#100WordWisdom Haters Gonna Hate.

Haters are going to hate no matter what, sometimes they just spin their tales in an attempt to make you look bad. I found that out recently. As I fumed for a few minutes I slowly let it go, made sure their attempts were futile and carried on with my positively motivational positive day.

Not every day will be pain free of pain in the necks showing up. Having lived with it for so long I know to deal with it and move on. I had to deal with it quickly because of my son. We’re having a good day.

Much Love, Success, and Respect


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Eternal Flame of Hypocrisy

Eternal Flame of Hypocrisy

by: Ronovan

You think it’s okay to be a speaker

Talking like life is a way to tranquility

You sit in a bubble like a dying gold fishPM Images

Submerged in a self produced lake of . . . hypocrisy


You wallow in your own

You taste what you’ve created

Does it make you as ill as those you’ve fed

That’s right, I’m talking about all the garbage that you’ve said


You cheat and speak incomplete

You have people following desperate for knowledge

Hurt minded hearts who done flunked out of life college

Here it is, now I speak plain, when comes the end . . . you’ll be an eternal flame . . .  in Hell.


Just sayin’.


Peace and Love to the Lost


© Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites©.wordpress.com-June 25, 2014.