Inflamed Promises by @MJDougherty33

Inflamed Promises by our first offender Jane Dougherty. @MJDougherty33

Jane Dougherty Writes

Ronovan’s challenge this week is a rich vein of fiery images.

Photo ©Ralph Zufferey

1280px-Feu_de_nuitThere are gems in fire

flame brilliants, ruby red

garnet promises.


Flame in the west dies

sun sinks as twilight stars rise

gems cast in night’s sea.


Gem on a finger

is this love’s undying flame

or just a bright rock?

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Eternal Flame of Hypocrisy

Eternal Flame of Hypocrisy

by: Ronovan

You think it’s okay to be a speaker

Talking like life is a way to tranquility

You sit in a bubble like a dying gold fishPM Images

Submerged in a self produced lake of . . . hypocrisy


You wallow in your own

You taste what you’ve created

Does it make you as ill as those you’ve fed

That’s right, I’m talking about all the garbage that you’ve said


You cheat and speak incomplete

You have people following desperate for knowledge

Hurt minded hearts who done flunked out of life college

Here it is, now I speak plain, when comes the end . . . you’ll be an eternal flame . . .  in Hell.


Just sayin’.


Peace and Love to the Lost


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