Female Feature Friday: Featured Female Blogger Blog Site-Jen’s Pen Den

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Female Feature Friday



Today I want to introduce the first Female Blogger Blog Site Feature.


There are many sites out there that I enjoy for various reasons. And some of those have been included in interviews. One has not but I have a commitment for one and will hold her to it, but as a writer not a blogger.


This lady finds and shares the best writing advice from the best there is out there. She also gives her own advice from her own experience. I admire her. I enjoy calling her  friend. She makes a smile cross my face every time I see her name because she is just such a nice and sweet lady.

Another reason I am featuring her today is that her 1 year Blogiversary was on the 12th. You need to read her article “One Year Blogiversary-How My Blog Saved Me“.

Another reason? For all of you NanoWrimo people she has great articles for that as well. Just click that link.

Everyone go and follow her blog today as soon as you read this. You will not regret the advice you will get on writing. And follow her on Twitter as well @JensPenDen.

Jenna Willett


Jens’ Pen Den

(Just so everyone knows . . . I made the gif below and I think it might actually annoy her a bit so don’t mention it. I call it the Jenna Kent to SuperWriter look. And don’t laugh, one of you is next.)


A partial from Jenna’s About Jen Page:

I write because I must. It’s not a choice or a pastime, it’s an unyielding calling and my passion.” -Elizabeth Reyes

Jenna Willett is a native of Denver, Colorado. Currently, she’s working as a Lead Copywriter for a Denver ad agency, while pursuing her ultimate dream as a traditionally published author. In 2011, she optioned one of her young adult manuscripts to Envision Media Arts, a film, television and commercial production company based at Paramount Studios. She also enjoys writing the occasional short story or flash fiction piece (Jen’s Pen).



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