1 Key to Help People Find Your Blog.

I visit blogs.

I read comments.

In those comments I will find someone I am interested in checking their blog out. They may have made a great comment, or maybe I was doing a guest blog and they commented on my post. Maybe they just looked way out and interesting. You know the type I mean. The kind you just have to discover more about.

So what do you do?

You click their name or picture.

You end up nowhere. End of attempts. I actually do some extra work at times, but most of the time, that’s it. Click. Click. Boom. Game over.

Why is it game over?

I end up at the Gravatar.com site with their lovely image and there are no links to their blogs or social media. There is no way to find their blog.

Over the time I’ve been blogging, I have literally clicked on hundreds of people and ended up not finding a blog. All because a few clicks were not made.

When I sign into Gravatar.com and click My Profile at the top, I get a list of links on the right of things I can do.

One of those things is called ‘Websites’.

Once there I can click on the icon that’s labeled ‘Add Website’ or the one labeled ‘Add WordPress.com Site’ and simply add the URL and Title I want to appear. Once I click ‘Save’ people can then find me.

Right now, I have my three WordPress sites on there, my Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon Author Page. I did have a couple more, but I wanted the focus to be on those for now. Click HERE to see my Gravatar profile.

All very easy and in a simple place at the click of a picture.

For those who have a name different from their website title, which would be most people, this is the easiest way to make certain you are found. Not everyone can have a name like Ronovan. It does make for an easy to remember blog presence. I still have a secret disdain for the one who came up with it. Okay, maybe not so secret, but it’s starting to come in handy these days.


Please, do me a favor, want you? Add your website to your Gravatar.com. I would love to visit you.

Link your site to Gravatar.com Comic Image


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 © Copyright-All rights reserved by ronovanwrites.wordpress.com 2016

47 thoughts on “1 Key to Help People Find Your Blog.

  1. This was fabulous and something I never really thought about. I just went onto Gravatar, followed your instructions, and added my Amazon, Goodreads, and FB pages. Turns out my website and blog were already on there- I don’t even remember adding them! Thanks for a great, oh-so-helpful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Also it helps if the information is current. I have seen some folks who are posting comments but the link goes to a blog they are not using anymore. If you have moved on and created a different blog then your current site should be linked to your Gravatar.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I always wondered about that, that no one could get to my page, only to the gravatar, and that’s it. Thank you so much for letting us know. I followed your advise and put now all my links in. Goodreads, twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, amazon author page,
    Well, I hope I have done it right. I am not very well with thinks like that to do, but if you can find the pages, please let me know. thank you so much.
    And yes, I will re-blog it to all these sites as well.
    Thank you so much again. wonderful advise.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Your Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter are coming up errors. Those you will want to do again, and just make sure in the URL spots only what you copy and paste is in there, as there are already some letters defaulted in. Also give it the title like you did. I had the same problem when I first put my Author page in there. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There’s always something to miss.

    Thanks for this public service announcement. I need to take your advice.



  5. Yes, indeed. I’ve had the same thing with people who sometimes follow my blog but I can’t find theirs anywhere. Or ther post don’t seem to be connected to any other accounts


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