RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Prompt Challenge #8

RW Weekly Haiku ChallengeBadge provided by DazzlingWhimsy.


Welcome to this weeks Haiku prompt challenge.

(Not the Wordless with Pictures. That one is out at 12:00 Noon New York Time.)

If you want to refresh yourselves on a bit of Haiku in English, although you do not have to stick to that particular style of Haiku, it’s just my particular style to use, click here.

For Tips and Guidelines refreshers click here.

This weeks two words to use in some form, meaning you can use another word that means the same thing are:


 Before you start!

I have a link that will help you out. Remember for Haiku in English the total syllables are 5 for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 for the last. This the Haiku I use. I don’t really hold people to that for this but if you want to do it in the 5/7/5 manner, the traditional way, then try that. The link I have for you is . . . Simply type in the word and find out how many syllables it has. Also for synonyms and antonyms go to

The prompts!

Rage & Flammable

Thank you to a nice young lady for the prompt this week.


Here is my example just to give you something to spark the thoughts if need be.

Selfies are the rage,

For even oldies like me,

Ego’s flammable.


Be sure to put a link to your Haiku in the comments below so we can all go check them out. I’ll comment and also choose the ones that knock me down for one reason or the other and link back to them in my Weekly Rewind telling people how great they were and why I picked them. Eventually these will turn into categories.

Much respect


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