A new year, a new plan.

Well, it’s a new year. Time to dust off the blog and see what I can do. I’ve been absent for the most part for this past year. Time to explain myself.

It took me several months to figure out what my problem has been in the lack of writing. I haven’t written anything over the past year other than a handful of posts and a short story that was published in an anthology. The problem? Lethargy. The cause?

As some of you know I have fibromyalgia or what is more commonly known as chronic pain along with chronic fatigue. I don’t know from one minute to the next what’s going to happen. Well, my medications were increased a while back and increased again. It turns out those medications cause something called lethargy. I call it energy killer.

I have all these ides but as soon as I start to go and put them into words I feel exhausted. This year I’m going to get my old habits back and write, write, and write some more. Sounds like a good idea, but then there is the how of doing it. My first thing is to participate in my haiku challenge each week. Who can’t come up with three lines of poetry, right?

Second, I’ll be plotting a six book series of YA Fantasy/Realism.

Third, I’ll work on two books of YA I’ve already written to get them in publishing worthy state.

Fourth, I’ll start submitting that Romance novel I’ve written. I’ll take my time and not kill myself by doing the over submitting like a lot of us tend to do. Do a few a month, wait for reactions, then do some more.

Fifth, well, the fifth is a secret, but I have some writing ideas.

All of these are things I’ve been planning for a long time, but now they are out there for the world to see. Maybe that will get me to actually doing something about them.

Oh yeah, and I have to read books for reviews on the LWI site. Can’t forget that. I’m tired already.

Now if I can overcome the medications I’ll be good. Wish me luck.

36 thoughts on “A new year, a new plan.

  1. Ronovan, as a fellow fibromyalgia sufferer, who also has severe M.E and arthritis, I truly sympathise with you. A foggy, weary mind and seriously fatigued body filled with pain are not well placed to achieve all we want them to.
    Creative frustration makes life challenging when we long to give birth to our words or more actively pursue our art.
    So I applaud your drive and determination to try to press past those things.
    And I also share a strong desire to fulfil my creative dreams this year. Your weekly haiku challenge really helps me to achieve something on a weekly basis! Thank you for all you do to support fellow writers, poets and creatives. May you see some good fruit from your labours this year, and may you rest content no matter how little or large your output may be. Bless you, friend. ☺

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Right there with you bud. This is The time of year when my fibro flares up. I think the little poetry and fiction challenges have helped to keep me writing even when I don’t have an original idea in my fuzzy head. Wishing you the best in 2017!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Glad to see you in the world of the “writing,” again! I hope they get your medications under control. That can be miserable. By the way, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy is live! Mr. Hester the teacher in Abby’s class would be proud! Glad to see you back! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • ..if the soldiers ate the food meant for the masses, it simply means that the food was not much to take care of the masss. i mean, how many were the soldiers and their families? for how long could they store food they diverted if they did? one has to think about the masses in the whole entire iboland and what quantity of food that could make an impact to thier lives, and ask one question; could soldiers finish food meant for the entire iboland?


    • i gotta say it sucks.i have some issues using it with firefox. and when trying tow atch embebed videos and try to move in the timeline, it gets paused.about the design; i totally prefer the older one.gosh, i've never seen so many negative opinions in my entire life.


  4. All the best with your plans Ronovan. Having Fibromyalgia myself, I quite understand that the struggle is real. There are days that all I know is pain and can barely manage to keep calm. Writing has been a great way to manage through on hard days.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sorry you’ve had a rough year, so it seems have MANY people particularly in my circle of friends and family. Good luck on your goals. I think I should do haiku posts too that would be fun. I used to love poetry in high school. Take care of yourself ! Here’s to more writing 🙂


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