Ronovan Writes’ Week #101 Haiku Review with Links.

Click the underlined, blue links to visit the haiku of each poet. All poets, please remember to visit the prompt throughout the week so you can visit those who enter later than you do. We all need each others support. You are missing some great haiku.

Ronovan Writes Haiku Review

Annette of Annette Rochelle Aben with a message many need to hear these days, and the days to come, titled Winds of Change.

Sandra “The Wild One” Daffodil with Native, do a twist on the prompt and winding up with a unique idea.

Ruth of Image & Word came up with Deadlock about a alternative to the present to get to the future.

FLOrida Borne of Two On A Rant. Okay so it’s really Floridaborne but I like calling her Flo and pronounce Borne as Bornay yes, I like being weird. She gives us How a Writing Frenzy Feels, with an original photograph that taken during extreme winds.

Jane of Jane Dougherty Writes, yes the author, gives us the Trifecta this week.

Xenia of Whippet Wisdom, yay another dog with blog who lets its owner post sometimes! Fresh Winds Whisper Peace and I believe it with a photo of dogs on a beach. Can’t beat that. Pulling out the puppy card always gets attention.

Srivi, The Piscean me, has Messy Hair! this week. And I do mean messy.

Nato of Chasing Life and Finding Dreams ended up being Always with me this week. I love how she keeps me in her thoughts long after I’m gone. (Sigh.)

Alice the Boomerang Zone queen speaks straight from the headlines of the week with Orlando Massacre. Need I say more?

Judy, the published poetess of Edwina’s Episodes pipes in with Flying Forth. Yes, it’s a weird title for it but I made it up. That happens if  you don’t name ’em. 😛

Bill gives us Renewal. Not sure if I like the haiku or the description of what he was doing at the time of thinking of it better.

Ken from RIVRVLOGR came up with Fresh Wind. OOOoOOOooO all deep and romantical.

Mira who sometimes can be found To Wear A Rainbow wrote for us this week my lover… Another romantical one.

Ritu over at But I Smile Anyway apparently is sending a message that Wind seems to be Awakening her Hayfever. Don’t wonder about it, just click and read.

Willow of Willowdot21 says too much to be said in one title. Three haiku with some nice images to match.

Leara of LearaWrites enters the fray with Dragonfly At Dawn. Wouldn’t that make a great book title?

Clarence speaking through his PrairieChat gives us his Summer Dreams.

Marie from The Syllabub Sea and Fresh wind. And more romantics going on.

Colleen the Silver Threading Fairy Whisperer wrote Summer Awaits. Considering where she lives, the weather can’t make up its mind what it wants to do.

Mira on her They, You and Me blog with first rain going all nature on us.

TJParis gives us Prayers in the Wind on his la vie est trop courte  boire du mauvais vin blog. Um, you need to go and read the photo description for this one.

Jacqueline of A Cooking Pot and TwistedTales wrote Wind of life this week. Three tales with the same twisted theme.

Debra on her author blog D.B. Mauldin came up with a fantasy of fiction I wish were true. Oh the agony a Windward Dreams.

Shida the 876LoveR likes to frolic in the Summertime.

Janice, nature’s best friend over on Ontheland, wrote four haiku with the title of Fresh Winds.

Oneta of Sweet Aroma wrote Evening’s Peace. Man, I need this to happen. The big boy is dragging as he writes this. Been on the go the last couple of days. Summertime for me means less rest, more fatigue, and being cook and entertainment coordinator for my 11/12 year old son, B. Okay, so he entertains himself mostly but I hate him sitting alone so I stay with him and we do stuff.

OBA of The king’soracle gives us I broke the old cycle!

Maria at Doodles and Scribbles wrote Ildio, a haiku of inspiration and peace.

Melissa The Aran Artisan gives a cultural lesson with Native sean nós singing on Inise  Mor.

Lizi of Quilted Poetry and Springtime Songs, a nice take on the word wind.

Tolulope from Ruby’s Polaroid wrote Ocean Dreams. Just the name is good enough to be great and I haven’t even read the haiku at this point.

Denis visits from Haiku Hound. Charlie appeared to be enjoying the day more than Denis in this photo of their Windy Memory.

Khor from Project Prose wrote New beginnings, an inspiration for those needing a lift to their lives.

Clarence visits one more time from PrairieChat with Bellicose Boasts. So that’s why we get all those storms in the South that time of year. Hmm.

Scott writes Scents over on TheHouseOfBailey. Yeah, she let him out again. I like the two sentences here. One of somewhat peace if you think of it that way, and the other one instilling a bit of fear.

Tricia of A Creative State of Mind gives us Summer Song. Now, I have to say, some of these things in the image can drive me insane, but those made by a true musical ear can be very nice.

Sri of Naa Prapancham,My World… wrote Afresh. I like how so many people went with fresh outlooks on life. A very positive week.

Dependable R. Todd from A Flash of Fiction showed up with The Promise, with something that should bring some memories of you to many of us. It even gave me a little flash. Which if you know me, you know a flash of memory is a good thing to have. Thanks, dude.

Greg of Nagrij Writes the Hits You Never Knew Existed (Yes, that is the name of his blog.) gives us Oil Spill. So there went the positive outlook on life. 😀 Very descriptive in so few words. Worth the visit and read.

Vashti and The Writer Next Door. The writer that lives next me doesn’t look anything like Vashti. Thank goodness, or I would never end up writing. Anyway, this author writes What If Mother Nature Wanted A Fresh Start?

Florence from Meanings and Musings writes Climax. She has a refreshed view of life after a trip of destiny.


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17 thoughts on “Ronovan Writes’ Week #101 Haiku Review with Links.

  1. My 8 year old granddaughter asked me what your prompts were this week and wrote this poem:

    fresh wind
    fresh wind
    blows in my face

    fresh wind
    fresh wind
    sometimes in disgrace

    fresh wind
    fresh wind
    makes a lovely sound

    fresh wind
    fresh wind
    blows sand around

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Glad to see you’re back in the saddle, Ronovan 🙂 You are one of the many people I’m no longer getting notifications from. No idea why. The link in my thingy doesn’t work btw. I’m wondering what a trifecta is. It’s a word I don’t know.


  3. Ron, you are such an amusing and entertaining person––I wish we did live next door. I love hanging out with people like you and I love your reviews. I know it’s a lot of work on top of all the other things you do, so I truly appreciate you taking the time. 😀 xx

    Liked by 2 people

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