Judy E. Martin, An Author to Know.

Judy Martin at the Laptop!I am thrilled to be here on Ron’s blog to tell you a little about my new book. Firstly, for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Judy and I am the blogger behind Edwina’s Episodes. I have only been blogging for just over a year now, but what a year it has been!

Now to back up a bit, I first encountered Ron’s blog through another blogging friend Hugh, who recommended I visit Ron’s blog as it had loads of hints and tips for bloggers, and also he organised this amazing weekly haiku challenge. Now, I didn’t have a clue what a haiku was, but I am always up for a challenge and I loved the ones Hugh submitted, so I popped on over to Ron’s to check it all out.

Well, that was it, once I got my head around the rules (ok I know I break them sometimes), I had a go, and then the inevitable happened and I was hooked on them! Since that first time, I have never missed a week, and in fact, I love it! On a Monday when I get home from work I love, seeing what prompt words he has Judy Martin Authorthought up to torment us with! I don’t know how he finds the time what with helping others improve their own writing, and having just finished writing his own book too! (Book plus not solicited but appreciated!-Ronovan)

As I said, I love a challenge and about two months after I started blogging I took part in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) which is where, throughout the month of November, those taking part should make sure they write at least one post a day. I completed the challenge, and that set the tone really for me being a prolific poster!

Now, I love mucking around with words, manipulating them and especially making them rhyme. I have done since I was very young, so now and again I would write a poem about whatever took my fancy (I even did an Ode to NaBloPoMo)! I always try to inject a little humour in my poems; having a moan about housework, or bewailing the fact that I don’t have any vices left to give up. I even wrote my own version of Twas the Night before Christmas.’

My blog and my poems are about life in all its glory, warts and all. We all have those rubbish days, events that we want to celebrate, family that mean the world to us, or just times of appreciating the beauty of nature that is all around us: I have a rhyme for each occasion!Rhymes of the Times by Judy E. Martin

I felt it was something others could relate to and enjoy as well, so decided to go ahead and put them all into a book. Chris* designed a fantastic cover for me, vibrant and fun, capturing the tone of my book perfectly.

Why not go and check my book out. It is a wonderful opportunity to take time out, get comfy, have a cuppa and some cake, and really indulge yourself! You never know, you might even have a good old laugh too!

Links to my book:

Rhymes of the Times by Judy E. MartinAmazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CLXLPMU?*Version*=1&*entries*=0

CreateSpace https://www.createspace.com/6102512

Thanks so much for having me over, Ron, and I look forward to the next haiku challenge!

You can find Judy online at the following sites, which will lead you everywhere else:
EdwinasEpisodes, her personal blog.
@EdwinasEpisodes on Twitter.

*Chris Graham The Story Reading Ape Blog-Every Author’s Best Friend.

This has been an Edwina’s Episodes Production brought to you by Ronovan Writes, the maker of dreams and nightmares.

24 thoughts on “Judy E. Martin, An Author to Know.

  1. A star is born in the writing world and she’s already shining very brightly.

    I like stars
    Red stars, white stars, blue stars
    I like stars that shine right in my eyes
    I like stars

    Congratulations, Judy, and thank you for the mention. Ron still owes me that beer. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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