after the clouds | To Wear a Rainbow. The first line could be about seeing life after a dark circumstance. As a whole, though, I decided to place this in NATURE because this could apply to all forms of breathing life. @BediMona

jazzytower (PR): Desert Waves | Thoughts and Entanglements. An excellent imagery filled Haiku. Opposites in the same description. Now that’s cool.

Teresa Smeigh: Escape | Always A Writer. NATURE far above this week. @TeresaSmeigh

Patricia: Breach | A season and a time. We had these problems where I live this past week, I think it was. Whenever all that heavy rain was coming through. Time seems to flow as quickly as the waters.

Janice: Vast Infinity | Ontheland. I think there is a lot of open space to play with in this one. @ontheland1

Ken G.: In the Pulse of a Star | RIVRVLOGR. I chose NATURE for this one, although there is a touch of human aspect to it. Also my creative mind is seeing way more in that image than it is supposed to.

R. Todd: Clear Night Sky … | A Flash of Fiction. Why is this one making me think Close Encounters of the Third Kind? @psibrone

Janice: Winter Horizon | Ontheland. Cleansing thoughts brought about by blanketed moments.  @ontheland1

Ruby Manchada: Humbled | Whispering Thoughts. Very good imagery with this one.

Janice: Boundless Flight | Ontheland. Always nice to discover your purpose in life.  @ontheland1

Willow: Vista | Willowdot21. I think this one would qualify as a NATURE Haiku.

Becky G:  Sundog | Becky G? Oh, That’s Me! A what? Ah, a quick search and now I know.

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Ronovan Hester is an author, with his debut historical adventure novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out in February 14, 2016. He shares his life through his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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21 thoughts on “RonovanWrites 78th #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Review

  1. Ron, I love seeing the challenge grow and grow (due to your magnetic personality and lovable persona 🙂 ) but understand it is a massive amount of work to maintain. I admire how much you accomplish while also taking the time to attend to your own needs. I honestly don’t know how you do it all.
    An all together brilliant review as always and thanks again for the twitter shout out and for mention of Sandra’s, aka Daffy, and my photo challenge list. Hoping your focus returns sooner than later. Hugs, Melissa Xx

    Liked by 4 people

  2. AND thank you for the support for the Cover Wars. I am looking forward to the others who enter this weekly contest… be sure to let me know so I can VOTE!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just realised when checking your review that I had forgotten to include my contribution “Man and sun conspired” as a comment in your prompt. It would seem that my pingback is still not working despite my best efforts.
    Your prompts and reviews are always great because they allow me to orient my poetry (which I don’t usually do) and discover so many fantastic poets and writers.
    I’m also writing a story about the baobab tree, I found the image very inspirational 🙂
    Have a great week ahead.


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