RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge #20 Hunt and Wind

The 20th Haiku Prompt Challenge!

Badge provided by Me for this season.


For a refresher or how to write Haiku in English click here. But you can use whatever Haiku style you want to. As long as you, do a Haiku.

For Tips and Guidelines refreshers click here.

Something to keep in mind about a Haiku. Usually, it is elemental in nature, but I don’t stick to that. There are two things I do like to see and they are; 1) Haiku that can be broken into two sentences with the middle line of the three lines being the commonly used part and 2) Opposite meanings in the first and last sentences.

Before you start!

I have links that will help you out. Remember for Haiku in English the total syllables are 5 for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 for the last. I don’t really hold people to that for this but if you want to do it in the 5/7/5 manner, the traditional way, then try that. One link I have for you is . . . Simply type in the word and find out how many syllables it has. Also for synonyms and antonyms go to, I find it useful for finding a word to fit the meaning when syllables are not working out right.

This weeks two words to use in some form, meaning you can use another word that means the same thing as:

Hunt & Wind

My Example

As my life winds down,

I discover you exist,

As I hunt for life.

Much respect


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