To Know Love – a poem

the flames in your eyes

cast a shadow o’er the moon

to cage my hunger


to cage my hunger

sights are set upon my heart

to bring to light fear


to bring to light fear

look into my weakened soul

for me     to know love


for me to know love

I’ll worship     your     every     breath

till the last      sun      sets




Volume One: To Know Love – This haiku structure uses the form I’ve created and call Shi Rensa Haiku.

Volume Two: To Have LoveDécima

Volume Three: My Love AlwaysRondelet poem (Link is active at 08:00 EDT, Thursday, 08/06/2020. Also, the poem includes a How to Write a Rondelet at the bottom of the post.)


To learn more about the Shi Rensa Haiku and to use it for my weekly haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-316-Eye and Light  click HERE.

 © 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

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